IBM Books

Quick Beginnings for UNIX

Installation Steps

To install a DB2 client or Software Developer's Kit on AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Silicon Graphics IRIX, and Solaris systems, perform the following steps:

Step 1. Update Kernel Configuration Parameters

To run a DB2 client or Software Developer's Kit on a HP-UX, or Solaris system, you may have to update some kernel configuration parameters.


Go to the section that describes the kernel configuration parameters for the DB2 client that you want to install:

You do not need to update any kernel configuration parameters to run a DB2 client or Software Developer's Kit on an AIX, Linux, or SGI IRIX workstation. If you are installing a DB2 client or Software Developer's Kit on AIX, Linux, or SGI IRIX, go to Step 2. Mount the CD-ROM.

Recommended Values for HP-UX Version 10 and Version 11

Table 17 lists the recommended values for HP-UX kernel configuration parameters. These values are valid for HP-UX 10 and HP-UX 11.

Table 17. HP-UX Kernel Configuration Parameters (Recommended Values)
Kernel Parameter Recommended Value

65535  (1)
65535  (1)


  1. Parameters msgmnb and msgmax must be set to 65535 or higher.

  2. To maintain the interdependency among kernel parameters, change parameters in the same sequence in which they appear in Table 17.

To change a value, perform the following steps:

Step  1.

Enter the sam command to start the System Administration Manager (SAM) program.

Step  2.

Double-click on the Kernel Configuration icon.

Step  3.

Double-click on the Configurable Parameters icon.

Step  4.

Double-click on the parameter that you want to change and enter the new value in the Formula/Value field.

Step  5.

Click on OK.

Step  6.

Repeat these steps for all of the kernel configuration parameters that you want to change.

Step  7.

When you are finished setting all of the kernel configuration parameters, select Action->Process New Kernel from the action menu bar.

The HP-UX operating system automatically reboots after you change the values for the kernel configuration parameters.


Go to Step 2. Mount the CD-ROM to continue with the installation.

Recommended Values for Solaris

Table 18 lists the recommended values for Solaris kernel configuration parameters.

Table 18. Solaris Kernel Configuration Parameters (Recommended Values)
Kernel Parameter Recommended Value

65535  (1)
65535  (1)


  1. Parameters msgsys:msginfo_msgmnb and msgsys:msginfo_msgmax must be set to 65535 or higher.

To set a kernel parameter, add a line at the end of the /etc/system file as follows:

   set parameter_name = value

where parameter_name represents the parameter you want to change.

For example, to set the value of parameter msgsys:msginfo_msgmax, add the following line to the end of the /etc/system file:

   set msgsys:msginfo_msgmax = 65535

After changing the kernel parameters, reboot the system so that the changes can take effect.


Go to Step 2. Mount the CD-ROM to continue with the installation.

Step 2. Mount the CD-ROM

To install your DB2 product using the DB2 Installer program, you must first mount the CD-ROM.


Go to the section that describes the mounting instructions for a DB2 client that you want to install:

Mounting on AIX Systems

To mount the CD-ROM on AIX, perform the following steps:

Step  1.

Log in as a user with root authority.

Step  2.

Insert the CD-ROM in the drive.

Step  3.

Create a directory to mount the CD-ROM by entering the following command:

   mkdir -p /cdrom

where cdrom represents the CD-ROM mount directory.

Step  4.

Allocate a CD-ROM file system by entering the following command:

   smitty storage

Step  5.

Select File Systems.

Step  6.

Select Add / Change / Show / Delete File Systems.

Step  7.

Select CDROM File Systems.

Step  8.

Select Add CDROM File System.

Step  9.

Select Device Name.

Figure hint not displayed.

Device names for CD-ROM file systems must be unique. If there is a duplicate device name, you may need to delete a previously-defined CD-ROM file system or use another name for your directory.

Step 10.

In the pop-up window, enter the following as mount point:


Step 11.

Mount the CD-ROM file system by entering the following command:

   smit mountfs

Step 12.

Enter a value in the FILE SYSTEM name field. For example, the name could be /dev/cd0.

Step 13.

Enter a value in the Directory over which to mount field. For example, this value could be /cdrom.

Step 14.

Enter a value in the Type of Filesystem field. For example, this value could be cdrfs.

Step 15.

Set the Mount as READ-ONLY system to Yes.

Step 16.

Click on OK.

Step 17.

Log out.


Go to Step 3. Perform the Installation to continue with the installation.

Mounting on HP-UX Systems

To mount the CD-ROM on HP-UX, perform the following steps:

Step  1.

Log in as a user with root authority.

Step  2.

Insert the CD-ROM in the drive.

Step  3.

Mount it by entering the following commands:

    mkdir /cdrom
    /usr/sbin/mount /dev/dsk/c0t2d0 /cdrom

where /cdrom represents the CD-ROM mount point.

Step  4.

Log out.

Figure hint not displayed.

The CD-ROM may also be mounted using the System Administration (SAM) tool. Consult your HP-UX documentation for more information about SAM.


Go to Step 3. Perform the Installation to continue with the installation.

Mounting on Linux Systems

To mount the CD-ROM on Linux, perform the following steps:

Step  1.

Log in as a user with root authority.

Step  2.

Insert the CD-ROM in the drive and mount it with a command similar to the following:

    mount -t iso9660 -o ro /dev/cdrom /cdrom    

where /cdrom is the mount point of the CD-ROM.

Step  3.

Log out.


Go to Step 3. Perform the Installation to continue with the installation.

Mounting on Silicon Graphics IRIX

Perform the following steps to mount the CD-ROM on Silicon Graphics IRIX operating systems:

  1. Log in as a user with root authority.

  2. Insert the appropriate CD-ROM into the drive and mount it using the mount command as follows:
       mount -t iso9660 device mount_point

    For example, to mount the CD-ROM as /cdrom, enter the following commands:

       mkdir /cdrom
       mount -t iso9660  /dev/scsi/sc0d7l0 /cdrom

  3. Log out.


Go to Step 3. Perform the Installation to continue with the installation.

Mounting on Solaris Systems

To mount the CD-ROM on Solaris, perform the following steps:

Step  1.

Log in as a user with root authority.

Step  2.

If the Volume Manager is not running on your system, enter the following commands to mount the CD-ROM:

   mkdir -p /cdrom/unnamed_cdrom
   mount -F hsfs -o ro /dev/dsk/c0t6d0s2 /cdrom/unnamed_cdrom

where /cdrom/unnamed_cdrom represents the CD-ROM mount directory.
Note:If you are mounting the CD-ROM drive from a remote system using NFS, the CD-ROM file system on the remote machine must be exported with root access. You must also mount that file system with root access on the local machine.

If the Volume Manager (vold) is running on your system, the CD-ROM is automatically mounted as:


Step  3.

Log out.


Go to Step 3. Perform the Installation to continue with the installation.

Step 3. Perform the Installation

After you mount the CD-ROM file system, use the DB2 Installer program to install a DB2 product.

Figure hint not displayed.

If you are installing a DB2 client from a remote server, it is better to use the telnet command to open a telnet session instead of using the rlogin command to connect to your remote server.  

Step  1.

Log in as user with root authority.

Step  2.

Insert the appropriate CD-ROM into the drive.

Step  3.

Change to the directory where the CD-ROM is mounted by entering the following command:

   cd /cdrom

where /cdrom is the mount point of the CD-ROM drive.

Step  4.

Change to the directory where the install image for the DB2 product that you want to install is located.

DB2 install images are available in the following directories (assuming that the mount point for the CD-ROM is /cdrom):



HP-UX Version 10


HP-UX Version 11








Step  5.

Enter the ./db2setup command to start the DB2 Installer program. The Install DB2 V6 window opens.
Selecting installable products and components

Step  6.

From the product list on the Install DB2 V6 window, select the product that you want to install and select OK.

Press the Tab key to change the highlighted option and the Enter key to select or deselect the option you want.

To display the required and optional components for a product you want to install, select Customize. To go back to a previous window at any time, select Cancel. You can invoke the online help by clicking on Help.

Figure hint not displayed.

To refresh the current screen, press the F5 key or Ctrl+L

This completes the installation. The DB2 software is installed in the DB2DIR directory,

where DB2DIR = /usr/lpp/db2_06_01 on AIX

= /opt/IBMdb2/V6.1 on HP-UX, Solaris, or SGI IRIX

= /usr/IBMdb2/V6.1 on Linux

Figure hint not displayed.

You can use the DB2 Installer program to create an additional instance, create an Administration Server, or add additional products or components after your initial installation. To create or add a new instance, an Administration Server, or additional DB2 products and components, enter the following command:


On HP-UX, Solaris, or SGI IRIX

On Linux

Figure car not displayed.

To configure your client to access a remote DB2 Connect server, see Configuring Client-to-Server Communications Using the Command Line Processor.

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