IBM Books

Administration Guide

Federated Database Object Names

Federated database objects include:

Limits apply when naming federated database objects. A complete list of object names and associated identifier limits and requirements are located in the SQL Reference. In summary, object names:

Keywords can be used. If the keyword is used in a context where it could also be interpreted as an SQL keyword, it must be specified as a delimited identifier. Refer to the SQL Reference for information on delimited identifiers.

For maximum portability, use the IBM SQL and ISO/ANSI SQL92 reserved words. For a list of these words, refer to the SQL Reference manual.

Options (server, nickname) and option settings are limited to 255 bytes.

How Case-Sensitive Values Are Preserved in a Federated System

In distributed requests, you sometimes need to specify identifiers and passwords that are case-sensitive at the data source. To ensure that their case is correct when they're passed to the data source, follow these guidelines:

For example, many delimited identifiers in DB2 family data sources are case-sensitive. Suppose you want to create a nickname, NICK1, for a DB2 for CS view, "my_schema"."wkly_sal", that resides in a data source called NORBASE. If you're entering the SQL for creating the nickname from a UNIX command prompt, you would type:

'create nickname nick1 for norbase."my_schema"."wkly_sal"'

From an NT command prompt, you would type:

db2 create nickname nick1 for norbase.\"my_schema\".\"wkly_sal\" 

If you enter the SQL from the DB2 interactive mode command prompt, or if you specify it in an application program, you don't need the single quotes or the slashes. For example, from the DB2 command prompt on either a UNIX or NT system, you would type:

create nickname nick1 for norbase."my_schema"."wkly_sal" 

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