IBM Books

Administration Guide

Attributes of Each Object Class

In the DCE environment, each object and object attribute is identified by an object ID (OID). Each OID is obtained from a hierarchy of allocation authorities, where the highest authority is the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

Table 58 shows the attributes for each object class and Table 59 shows their attributes.

Table 58. Object Attribute Classes
Object Class Object ID (OID) Required Attributes Optional Attributes
(DB) Database_Object DAU, DOT, DDP, DNN DCO, DPN, DRL, DLN, DCP, DPR
(DL) Database_Locator_Object DOT, DCP DCO, DPN, DRL
(RI) Routing_Information_Object DOT, DTI DCO, DPN, DRL

Table 59. Object Class Attributes
Attribute Name OID Minimum Length Maximum Length Syntax
(DAU) DB_Authentication 1 1024 Char
(DCO) DB_Comment 1 1024 Char
(DCP) DB_Communication_Protocol 1 1024 Char
(DDP) DB_Database_Protocol 1 1024 Char
(DLN) DB_Database_Locator_Name 1 1024 Char
(DNN) DB_Native_Database_Name 1 1024 Char
(DOT) DB_Object_Type 1 1 Char
(DPN) DB_Product_Name 1 1024 Char
(DRL) DB_Product_Release 1 1024 Char
(DTI) DB_Target_Database_Info 1 1024 Char
(DPR) DB_Principal 1 1024 Char
Note:Multiple values are allowed for DCP, DDP, and DTI. Only one value is allowed for the other attributes.

Details About Each Attribute

The following section describes each attribute.
Note:DCE Directory Services does not check that the entries are valid for DB2. Ensure that you enter the attributes that are required and that you enter the correct values.

DB_Authentication (DAU)
Authentication method required by the object. This attribute is required for the database object of a DB2 server. The value must be CLIENT, SERVER, or DCE.

DB_Principal (DPR)
If authentication method is "DCE", enter the DCE principal in this attribute.

DB_Comment (DCO)
For documentation purposes only.

DB_Communication_Protocol (DCP)
A multi-value attribute where each value consists of tokens that describe the network protocol supported. Examples of the network protocols are TCP/IP, APPC, IPX/SPX, and NetBIOS. (These last two are appropriate for OS/2 only.) Each token is separated by a semicolon. Do not put spaces between the tokens.

DB_Database_Protocol (DDP)
The database protocol or protocols supported by the target database. Examples of the values are DB2RA and DRDA. The following are the cdscp commands to add two protocols.
add object /.:/subsys/database/AIXDB1 DB_Database_Protocol db2ra
add object /.:/subsys/database/AIXDB1 DB_Database_Protocol drda

DB_Database_Locator_Name (DLN)
The DCE name of the database locator object. In the database object, the name is for the DBMS instance. In the routing information object, the name is for the DB2 Connect instance.

For example, /.../CELL_TORONTO/subsys/database/AIX_INST

DB_Native_Database_Name (DNN)
The database name or alias by which the database is known within the instance containing the database. This is the name that a local application on the instance uses to connect to that database.

The name is up to 8 characters for a DB2 for Universal Database database. For other databases, the length of the name may be different. For example it can be up to 18 characters for databases on DB2 for MVS/ESA.

DB_Object_Type (DOT)
The type of object. This attribute is required for all objects and can be one of the following:
Database object
Database locator object
Routing information object

DB_Product_Name (DPN)
The identification of the product. For documentation purposes only.

DB_Product_Release (DRL)
The product release level. For documentation purposes only.

DB_Target_Database_Info (DTI)
A multi-value attribute where each value consists of a fixed number of tokens, separated by a semicolon. Do not put spaces between the tokens. The tokens must be in the following order:
  1. Database name. The DCE name of a target database for which the routing service is provided. The value *OTHERDBS specifies a default gateway for any target databases not explicitly defined in the routing information object.
  2. Outbound protocol from router. The database protocol used by the target database, or the database protocol the routing DB2 Connect instance uses to communicate with that target database. For example, DRDA.
  3. Inbound protocol to router. The database protocol accepted by the routing DB2 Connect instance object. For example, DB2RA.
  4. Authenticate at gateway. The valid values are 0 or 1. See Table 60 for more details.
  5. Parameter string which contains information specific to the DB2 Connect gateway. The string contains tokens that must be in the order described below. The tokens are separated by commas. For tokens that are not specified, the default is used.
    • Map-file name. The fully-qualified name of the SQLCODE mapping file that overrides the default SQLCODE mapping. To turn off SQLCODE mapping, specify NOMAP.
    • D. The application disconnects from the DRDA server database when specific SQLCODEs are returned. Refer to the DB2 Connect User's Guide for details about the SQLCODEs.
    • INTERRUPT_ENABLED. DB2 Connect will drop the connection and roll back the unit of work when a client issues an interrupt while connected to the DRDA server.

    The following are some examples:


    Where defaults are used, use a comma to preserve the order of the tokens, for example:




    Refer to the DB2 Connect User's Guide for details about the Parameter string.

  6. The DCE name of the DB2 Connect instance that provides the routing service.

The following is an example of the DB_Target_Database_Info:

Note:In the above example, the back slash (\) is a line continuation character.

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