IBM Books

Replication Guide and Reference

Replication diagnosis resources

The following section describes resources for determining how to diagnose replication errors.

Errors encountered during replication administration

The DB2 Control Center or DJRA can encounter errors either when it is gathering information from source servers, target servers, or control servers to create the SQL statements for administration or when it is actually running the SQL to set up the replication sources and subscriptions. The primary indicators are SQL messages and SQL states that accompany the error. The SQL messages and states are issued in error message windows in the DB2 Control Center.

The IBM Replication tools are primarily relational database applications. The replication control tables are created using DDL issued by the DB2 Control Center, and data is replicated primarily by SQL SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements issued by the Capture and Apply programs. When an error occurs during replication administration tasks, the error messages are normally relational database error messages, such as SQL messages and SQL states. See the DB2 message reference for your platform for more information about DB2 error messages and SQL states.

Errors encountered while running the Capture and Apply programs

The Capture and Apply programs can encounter a problem while capturing and replicating changed data, even though the SQL that the DB2 Control Center generated for defining replication sources and subscriptions ran without error. You can determine the cause of the errors with information in the following locations:

The Capture and Apply programs issue their own messages. The messages for the Capture and Apply programs begin with the letters ASN. Explanations and user response information are provided in this book in Capture and Apply messages, in the DB2 Universal Database Messages Reference, and in DB2 Universal Database online help.

The messages for the Capture and Apply programs are issued or recorded in the following locations:

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