Configuration parameters are values that affect the operating characteristics of a database or database management system.
Database manager configuration parameters exist on servers and clients; however, only certain database manager configuration parameters can be set on the client. These parameters are a subset of the database management configuration parameters that can be set on the server. And then, depending on the type of DB2 Universal Database product you are using, there are additional issues relating to configuration parameters. For example, in DB2 Extended Enterprise Edition, one database manager configuration file is shared between all database partition servers in the instance.
Database configuration parameters only reside on a server.
DB2 has been designed with an extensive array of tuning and configuration parameters. These parameters fall into two general categories:
In addition to descriptions of the individual parameters, the following topics are available:
There may be performance-related environment or registry variables for your specific platform that you should consider using in addition to the performance-related configuration parameters.
You should review all of the parameter summaries in Table 54 and Table 56, and then focus on the descriptions and tuning of those which will provide you with the greatest benefit in your working environment.