IBM Books

Administering Satellites Guide and Reference

Using the DB2 Trace Facility

If requested to by DB2 Customer Service, you can use the DB2 trace facility (db2trc) on a satellite. You cannot issue this command from a remote DB2 CLP window. Instead, you can include the db2trc command in a fix batch, or you can use a product that enables you to enter commands from a remote console and keyboard.

Because the formatted or flowed output files are typically much larger than the dump file, it is recommended that you instruct the user to issue the db2trc command with the dump option. When the trace is dumped to a file, transmit the file to another DB2 Universal Database system. Then you can format the file before sending it to DB2 Customer Service. For more information about using the trace facility, refer to the Troubleshooting Guide.

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