IBM Books

Administering Satellites Guide and Reference

Installing Using a Response File

Before you begin any mass deployment or distributed installation using a response file, you should understand how the response file is used.

To run the response file setup program, perform the following steps:

  1. Click on Start and select the Run option. The Run window opens.
  2. In the Open field, enter the path to the setup program. The syntax of the setup command is an follows:
    Syntax of the setup command

    Specifies the fully qualified response file name. If you changed and renamed the sample response file that is provided, make sure that this parameter matches the new name. This parameter is required.

    Specifies the fully qualified log file name, where setup information and any errors occurring during setup are logged. This parameter is optional.

    If you do not specify the log file's name, DB2 names it db2.log and stores it in the db2log directory on the drive on which your operating system is installed.

    Specifies the two-character country code that represents your language. If you do not specify the language, setup will determine the system language, and launch the appropriate DB2 install for that language. This parameter is optional. For more information about country codes, see Code Page and Language Support.

    For example, to install DB2 Satellite Edition using a custom response file that you created called satellite.rsp (located in the same directory as the DB2 install files), enter the following command:

       x:\setup /U satellite.rsp
    Note:If you are using a response file that was created using the response file generator, you must ensure that all the client profiles are located in the same drive and directory as the response file that you specify.
  3. Click OK to start the setup program. The installation proceeds without further action on your part.

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