IBM Books

Replication Guide and Reference

Road map

If you want to ... Refer to ...
Learn about last-minute changes to the product The Installation Notes on the CD-ROM or the Release Notes that are installed with the products.
Learn what's new this release in DB2 replication for relational data What's new.
Learn about the components of DB2 data replication Overview of data replication.
Learn about DB2 data replication concepts Overview of data replication.
Learn about typical replication configurations Data replication configurations.
Work through a simple replication scenario using the DB2 Control Center on Windows NT Data replication scenario.
Get an overview of the types of replication tasks that you can perform Data replication tasks.
Design and plan your replication environment Planning for replication.
Learn about the IBM data replication solution See one of the following Web sites:

DB2 DataPropagator at

Data replication solution at

IBM data management at

Read customer case studies
Set up your replication environment Setting up your replication environment.
Migrate from earlier versions of DPROPR to DB2 DataPropagator See the online migration guide at
Learn how to use DJRA The DB2 DataJoiner Replication Administration tool.
Set replication preferences in the DB2 Control Center See the DB2 Control Center online help.
Define and manage replication sources and targets Administration.
Configure and operate the Capture and Apply programs Operations; see the chapter for a particular operating system.
Learn about the replication support for DB2 Universal Database for Satellite Edition Satellite replication.
Learn about and run DB2 DataPropagator for Microsoft Jet Mobile replication using DB2 DataPropagator for Microsoft Jet.
Learn about the relational database tables that control the DB2 replication process Table structures.
Debug error messages for the Capture and Apply programs Troubleshooting.

To locate information on other topics, see Appendix A, How the DB2 library is structured for a complete description of the DB2 Universal Database library.

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