IBM Books

Administration Guide

Extending the Directory Schema with DB2 Object Classes and Attributes

The LDAP Directory Schema defines object classes and attributes for the information stored in the LDAP directory entries. An object class consists of a set of mandatory and optional attributes. Every entry in the LDAP directory has an object class associated with it.

Before DB2 can store the information into LDAP, the Directory Schema for the LDAP server must include the object classes and attributes that DB2 uses. The process of adding new object classes and attributes to the base schema is called extending the Directory Schema.
Note:If you are using IBM SecureWay LDAP Directory v3.1, all the object classes and attributes that are required by DB2 are included in the base schema. You do not have to extend the base schema with DB2 object classes and attributes.

Extending the Directory Schema for IBM eNetwork Directory Version 2.1

When using the IBM eNetwork Directory Version 2.1, you must extend the base schema with the object classes and attributes that are used by DB2.

Use the following steps to extend the base schema for IBM eNetwork Directory Version 2.1:

  1. Copy the DB2 attribute definition file,, and object class definition file, db2.oc, to the same directory that contains the system attribute and object class definition files, and slapd.oc.conf. The DB2 attribute and object class definition files can be found in the cfg subdirectory of the sqllib subdirectory. The system attribute and object class definition files are located in the etc subdirectory of the %LDAPHome% subdirectory.

  2. Review the DB2 attribute and object class definition files. Comment out any object classes and attributes that have been defined in your current LDAP Directory Schema.

  3. Add a line at the end of the slapd.oc.conf file as follows:
       include db2.oc

  4. Add a line at the end of the slapd.oc.conf file as follows:

  5. Restart the LDAP server.

Object Classes and Attributes Used by DB2

The following tables describe the object classes that are used by DB2:

Table 153. The eProperty Object Class
Class eProperty
Description The eProperty object class is used to specify application specific settings for user preference properties.
Required Attributes cn
Optional Attributes propertyType


(may contain other IBM defined attributes)

Type Structural
OID (object identifier)
Special Notes The eProperty object class is defined in the IBM Directory Schema and may contain other attributes. The attributes that are used by DB2 UDB are:

  1. cn - name. The name of the eProperty object. For the DB2 Registry Variable, the object name should be "db2Env". For CLI configuration, the object name should be "DSN - <DSN_Name>", where <DSN_Name> is the CLI/ODBC Datasource Name.

  2. propertyType - The type of the eProperty object. It should be set to "DB2ENV" for DB2 Registry Variable, or "DB2CLI" for CLI configuration.

  3. cisProperty - a multi-value attribute, each a value contains a keyName=keyValue pair.

Table 154. The eApplicationSystem Object Class
Class eApplicationSystem
Description This object class describes application subsystems such as DB2 and CICS as well as systems such as Orion and GSO. An application system may span multiple computer systems or it may reside on a single computer system.
Required Attributes
Optional Attributes systemName

(may contain other IBM defined attributes)

Type Structural
OID (object identifier)
Special Notes The eApplicationSystem object class is defined in the IBM Directory Schema and may contain other attributes. The attribute that is used by DB2 UDB is: systemName which is set to "DB2"

Table 155. The DB2Node Object Class
Class DB2Node
Description This object class describes an instance of a DB2 database server.
Required Attributes db2nodeName
Optional Attributes db2nodeAlias





Type Structural
OID (object identifier)
Special Notes The attributes are used by DB2 as follows:

  1. db2nodeName - The name of the DB2Node object. This node name is used by client applications when connecting to the database server.

  2. db2nodeAlias - Alternate node name

  3. db2instanceName - The instance name of database server

  4. db2Type - set to one of the following values:

    • SERVER - for single partition database server

    • MPP - for multi-partitioned database server

    • DCS - for host database server

  5. host - the TCP/IP hostname of the machine where the server resides

  6. protocolInformation - protocol specific information.

The protocolInformation attribute contains the communication protocol information to bind to the service. It consists of tokens that describe the network protocol supported. Each token is separated by a semicolon. There is no space between the tokens. You may specify an asterisk (*) for an optional parameter.

The tokens for TCP/IP are:

The tokens for APPN are:

The tokens for IPX/SPX are:

The tokens for NetBIOS are:

The tokens for Named Pipe are:

Table 156. The DB2Database Object Class
Class DB2Database
Description This object class describes a DB2 database.
Required Attributes db2databaseName


Optional Attributes db2databaseAlias







Type Structural
OID (object identifier)
Special Notes The attributes are described as follows:

  1. db2databaseAlias - the database alias name. This is the name specified when cataloging the database.

  2. db2databaseName - native database name. This is the name specified when creating the database.

  3. db2nodePtr - pointer to the Node object for the database server which owns the database. This relationship allows the client application to retrieve the required protocol communication information to connect to the database server.

  4. db2gwPtr - pointer to the Node object for the gateway server for non-DRDA client. In a gateway environment when there is a dedicated gateway that is configured to connect to host databases, all clients connect to the gateway before the database request is routed to the host. (To use DRDA, the user needs to install a separate product, called DB2 Connect, which allows the client to use DRDA to communicate with the host database server. ) When the database protocol is set to use DRDA and DB2 Connect is not installed on the client machine, the client will connect to the gateway pointed to by the db2gwPtr attribute.

  5. db2additionalParameters - any additional parameter used when connecting to the host database server.

  6. db2ARLibrary - name of the Application Requester library

  7. db2authenticationLocation - CLIENT, SERVER, DCS, or DCE

  8. db2databaseRelease - database release number

  9. DCEPrincipalName - when the authentication location is DCE, this attributes contains the DCE Principal Name.

The following table describes the attributes that are used by DB2:

Table 157. The Attribute Specifications
Attribute Name Syntax Maximum Length Multi-Valued OID
cn Case Ignored String 256 Multi-valued
propertyType Case Ignored String 64 Multi-valued
cisProperty Case Ignored String 250000 Multi-valued
systemName Case Ignored String 256 Single-valued
db2nodeName Case Ignored String 1024 Single-valued
db2nodeAlias Case Ignored String 1024 Multi-valued
db2instanceName Case Ignored String 256 Single-valued
db2Type Case Ignored String 64 Single-valued
host Case Ignored String 256 Multi-valued
protocolInformation binary 5000 Multi-valued
db2databaseName Case Ignored String 1024 Single-valued
db2databaseAlias Case Ignored String 1024 Multi-valued
db2nodePtr Distinguished Name 1000 Single-valued
db2gwPtr Distinguished Name 1000 Single-valued
db2additionalParameters Case Ignored String 1024 Single-valued
db2ARLibrary Case Ignored String 256 Single-valued
db2authenticationLocation Case Ignored String 64 Single-valued
db2databaseRelease Case Ignored String 64 Single-valued
DCEPrincipalName Case Ignored String 2048 Single-valued

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