IBM Books

Replication Guide and Reference

Performance features

The following features were added to improve the performance of your replication environment:

Option to capture only columns that are available for replication
You can start the Capture program using the CHGONLY parameter if you want to capture changes only for those columns that you marked available for replication. By default, the Capture program captures changes that are made to the source table data for all columns.

Capture program sleeptime option
You can use the SLEEP=N invocation parameter to indicate how long you want the Capture program to sleep before it reads the log again, after it reaches the end of the log. This parameter is supported for DB2 for MVS 4.1 and later with data sharing.

Continuous block fetch by the Apply program
The Apply program uses DB2 continuous block fetch to improve data-transfer rates and overall performance for replicating data from DB2 for OS/390 to other operating systems.

Automated use of RUNSTATS utility
For DB2 DataPropagator on UNIX, Windows, and OS/2 operating systems, the RUNSTATS utility is run automatically after the Apply program completes a full-refresh copy to the target tables. This utility collects new statistics on the target tables and their indexes.

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