Administration Guide
This section provides specific considerations and guidelines to help you
fine-tune the SQL statements in an application program. As a general
rule, these guidelines may help design a program that minimizes the use of
system resources and the amount of time needed to access data in a very large
table. Depending on the amount of optimization that takes place when
the SQL statement is compiled, you may not need to fine-tune your SQL
statements. The SQL compiler can rewrite your SQL into more efficient
forms. See Rewrite Query by the SQL Compiler and Adjusting the Optimization Class.
It is also important to note that the access plan chosen by the optimizer
is also affected by other factors, including environmental considerations and
system catalog statistics. If you conduct benchmark testing of the
performance of your applications, you can make adjustments that can improve
the access plan.
The SQL language is a high-level language with much flexibility. As
a result, different select-statements can be written to retrieve
the same data. However, the performance can vary for the different
forms and the different classes of optimization.
It is important to note the SQL compiler (including the query rewrite and
optimization phases) must choose an access plan that will produce the result
set for the query you have coded. Therefore, as noted in many of the
following guidelines, you should code your query to obtain only the data that
you need. This ensures that the SQL compiler can choose the best access
plan for your needs.
The guidelines for using a select-statement are:
- Specify only those columns that are needed in the select list.
Although it may be simpler to specify all columns with an asterisk (*),
needless processing and returning of unwanted columns can result.
- Limit the number of rows selected by using predicates to restrict the
answer set to only those rows that you require. (See Predicate Terminology for more information about the different types of predicates
and their relative impact on performance.)
- When the number of rows you want to use is significantly less than the
total number of rows that could be returned, specify the OPTIMIZE FOR clause
for the select-statement. This clause affects both the
choice of access plans as well as the number of rows that are blocked in the
communication buffer. (For more information, see Row Blocking.)
- When the number of rows to be retrieved is small, there is no need to
specify the OPTIMIZE FOR k ROWS clause in addition to the FETCH FIRST n ROWS
ONLY clause. However, if n is large and you want optimize by getting
the first k rows quickly with a possible delay for the subsequent k rows,
specify both. The communication buffers are sized based on the lesser
of n and k.
- Specifying the FOR READ ONLY (or FOR FETCH ONLY) clause can improve
performance by allowing your query to take advantage of row blocking.
It can also improve data concurrency since exclusive locks will never be held
on the rows retrieved by a query with this clause specified. It also
allows additional query rewrites to take place. Specifying the FOR READ ONLY (or FOR FETCH ONLY) clause along with
BLOCKING ALL BIND can similarly improve the performance of queries against
nicknames in a federated system.
- Specifying the FOR UPDATE OF clause can also improve performance, for
cursors that will be updated, by allowing the database manager to initially
choose more appropriate locking levels, thus avoiding potential deadlocks (see
Deadlocks) and lock conversions (see Lock Conversion).
- Avoid numeric data type conversions whenever possible. When
comparing values, it may be more efficient to use items that have the same
data type. If conversions are necessary, inaccuracies due to limited
precision, and performance costs due to run-time conversions, may
If possible, use the following data types:
- Character rather than varying character for short columns
- Integer rather than float or decimal
- Datetime rather than character.
- Numeric rather than character.
- SQL statements containing clauses or operations such as DISTINCT, or ORDER
BY, require data to be ordered to perform the operation. If you want to
decrease the chances that a sort operation will be used, omit the
specification of these clauses if they are not required.
- To check for existence of rows in a table, do not use:
and check for a value of nonzero unless you know that the table will be
very small. As the table gets larger, counting all the rows will impact
performance. Instead it is suggested that you try to select a single
row. This can be done by either opening a cursor and fetching one row,
or by doing a single-row (SELECT INTO) selection. (Remember to check
for the SQLCODE -811 error if more than one row is found from the
- If update activity is low and your tables are large, define indexes on
columns that are frequently used as predicates.
The following suggestions apply specifically to
select-statements that access several tables.
- Use join predicates when joining tables. (A join predicate is a
comparison between two columns from different tables in a join.)
- Define indexes on the columns in the join predicate to allow the join to
be processed more efficiently. This will also benefit UPDATE and DELETE
statements that contain select-statements that access several tables.
- If possible, avoid using expressions or OR clauses with join
predicates. In this case, some join techniques cannot be used by the
database manager and, as a result, the most efficient join method may not be
- If possible, ensure that the tables joined are both partitioned on the
join column in a partitioned database environment.
For more information see Join Concepts.
Also, refer to the Application Development Guide for more information on coding SQL statements with joins and
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