IBM Books

Administrative API Reference

Utility Manager Log Records

The utility manager produces log records associated with the following DB2 common server utilities:

The log records signify the beginning or the end of the requested activity. All utility manager log records are marked as propagatable regardless of the tables that they affect.

Migration Begin

This log record is associated with the beginning of catalog migration.

Table 123. Migration Begin Log Record Structure
Description Type Offset (Bytes)
Log header LogManagerLogRecordHeader 0(20)
Migration start time char[ ] 20(10)
Migrate from release unsigned short 30(2)
Migrate to release unsigned short 32(2)
Total Length: 34 bytes

Migration End

This log record is associated with the successful completion of catalog migration.

Table 124. Migration End Log Record Structure
Description Type Offset (Bytes)
Log header LogManagerLogRecordHeader 0(20)
Migration end time char[ ] 20(10)
Migrate to release unsigned short 30(2)
Total Length: 32 bytes

Load Start

This log record is associated with the beginning of a load.

Table 125. Load Start Log Record Structure
Description Type Offset (Bytes)
Log header LogManagerLogRecordHeader 0(20)
Log record identifier unsigned long 20(4)
Pool identifier unsigned short 24(2)
Object identifier unsigned short 26(2)
Flag unsigned char 28(1)
Object pool list variable 29(variable)
Total Length: 29 bytes plus variable

Table Load Delete Start

This log record is associated with the beginning of the delete phase in a load operation. The delete phase is started only if there are duplicate primary key values.

Table 126. Table Load Delete Start Log Record Structure
Description Type Offset (Bytes)
Log header LogManagerLogRecordHeader 0(20)
Total Length: 20 bytes

Load Delete Start Compensation

This log record is associated with the end of the delete phase in a load operation.

Table 127. Load Delete Start Compensation Log Record Structure
Description Type Offset (Bytes)
Log header LogManagerLogRecordHeader 0(20)
Total Length: 20 bytes

Load Pending List

This log record is written when a load transaction commits. The pending list is a linked list of non-recoverable operations which are deferred until the transaction commits. No commit log record follows this transaction.

Table 128. Load Pending List Log Record Structure
Description Type Offset (Bytes)
Log header LogManagerLogRecordHeader 0(20)
Time transaction committed unsigned long 20(4)
Authorization identifier of the applicationa char[ ] 24(9)
Pending list entries variable 33(variable)
Total Length: 33 bytes plus pending list entries propagatable (24 bytes plus pending list entries non-propagatable)
Note:a If the log record is marked as propagatable

Backup End

This log record is associated with the end of a successful backup.

Table 129. Backup End Log Record Structure
Description Type Offset (Bytes)
Log header LogManagerLogRecordHeader 0(20)
Backup end time unsigned long 20(4)
Total Length: 24 bytes

Tablespace Rolled Forward

This log record is associated with table space ROLLFORWARD recovery. It is written for each table space that is successfully rolled forward.

Table 130. Table Space Rolled Forward Log Record Structure
Description Type Offset (Bytes)
Log header LogManagerLogRecordHeader 0(20)
Table space identifier unsigned short 20(2)
Total Length: 22 bytes

Tablespace Roll Forward to PIT Begins

This log record is associated with table space ROLLFORWARD recovery. It marks the beginning of a table space rollforward to a point in time.

Table 131. Table Space Roll Forward to PIT Begins Log Record Structure
Description Type Offset (Bytes)
Time stamp for this log record. unsigned long 0(4)
Time stamp to which table spaces are being rolled forward. unsigned long 4(4)
Number of pools being rolled forward. unsigned short 8(2)
Integer list of pool IDs that are being rolled forward. int*numpools 10(variable)
Total Length: 10 bytes plus variable

Tablespace Roll Forward to PIT Ends

This log record is associated with table space ROLLFORWARD recovery. It marks the end of a table space rollforward to a point in time.

Table 132. Table Space Roll Forward to PIT Ends Log Record Structure
Description Type Offset (Bytes)
Time stamp for this log record. unsigned long 0(4)
Time stamp to which table spaces were rolled forward. unsigned long 4(4)
A flag whose value is TRUE if the roll forward was successful, or FALSE if the roll forward was canceled. int 8(4)
Total Length: 12 bytes

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