IBM Books

Quick Beginnings for DB2 Connect

Binding Database Utilities

You must bind the database utilities (import, export, reorg, the command line processor) and DB2 CLI bind files to each database before they can be used with that database. In a network environment, if you are using multiple clients that run on different operating systems or are at different versions or service levels of DB2, you must bind the utilities once for each operating system and DB2-version combination.

Binding a utility creates a package, which is an object that includes all of the information that is needed to process specific SQL statements from a single source file.

The bind files are grouped together in different .lst files in the bnd directory, under the installation directory (typically sqllib\win on Windows 3.x systems and sqllib for OS/2, and Windows 32-bit operating systems). Each file is specific to a server.

Binding to Host Databases

To bind the utilities and applications to the DRDA server, connect to the DRDA server and use commands similar to the following:

   connect to dbalias user userid using password
   bind path/bnd/@ddcsmvs.lst blocking all sqlerror continue
           messages mvs.msg grant public
   connect reset

where path corresponds to the DB2PATH registry value. These commands are described in detail in the DB2 Connect User's Guide.

Binding to DB2 Universal Databases

How you bind the database utilities to a database depends on your workstation's operating system:


  1. The db2ubind.lst file contains the list of bind (.bnd) files required to create the packages for the database utilities. The db2cli.lst file contains the list of bind (.bnd) files required to create packages for the DB2 CLI and the DB2 ODBC driver.

  2. Binding may take a few minutes to complete.

  3. If you have BINDADD authority, the first time you use the DB2 CLI or ODBC driver, the DB2 CLI packages will be bound automatically.

Figure hint not displayed.

If the applications that you are using require binding to the database, you can use the Client Configuration Assistant's Bind facility, or the command line processor, to perform the bind action.

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