Administration Guide
There are scripts provided for creating SP problem management (pman) events
to monitor the DB2 HACMP ES configuration, in addition to those monitoring
utilities already present in HACMP ES. To monitor HACMP status form the
SP control workstation, do the following:
- Install the HACMP client code on the control workstation.
- Edit the /usr/sbin/cluster/etc/clhosts file and include the SP
ethernet IP addresses of the nodes you wish to monitor.
- Use the command startsrc -s clinfo to start monitoring the
HACMP supplies an interface for monitoring the clusters:
To use the problem management monitoring with SP Perspectives GUI for HACMP
RS and user-defined events:
- Use create_db2_events <nodelist> where <nodelist> is a
pcp or pexec style of nodes and where the events are to be monitored.
create_db2_events creates five (5) pman events for monitoring by
Note: | The Resource Variables are
used in the creation of these events. If these resource variables are
already being used for some other purpose, create_db2_events and
update_db2_events must be updated to use different resource
- Start Perspectives on the control workstation. From the launch pad,
choose the event Perspective. You should see five (5) events:
db2_hacmp_recovery, db2_process_recovery,
db2_paging_err, db2_nfs_err, and
- Double-click on each event. On the screen that appears, you need to
register (within the Definition Table) a condition for the event. Click
next to the down arrow by Name: "unnamed", and select the
same name as the event you specify as the condition. Select the
"Response Options" tab. Click on the button on the top of
the display ("Send Message to Perspectives event session"). If you
desire, you can specify commands, Errlog entries, as well as SNMP traps for
these event occurrences. The event log displays are maintained only
across Perspective sessions; therefore, you might want to create AIX error log
entries for each. Hit the "OK" Button, and close the
- Next, go back to the Perspectives launch pad. Select the hardware
- When the Hardware frame GUI appears, select at the top of the menu
"View" and then "Monitor". You are then provided with a list
of events that can be monitored for your SP. Scrolling to the bottom of
the list, you will find two additional events: one for HACMP DB2
recovery (db2_ha_ind), and the other for SP node PERM errors
(Errlog_PERM_mon. Select those you wish to monitor.
(When an event occurs for a node, it will receive a red "X" in its
display. If all monitored conditions are "OK", the display for the
node is green.) Typically, host_responds,
switch_responds, and node_power_LED are used. You
can also monitor the DB2 HACMP recovery as well as PERM errors on the
Note: | The db2_hacmp_mon and db2_hacmp_recovery variables for
pman and Perspectives do not reflect HACMP cluster status. Rather,
these variables reflect the status of the rc.db2pe operation
to start or stop DB2. The "real" HACMP status is shown in the
HACMP clstat monitor and reflects the HACMP cluster state.
If you wish db2_hacmp_ind to reflect monitoring similar to HACMP
Status, add the following line to your /etc/inittab file:
haind:2:wait:/usr/bin/db2_update_events HAIND OFF 2>&1 >/dev/null
If you are planning on using NetView for your implementation, consider
using HAVIEW (which is part of HACMP) for monitoring your
configuration. Please use NetView documentation for information on
configuring that product.
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