IBM Books

Administrative API Reference


This structure is used to pass information to sqleseti - Set Client Information and sqleqryi - Query Client Information.

This structure specifies:

Applications can specify the following types of information:

Table 28. Fields in the SQLE-CLIENT-INFO Structure
Field Name Data Type Description
TYPE LONG Setting type.
LENGTH LONG Length of the value. On sqleseti calls, the length can be between zero and the maximum length defined for the type. A length of zero indicates a null value. On sqleqryi calls, the length is returned, but the area pointed to by pValue must be large enough to contain the maximum length for the type. A length of zero indicates a null value.
PVALUE Pointer Pointer to an application-allocated buffer that contains the specified value. The data type of this value is dependent on the type field.

The valid entries for the SQLE-CLIENT-INFO TYPE element and the associated descriptions for each entry are listed below:

Table 29. Connection Settings
Type Data Type Description
SQLE_CLIENT_INFO_USERID CHAR(255) The user ID for the client. Some servers may truncate the value. For example, DB2 for OS/390 servers support up to length 16. This user ID is for identification purposes only, and is not used for any authorization.
SQLE_CLIENT_INFO_ WRKSTNNAME CHAR(255) The workstation name for the client. Some servers may truncate the value. For example, DB2 for OS/390 servers support up to length 18.
SQLE_CLIENT_INFO_ APPLNAME CHAR(255) The application name for the client. Some servers may truncate the value. For example, DB2 for OS/390 servers support up to length 32.
SQLE_CLIENT_INFO_ ACCTSTR CHAR(200) The accounting string for the client. Some servers may truncate the value. For example, DB2 for OS/390 servers support up to length 200.
Note:These field names are defined for the C programming language. There are similar names for FORTRAN and COBOL, which have the same semantics.

Language Syntax

C Structure

/* File: sqlenv.h */
/* Structure: SQLE-CLIENT-INFO */
/* ... */
SQL_STRUCTURE sqle_client_info
  unsigned short         type;
  unsigned short         length;
  char                   *pValue;
/* ... */

COBOL Structure

* File: sqlenv.cbl
        10 SQLE-CLIENT-INFO-TYPE   PIC S9(4) COMP-5.

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