Each row contains function mappings.
Table 81. SYSCAT.FUNCMAPPINGS Catalog View
Column Name | Data Type | Nullable | Description |
| Name of function mapping (may be system generated). |
FUNCSCHEMA | VARCHAR(128) | Yes | Funcion schema. Null if system built-in function. |
FUNCNAME | VARCHAR(1024) | Yes | Name of the local function (built-in or user-defined) |
FUNCID | INTEGER | Yes | Internally assigned identifier. |
SPECIFICNAME | VARCHAR(18) | Yes | Name of the local function instance. |
| Authorization ID under which this mapping was created. |
WRAPNAME | VARCHAR(128) | Yes | Wrapper name to which the mapping is applied. |
SERVERNAME | VARCHAR(128) | Yes | Name of the data source. |
SERVERTYPE | VARCHAR(30) | Yes | Type of data source to which mapping is applied. |
SERVERVERSION | VARCHAR(18) | Yes | Version of the server type to which mapping is applied. |
CREATE_TIME | TIMESTAMP | Yes | Time at which the mapping is created. |
REMARKS | VARCHAR(254) | Yes | User supplied comment, or null. |