You must bind the database utilities (import, export, reorg, the command line processor) and DB2 CLI bind files to each database before they can be used with that database. In a network environment, if you are using multiple clients that run on different operating systems or are at different versions or service levels of DB2, you must bind the utilities once for each operating system and DB2-version combination.
Binding a utility creates a package, which is an object that includes all of the information that is needed to process specific SQL statements from a single source file.
The bind files are grouped together in different .lst files in the bnd directory, under the installation directory. Each file is specific to a server.
To bind the utilities and applications to the DRDA server, connect to the DRDA server and use commands similar to the following:
connect to dbalias user userid using password bind path/bnd/@ddcsmvs.lst blocking all sqlerror continue messages mvs.msg grant public connect reset
where path corresponds to the DB2PATH registry value. These commands are described in detail in the DB2 Connect User's Guide.
On a Linux workstation, you bind the database utilities to a database using the command line processor. To bind the database utilties, perform the following steps:
Step 1. | Change to the /bnd directory, which is INSTHOME/sqllib/bnd, where INSTHOME is the home directory of the instance owner. |
Step 2. | Connect to the database using the command: db2 connect to database_alias where database_alias is the name of the database to which you want to connect. |
Step 3. | Enter the following commands in the Command Center or the command line processor: db2 "bind @db2ubind.lst messages bind.msg grant public" db2 "bind @db2cli.lst messages clibind.msg grant public" In this example, bind.msg and clibind.msg are the output message files, and EXECUTE and BINDADD privileges are granted to public. |
Step 4. | Reset the connection to the database by entering the following command: db2 connect reset For more information on the bind command, refer to the Command Reference.