IBM Books

Administrative API Reference


The Database Description Block (SQLEDBDESC) structure can be used during a call to sqlecrea - Create Database to specify permanent values for database attributes. These attributes include database comment, collating sequences, and table space definitions.

Table 44. Fields in the SQLEDBDESC Structure
Field Name Data Type Description
SQLDBDID CHAR(8) A structure identifier and "eye-catcher" for storage dumps. It is a string of eight bytes that must be initialized with the value of SQLE_DBDESC_2 (defined in sqlenv). The contents of this field are validated for version control.
SQLDBCCP INTEGER The code page of the database comment. This value is no longer used by the database manager.
SQLDBCSS INTEGER A value indicating the source of the database collating sequence. See below for values.
Note:To specify the IDENTITY collating sequence when creating a database, specify SQL_CS_NONE (which implements a binary collating sequence).
SQLDBUDC CHAR(256) The nth byte of this field contains the sort weight of the code point whose underlying decimal representation is n in the code page of the database. If SQLDBCSS is not equal to SQL_CS_USER, this field is ignored.
SQLDBCMT CHAR(30) The comment for the database.
SQLDBSGP INTEGER Reserved field. No longer used.
SQLDBNSG SHORT A value which indicates the number of file segments to be created in the database. The minimum value for this field is 1 and the maximum value for this field is 256. If a value of -1 is supplied, this field will default to 1.
Note:SQLDBNSG set to zero produces a default for Version 1 compatibility.
SQLTSEXT INTEGER A value, in 4KB pages, which indicates the default extent size for each table space in the database. The minimum value for this field is 2 and the maximum value for this field is 256. If a value of -1 is supplied, this field will default to 32.
SQLCATTS Pointer A pointer to a table space description control block, SQLETSDESC, which defines the catalog table space. If null, a default catalog table space based on the values of SQLTSEXT and SQLDBNSG will be created.
SQLUSRTS Pointer A pointer to a table space description control block, SQLETSDESC, which defines the user table space. If null, a default user table space based on the values of SQLTSEXT and SQLDBNSG will be created.
SQLTMPTS Pointer A pointer to a table space description control block, SQLETSDESC, which defines the temporary table space. If null, a default temporary table space based on the values of SQLTSEXT and SQLDBNSG will be created.

The Tablespace Description Block structure (SQLETSDESC) is used to specify the attributes of any of the three initial table spaces.

Table 45. Fields in the SQLETSDESC Structure
Field Name Data Type Description
SQLTSDID CHAR(8) A structure identifier and "eye-catcher" for storage dumps. It is a string of eight bytes that must be initialized with the value of SQLE_DBTSDESC_1 (defined in sqlenv). The contents of this field are validated for version control.
SQLEXTNT INTEGER Table space extentsize, in 4KB pages. If a value of -1 is supplied, this field will default to the current value of the dft_extent_sz configuration parameter.
SQLPRFTC INTEGER Table space prefetchsize, in 4KB pages. If a value of -1 is supplied, this field will default to the current value of the dft_prefetch_sz configuration parameter.
SQLPOVHD DOUBLE Table space I/O overhead, in milliseconds. If a value of -1 is supplied, this field will default to an internal database manager value (currently 24.1 ms) that could change with future releases.
SQLTRFRT DOUBLE Table space I/O transfer rate, in milliseconds. If a value of -1 is supplied, this field will default to an internal database manager value (currently 0.9 ms) that could change with future releases.
SQLTSTYP CHAR(1) Indicates whether the table space is system-managed or database-managed. See below for values.
SQLCCNT SMALLINT Number of containers being assigned to the table space. Indicates how many SQLCTYPE/SQLCSIZE/SQLCLEN/SQLCONTR values follow.
CONTAINR Array An array of sqlccnt SQLETSCDESC structures.

Table 46. Fields in the SQLETSCDESC Structure
Field Name Data Type Description
SQLCTYPE CHAR(1) Identifies the type of this container. See below for values.
SQLCSIZE INTEGER Size of the container identified in SQLCONTR, specified in 4KB pages. Valid only when SQLTSTYP is set to SQL_TBS_TYP_DMS.
SQLCLEN SMALLINT Length of following SQLCONTR value.
SQLCONTR CHAR(256) Container string.

Valid values for SQLDBCSS (defined in sqlenv) are:

Collating sequence from system.

Collating sequence from user.


Use pre-Version 5 collating sequence.

Valid values for SQLTSTYP (defined in sqlenv) are:

System managed

Database managed.

Valid values for SQLCTYPE (defined in sqlenv) are:

Device. Valid only when SQLTSTYP = SQL_TBS_TYP_DMS.

File. Valid only when SQLTSTYP = SQL_TBS_TYP_DMS.

Path (directory). Valid only when SQLTSTYP = SQL_TBS_TYP_SMS.

Language Syntax

C Structure

/* File: sqlenv.h */
/* Structure: SQLEDBDESC */
/* ... */
SQL_STRUCTURE sqledbdesc
  _SQLOLDCHAR    sqldbdid[8];
  long           sqldbccp;
  long           sqldbcss;
  unsigned char  sqldbudc[SQL_CS_SZ];
  _SQLOLDCHAR    sqldbcmt[SQL_CMT_SZ+1];
  _SQLOLDCHAR    pad[1];
  unsigned long  sqldbsgp;
  short          sqldbnsg;
  char           pad2[2];
  long           sqltsext;
  struct SQLETSDESC *sqlcatts;
  struct SQLETSDESC *sqlusrts;
  struct SQLETSDESC *sqltmpts;
/* ... */

/* File: sqlenv.h */
/* Structure: SQLETSDESC */
/* ... */
  char           sqltsdid[8];
  long           sqlextnt;
  long           sqlprftc;
  double         sqlpovhd;
  double         sqltrfrt;
  char           sqltstyp;
  char           pad1;
  short          sqlccnt;
  struct SQLETSCDESC containr[1];
/* ... */

/* File: sqlenv.h */
/* Structure: SQLETSCDESC */
/* ... */
  char           sqlctype;
  char           pad1[3];
  long           sqlcsize;
  short          sqlclen;
  char           sqlcontr[SQLB_MAX_CONTAIN_NAME_SZ];
  char           pad2[2];
/* ... */

COBOL Structure

* File: sqlenv.cbl
    05 SQLDBDID               PIC X(8).
    05 SQLDBCCP               PIC S9(9) COMP-5.
    05 SQLDBCSS               PIC S9(9) COMP-5.
    05 SQLDBUDC               PIC X(256).
    05 SQLDBCMT               PIC X(30).
    05 FILLER                 PIC X.
    05 SQL-PAD                PIC X(1).
    05 SQLDBSGP               PIC 9(9) COMP-5.
    05 SQLDBNSG               PIC S9(4) COMP-5.
    05 SQL-PAD2               PIC X(2).
    05 SQLTSEXT               PIC S9(9) COMP-5.
    05 SQLCATTS               USAGE IS POINTER.
    05 SQLUSRTS               USAGE IS POINTER.
    05 SQLTMPTS               USAGE IS POINTER.

* File: sqletsd.cbl
    05 SQLTSDID               PIC X(8).
    05 SQLEXTNT               PIC S9(9) COMP-5.
    05 SQLPRFTC               PIC S9(9) COMP-5.
    05 SQLPOVHD               USAGE COMP-2.
    05 SQLTRFRT               USAGE COMP-2.
    05 SQLTSTYP               PIC X.
    05 SQL-PAD1               PIC X.
    05 SQLCCNT                PIC S9(4) COMP-5.
        10 SQLCTYPE           PIC X.
        10 SQL-PAD1           PIC X(3).
        10 SQLCSIZE           PIC S9(9) COMP-5.
        10 SQLCLEN            PIC S9(4) COMP-5.
        10 SQLCONTR           PIC X(256).
        10 SQL-PAD2           PIC X(2).

* File: sqlenv.cbl
    05 SQLCTYPE               PIC X.
    05 SQL-PAD1               PIC X(3).
    05 SQLCSIZE               PIC S9(9) COMP-5.
    05 SQLCLEN                PIC S9(4) COMP-5.
    05 SQLCONTR               PIC X(256).
    05 SQL-PAD2               PIC X(2).

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