This section shows the suggested amount of memory that is required to run DB2 Satellite Edition. The memory requirements listed here are estimates; the actual amounts required depend on the functions you are using and the size of your databases. You should have a minimum of 32 MB of memory to accommodate average databases.
This section shows the minimum amount of disk space that is required to install the DB2 Satellite Edition components. The disk space requirements do not include the operating system, application, and communications products. Consult each product's documentation for these values.
To estimate the disk requirements for a particular configuration, add the
recommended minimum disk sizes for the components that you want to
install. Include an allowance for your application data.
Table 2. Disk Requirements for DB2 Satellite Edition
Recommended Minimum Disk Space | |
DB2 Universal Database Satellite Edition | |
DB2 Satellite Edition (base) | 30 MB |
- ODBC Support | 0.1 MB |
- Control Server Synchronization | 0.3 MB |
- Replication - Apply and Capture | 2.5 MB |
- Java Enablement (JDBC & SQLJ support) | 1.4 MB |
- Inbound Remote Administration | n/a |
- DB2 Connect Support | 1 MB |
- Miscellaneous Tools (Database & Client Tools) | 1.4 MB |
- Far-East Code Page Conversion Support | 6.8 MB |
Total Disk Space Required | ___ MB |
If you perform a compact install, only the base and ODBC component are installed. If you perform a typical install, the base, and the ODBC, Replication, Inbound Remote Administration and Control Server Synchronization components are installed.
This section outlines the software required to run DB2
Satellite Edition.
Table 3. Software Requirements
Product | Hardware/Software Requirements | Communications |
Windows 32-bit Operating Systems | ||
DB2 Universal Database Satellite Edition |
| The Windows 32-bit operating systems provide TCP/IP
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