Administrative API Reference
Reports the authorities of the current user from values found in the
database manager configuration file and the authorization system catalog view
Required Connection
C API Syntax
/* File: sqlutil.h */
/* API: Get Authorizations */
/* ... */
sqluadau (
struct sql_authorizations * pAuthorizations,
struct sqlca * pSqlca);
/* ... */
Generic API Syntax
/* File: sqlutil.h */
/* API: Get Authorizations */
/* ... */
sqlgadau (
struct sql_authorizations * pAuthorizations,
struct sqlca * pSqlca);
/* ... */
API Parameters
- pAuthorizations
- Input/Output. Pointer to the sql_authorizations
structure. This array of short integers indicates which authorizations
the current user holds. The first element in the structure,
sql_authorizations_len, must be initialized to the size of
the buffer being passed, prior to calling this API. For more
information about the sql_authorizations structure, see SQL-AUTHORIZATIONS.
- pSqlca
- Output. A pointer to the sqlca structure. For
more information about this structure, see SQLCA.
REXX API Parameters
- value
- A compound REXX host variable to which the authorization level is
returned. In the following, XXX represents the host variable
name. Values are 0 for no, and 1 for yes.
- XXX.0
- Number of elements in the variable (always 18)
- XXX.1
- Direct SYSADM authority
- XXX.2
- Direct DBADM authority
- XXX.3
- Direct CREATETAB authority
- XXX.4
- Direct BINDADD authority
- XXX.5
- Direct CONNECT authority
- XXX.6
- Indirect SYSADM authority
- XXX.7
- Indirect DBADM authority
- XXX.8
- Indirect CREATETAB authority
- XXX.9
- Indirect BINDADD authority
- XXX.10
- Indirect CONNECT authority
- XXX.11
- Direct SYSCTRL authority
- XXX.12
- Indirect SYSCTRL authority
- XXX.13
- Direct SYSMAINT authority
- XXX.14
- Indirect SYSMAINT authority
- XXX.15
- Direct CREATE_NOT_FENC authority
- XXX.16
- Indirect CREATE_NOT_FENC authority
- XXX.17
- Direct IMPLICIT_SCHEMA authority
- XXX.18
- Indirect IMPLICIT_SCHEMA authority.
Sample Programs
- C
- \sqllib\samples\c\dbauth.sqc
- \sqllib\samples\cobol\dbauth.sqb
- \sqllib\samples\fortran\dbauth.sqf
- \sqllib\samples\rexx\dbauth.cmd
Usage Notes
Direct authorities are acquired by explicit commands that grant the
authorities to a user ID. Indirect authorities are based on authorities
acquired by the groups to which a user belongs.
Note: | PUBLIC is a special group to which all users belong.
If there are no errors, each element of the
sql_authorizations structure contains a 0 or a
1. A value of 1 indicates that the user holds
that authorization; 0 indicates that the user does not.
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