Replication Guide and Reference
If you want to work through this scenario on your computer,
set up your system using these steps:
- Make sure that you have DB2 for Windows NT installed on your
- Make sure that your DB2 Control Center uses the default settings.
If you have explicitly changed the default settings, some of the steps
described in this scenario will not match what you see on your display.
- Create the C:\scripts directory in which you will store
the SQL files for replication.
- Use the DB2 Control Center to create a new database called COPYDB, which
you will use as the target and control server. To create the database,
right-click the Database folder and follow the instructions for
creating a new database with default options.
- Use the First Steps icon in DB2 Universal Database (or select
Start -> Programs -> DB2 for Windows NT -> First Steps) to create
the SAMPLE database. After the database is created, close the First
Steps window.
The steps in this chapter use the data in the DEPARTMENT table from the
SAMPLE database. The fully qualified name is
userID.Department; where userID is the user ID
that created the table. Table 3 shows the DEPARTMENT table.
Table 3. DEPARTMENT table
| Spiffy Computer Service
| 000010
| A00
| -
| Planning
| 000020
| A00
| -
| Information Center
| 000030
| A00
| -
| Development Center
| -
| A00
| -
| Manufacturing Systems
| 000060
| D01
| -
| Administration Systems
| 000070
| D01
| -
| Support Services
| 000050
| A00
| -
| Operations
| 000090
| E01
| -
| Software Support
| 000100
| E01
| -
For the remainder of this exercise, use the user ID with which you created
the SAMPLE and COPYDB databases. Because you created the databases, you
have the authority (DBADM or SYSADM) to perform replication tasks.
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