Administration Guide
When you migrate your database, the following events occur, as necessary,
depending on which level of DB2 you are migrating from:
- The following database entities are migrated:
- Database configuration file
- Database system catalog tables
- Database directories
- Database log file header
- The database is relocated to a new database path (only applicable to a
migration from DB2 Version 2.x).
- System catalog tables are changed as follows:
- New columns are added.
- New tables are created.
- A set of catalog views is migrated, and a set of new catalog views is
created, in the SYSCAT schema.
- A set of updatable catalog views is created in the SYSSTAT schema.
- A set of general purpose scalar functions is kept, and a set of new
general purpose scalar functions is created, in the SYSFUN schema. Only
SYSFUN.DIFFERENCE scalar function is dropped and re-created during
database migration.
- A buffer pool file is created in the database directory (only applicable
to a migration from DB2 Version 2.x).
- A database history file and its shadow are created in the database
directory. This file contains a summary of backup information that can
be used if a database must be restored, and it is updated whenever specific
operations are performed on the database. A summary of backup
information is also kept for backup and restore operations on a table
To plan your database migration to V6, read the following sections:
The details for migrating your database are found in the Quick Beginnings manuals for your platform. This appendix will only provide
you with an overview of the migration process for planning purposes.
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