Administration Guide
You can start the Journal by selecting the icon from the
Control Center toolbar. The Journal allows you to monitor jobs and
review results. From the Journal, you can also display the recovery
history and DB2 messages. The Journal allows you to monitor pending
jobs, running jobs, and job histories; review results; display recovery
history and alert messages; and show the log of DB2 messages.
Use the Journal to work with jobs. To open the Journal:
- Click the Journal icon from the Script Center toolbar.
The Journal opens.
- To see the jobs which are scheduled to be run at a later time, click the
Pending jobs push button. You see your job in the list of
pending jobs. You also see all the information about the jobs.
You can perform actions on a pending job, such as reschedule it, show the
scripts associated with it, or run it immediately. When a saved script
is modified, all jobs that are dependent on it inherit the new modified
From the Journal, you can also see the jobs that are currently running and
the job histories.
The other pages in the Journal window are:
- The Recovery page. This page displays the recovery history (the
details from backup, restore operations, and load operations) and lets you
restore the recovery log.
- Alerts page. This page shows all alerts.
- The Messages page. This shows all messages issued through the DB2
administration tools.
The online help for the Journal provides detailed steps for working with
jobs and logs.
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