IBM Books

Administrative API Reference


This structure passes information about database configuration files and the database manager configuration file. It is used with the database configuration and database manager configuration APIs.

Table 50. Fields in the SQLFUPD Structure
Field Name Data Type Description
TOKEN UINT16 Specifies the configuration value to return or update.
PTRVALUE Pointer A pointer to an application allocated buffer that holds the data specified by TOKEN.

Valid data types for the token element are:

Unsigned 2-byte integer

Signed 2-byte integer

Unsigned 4-byte integer

Signed 4-byte integer

4-byte floating-point decimal

String of length n (not including null termination).

For a complete description of the database configuration parameters, see the Administration Guide.

Valid entries for the SQLFUPD token element are listed below:

Table 51. Updatable Database Configuration Parameters
Parameter Name Token Token Value Data Type
adsm_mgmtclass SQLF_DBTN_ADSM_MGMTCLASS 307 char(30)
adsm_nodename SQLF_DBTN_ADSM_NODENAME 306 char(64)
adsm_owner SQLF_DBTN_ADSM_OWNER 305 char(64)
adsm_password SQLF_DBTN_ADSM_PASSWORD 501 char(64)
app_ctl_heap_sz SQLF_DBTN_APP_CTL_HEAP_SZ 500 Uint16
applheapsz SQLF_DBTN_APPLHEAPSZ 51 Uint16
autorestart SQLF_DBTN_AUTO_RESTART 25 Uint16
avg_appls SQLF_DBTN_AVG_APPLS 47 Uint16
buffpage SQLF_DBTN_BUFF_PAGE 90 Uint32
catalogcache_sz SQLF_DBTN_CATALOGCACHE_SZ 56 Sint32
chngpgs_thresh SQLF_DBTN_CHNGPGS_THRESH 38 Uint16
copyprotect SQLF_DBTN_COPY_PROTECT 22 Uint16
dbheap SQLF_DBTN_DBHEAP 50 Uint16
dft_degree SQLF_DBTN_DFT_DEGREE 301 Sint32
dft_extent_sz SQLF_DBTN_DFT_EXTENT_SZ 54 Uint32
dft_loadrec_ses SQLF_DBTN_DFT_LOADREC_SES 42 Sint16
dft_prefetch_sz SQLF_DBTN_DFT_PREFETCH_SZ 40 Sint16
dft_queryopt SQLF_DBTN_DFT_QUERYOPT 57 Sint32
dft_sqlmathwarn SQLF_DBTN_DFT_SQLMATHWARN 309 Sint16
dir_obj_name SQLF_DBTN_DIR_OBJ_NAME 46 char(255)
discover SQLF_DBTN_DISCOVER 308 Uint16
dl_expint SQLF_DBTN_DL_EXPINT 350 Sint32
dl_num_copies SQLF_DBTN_DL_NUM_COPIES 351 Uint16
dl_time_drop SQLF_DBTN_DL_TIME_DROP 353 Uint16
dl_token SQLF_DBTN_DL_TOKEN 602 Sint16
dl_upper SQLF_DBTN_DL_UPPER 603 char(10)
dlchktime SQLF_DBTN_DLCHKTIME 9 Uint32
estore_seg_sz SQLF_DBTN_ESTORE_SEG_SZ 303 Sint32
indexreca SQLF_DBTN_INDEXREC 30 Uint16
indexsort SQLF_DBTN_INDEXSORT 35 Uint16
locklist SQLF_DBTN_LOCKLIST 1 Uint16
locktimeout SQLF_DBTN_LOCKTIMEOUT 34 Sint16
logbufsz SQLF_DBTN_LOGBUFSZ 33 Uint16
logfilsiz SQLF_DBTN_LOGFIL_SIZ 92 Uint32
logprimary SQLF_DBTN_LOGPRIMARY 16 Uint16
logretainb SQLF_DBTN_LOG_RETAIN 23 Uint16
logsecond SQLF_DBTN_LOGSECOND 17 Uint16
maxappls SQLF_DBTN_MAXAPPLS 6 Uint16
maxfilop SQLF_DBTN_MAXFILOP 3 Uint16
maxlocks SQLF_DBTN_MAXLOCKS 15 Uint16
mincommit SQLF_DBTN_MINCOMMIT 32 Uint16
newlogpath SQLF_DBTN_NEWLOGPATH 20 char(242)
num_db_backups SQLF_DBTN_NUM_DB_BACKUPS 352 Uint16
num_estore_segs SQLF_DBTN_NUM_ESTORE_SEGS 304 Sint32
num_freqvalues SQLF_DBTN_NUM_FREQVALUES 36 Uint16
num_iocleaners SQLF_DBTN_NUM_IOCLEANERS 37 Uint16
num_ioservers SQLF_DBTN_NUM_IOSERVERS 39 Uint16
num_quantiles SQLF_DBTN_NUM_QUANTILES 48 Uint16
pckcachesz SQLF_DBTN_PCKCACHE_SZ 505 Uint32
rec_his_retentn SQLF_DBTN_REC_HIS_RETENTN 43 Sint16
seqdetect SQLF_DBTN_SEQDETECT 41 Uint16
softmax SQLF_DBTN_SOFTMAX 5 Uint16
sortheap SQLF_DBTN_SORT_HEAP 52 Uint32
stat_heap_sz SQLF_DBTN_STAT_HEAP_SZ 45 Uint32
stmtheap SQLF_DBTN_STMTHEAP 53 Uint16
userexit SQLF_DBTN_USER_EXIT 24 Uint16
util_heap_sz SQLF_DBTN_UTIL_HEAP_SZ 55 Uint32

a Valid values (defined in sqlutil.h):


b Valid values (defined in sqlutil.h):


Table 52. Non-updatable Database Configuration Parameters
Parameter Name Token Token Value Data Type
backup_pending SQLF_DBTN_BACKUP_PENDING 112 Uint16
codepage SQLF_DBTN_CODEPAGE 101 Uint16
codeset SQLF_DBTN_CODESET 120 char(9)a
collate_info SQLF_DBTN_COLLATE_INFO 44 char(260)
country SQLF_DBTN_COUNTRY 100 Uint16
database_consistent SQLF_DBTN_CONSISTENT 111 Uint16
database_level SQLF_DBTN_DATABASE_LEVEL 124 Uint16
log_retain_status SQLF_DBTN_LOG_RETAIN_STATUS 114 Uint16
loghead SQLF_DBTN_LOGHEAD 105 char(12)
logpath SQLF_DBTN_LOGPATH 103 char(242)
multipage_alloc SQLF_DBTN_MULTIPAGE_ALLOC 506 Uint16
numsegs SQLF_DBTN_NUMSEGS 122 Uint16
release SQLF_DBTN_RELEASE 102 Uint16
restore_pending SQLF_DBTN_RESTORE_PENDING 503 Uint16
rollfwd_pending SQLF_DBTN_ROLLFWD_PENDING 113 Uint16
territory SQLF_DBTN_TERRITORY 121 char(5)b
user_exit_status SQLF_DBTN_USER_EXIT_STATUS 115 Uint16

a char(17) on HP-UX and Solaris.

b char(33) on HP-UX and Solaris.

For a complete description of the database manager configuration parameters, see the Administration Guide.

Valid entries for the SQLFUPD token element are listed below:

Table 53. Updatable Database Manager Configuration Parameters
Parameter Name Token Token Value Data Type
agent_stack_sz SQLF_KTN_AGENT_STACK_SZ 61 Uint16
agentpri SQLF_KTN_AGENTPRI 26 Sint16
aslheapsz SQLF_KTN_ASLHEAPSZ 15 Uint32
audit_buf_sz SQLF_KTN_AUDIT_BUF_SZ 312 Sint32
authenticationa SQLF_KTN_AUTHENTICATION 78 Uint16
backbufsz SQLF_KTN_BACKBUFSZ 18 Uint32
catalog_noauth SQLF_KTN_CATALOG_NOAUTH 314 Uint16
comm_bandwidth SQLF_KTN_COMM_BANDWIDTH 307 float
conn_elapse SQLF_KTN_CONN_ELAPSE 508 Uint16
cpuspeed SQLF_KTN_CPUSPEED 42 float
datalinks SQLF_KTN_DATALINKS 603 Sint16
dft_account_str SQLF_KTN_DFT_ACCOUNT_STR 28 char(25)
dft_client_adpt SQLF_KTN_DFT_CLIENT_ADPT 82 Uint16
dft_client_comm SQLF_KTN_DFT_CLIENT_COMM 77 char(31)
dft_monswitches SQLF_KTN_DFT_MONSWITCHESb 29 Uint16
dft_mon_bufpool SQLF_KTN_DFT_MON_BUFPOOL 33 Uint16
dft_mon_lock SQLF_KTN_DFT_MON_LOCK 34 Uint16
dft_mon_sort SQLF_KTN_DFT_MON_SORT 35 Uint16
dft_mon_stmt SQLF_KTN_DFT_MON_STMT 31 Uint16
dft_mon_table SQLF_KTN_DFT_MON_TABLE 32 Uint16
dft_mon_uow SQLF_KTN_DFT_MON_UOW 30 Uint16
dftdbpath SQLF_KTN_DFTDBPATH 27 char(215)
diaglevel SQLF_KTN_DIAGLEVEL 64 Uint16
diagpath SQLF_KTN_DIAGPATH 65 char(215)
dir_cache SQLF_KTN_DIR_CACHE 40 Uint16
dir_obj_name SQLF_KTN_DIR_OBJ_NAME 75 char(255)
dir_path_name SQLF_KTN_DIR_PATH_NAME 74 char(255)
dir_typec SQLF_KTN_DIR_TYPE 73 Uint16
discoverd SQLF_KTN_DISCOVER 304 Uint16
discover_comm SQLF_KTN_DISCOVER_COMM 305 char(35)
discover_inst SQLF_KTN_DISCOVER_INST 308 Uint16
dos_rqrioblk SQLF_KTN_DOS_RQRIOBLK 72 Uint16
drda_heap_sz SQLF_KTN_DRDA_HEAP_SZ 41 Uint16
fcm_num_anchors SQLF_KTN_FCM_NUM_ANCHORS 506 Sint32
fcm_num_buffers SQLF_KTN_FCM_NUM_BUFFERS 503 Uint32
fcm_num_connect SQLF_KTN_FCM_NUM_CONNECT 505 Sint32
fcm_num_rqb SQLF_KTN_FCM_NUM_RQB 504 Uint32
federated SQLF_KTN_FEDERATED 604 Sint16
fileserver SQLF_KTN_FILESERVER 47 char(48)
indexrece SQLF_KTN_INDEXREC 20 Uint16
initdari_jvm SQLF_KTN_INITDARI_JVM 602 Sint16
intra_parallel SQLF_KTN_INTRA_PARALLEL 306 Sint16
ipx_socket SQLF_KTN_IPX_SOCKET 71 char(4)
java_heap_sz SQLF_KTN_JAVA_HEAP_SZ 310 Sint32
jdk11_path SQLF_KTN_JDK11_PATH 311 char(255)
keepdari SQLF_KTN_KEEPDARI 81 Uint16
max_connretries SQLF_KTN_MAX_CONNRETRIES 509 Uint16
max_coordagents SQLF_KTN_MAX_COORDAGENTS 501 Sint32
max_querydegree SQLF_KTN_MAX_QUERYDEGREE 303 Sint32
max_time_diff SQLF_KTN_MAX_TIME_DIFF 510 Uint16
maxagents SQLF_KTN_MAXAGENTS 12 Uint32
maxcagents SQLF_KTN_MAXCAGENTS 13 Sint32
maxdari SQLF_KTN_MAXDARI 80 Sint32
maxtotfilop SQLF_KTN_MAXTOTFILOP 45 Uint16
min_priv_mem SQLF_KTN_MIN_PRIV_MEM 43 Uint32
mon_heap_sz SQLF_KTN_MON_HEAP_SZ 79 Uint16
nname SQLF_KTN_NNAME 7 char(8)
notifylevel SQLF_KTN_NOTIFYLEVEL 605 Sint16
num_initagents SQLF_KTN_NUM_INITAGENTS 500 Uint32
num_initdaris SQLF_KTN_NUM_INITDARIS 601 Sint32
num_poolagents SQLF_KTN_NUM_POOLAGENTS 502 Sint32
numdb SQLF_KTN_NUMDB 6 Uint16
objectname SQLF_KTN_OBJECTNAME 48 char(48)
priv_mem_thresh SQLF_KTN_PRIV_MEM_THRESH 44 Sint32
query_heap_sz SQLF_KTN_QUERY_HEAP_SZ 49 Sint32
restbufsz SQLF_KTN_RESTBUFSZ 19 Uint32
resync_interval SQLF_KTN_RESYNC_INTERVAL 68 Uint16
route_obj_name SQLF_KTN_ROUTE_OBJ_NAME 76 char(255)
rqrioblk SQLF_KTN_RQRIOBLK 1 Uint16
sheapthres SQLF_KTN_SHEAPTHRES 21 Uint32
spm_log_file_sz SQLF_KTN_SPM_LOG_FILE_SZ 90 Sint32
spm_max_resync SQLF_KTN_SPM_MAX_RESYNC 91 Sint32
spm_name SQLF_KTN_SPM_NAME 92 char(8)
spm_path_name SQLF_KTN_SPM_PATH_NAME 313 char(226)
ss_logon SQLF_KTN_SS_LOGON 309 Uint16
start_stop_time SQLF_KTN_START_STOP_TIME 511 Uint16
svcename SQLF_KTN_SVCENAME 24 char(14)
sysadm_group SQLF_KTN_SYSADM_GROUP 39 char(16)
sysctrl_group SQLF_KTN_SYSCTRL_GROUP 63 char(16)
sysmaint_group SQLF_KTN_SYSMAINT_GROUP 62 char(16)
tm_database SQLF_KTN_TM_DATABASE 67 char(8)
tp_mon_name SQLF_KTN_TP_MON_NAME 66 char(19)
tpname SQLF_KTN_TPNAME 25 char(64)
trust_allclntsf SQLF_KTN_TRUST_ALLCLNTS 301 Uint16
trust_clntauth SQLF_KTN_TRUST_CLNTAUTH 302 Uint16
udf_mem_sz SQLF_KTN_UDF_MEM_SZ 69 Uint16

a Valid values (defined in sqlenv.h):


b SQLF_KTN_DFT_MONSWITCHES is a Uint16 parameter, the bits of which indicate the default monitor switch settings. This allows for the specification of a number of parameters at once. The individual bits making up this composite parameter are:

   Bit 1 (xxxx xxx1): dft_mon_uow
   Bit 2 (xxxx xx1x): dft_mon_stmt
   Bit 3 (xxxx x1xx): dft_mon_table
   Bit 4 (xxxx 1xxx): dft_mon_buffpool
   Bit 5 (xxx1 xxxx): dft_mon_lock
   Bit 6 (xx1x xxxx): dft_mon_sort

c Valid values (defined in sqlutil.h):


d Valid values (defined in sqlutil.h):


e Valid values (defined in sqlutil.h):


f Valid values (defined in sqlutil.h):


Table 54. Non-updatable Database Manager Configuration Parameters
Parameter Name Token Token Value Data Type
nodetypea SQLF_KTN_NODETYPE 100 Uint16
release SQLF_KTN_RELEASE 101 Uint16

a Valid values (defined in sqlutil.h):

   SQLF_NT_MPP (4)

Language Syntax

C Structure

/* File: sqlutil.h */
/* Structure: SQLFUPD */
/* ... */
  unsigned short  token;
  char            *ptrvalue;
/* ... */

COBOL Structure

* File: sqlutil.cbl
    05 SQL-TOKEN              PIC 9(4) COMP-5.
    05 FILLER                 PIC X(2).

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