IBM Books

Quick Beginnings for DB2 Connect

Step 5. Catalog the Database

Before a client application can access a remote database, the database must be cataloged on the host system node and on any DB2 Connect workstation nodes that will connect to it. When you create a database, it is automatically cataloged on the host with the database alias (database_alias) the same as the database name (database_name). The information in the database directory, along with the information in the node directory, is used on the DB2 Connect workstation to establish a connection to the remote database.

To catalog a database on the DB2 Connect Workstation, perform the following steps.

Step  1.

Log on to the system as a user with System Administrative (SYSADM) or System Controller (SYSCTRL) authority.

Step  2.

Fill in the Your Value column in the following worksheet.

Table 6. Worksheet: Parameter Values for Cataloging Databases
Parameter Description Sample Value Your Value
Database name (database_name) The local DCS database name (local_dcsname) of the remote database. You specified this when you catalogued the DCS database directory. For example, ny. ny  
Database alias (database_alias) An arbitrary local nickname for the remote database. If you do not provide one, the default is the same as the database name (database_name). This is the name that you use when connecting to the database from a client. localny  
Node name (node_name) The name of the node directory entry that describes where the database resides. Use the same value for node name (node_name) that you used to catalog the node in the previous step. db2node  

Step  3.

Catalog the database by entering the following commands:

   catalog database database_name as database_alias at node node_name

For example, to catalog the DCS known database ny so that it has the local database alias localny, on the node db2node, enter the following commands:

   catalog database ny as localny at node db2node

Figure hint not displayed.

If you need to change values that were set with the catalog database command, perform the following steps:

Step  a.

Run the uncatalog database command:

   uncatalog database database_alias

Step  b.

Recatalog the database with the value that you want to use.

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