IN THE NEWS SECTION WELCOME TO DB2 NEWS! The DB2 family of products had an outstanding year in 1993. Besides DB2 Version 3.1, DB2/VSE & VM (SQL/DS), IBM introduced DB2/2, DDCS/2, DB2/6000, and DDCS/6000 to the client/server world. To keep pace with the expanding nature of DB2, DB2 Family News has been redesigned for ease of readability and usability. Published quarterly and containing up-to-the-minute information, DB2 Family News offers a variety of technical information second tonone! Send us your comments and suggestions using our "Reader's Reply Form" on page 25 and return it to us by fax or mail, as indicated. Thanks for reading DB2 Family News, and we look forward to hearing from you! IDUG CONFERENCE Change has swept the DB2 environment. Client/server computing, high availability systems, tight budgets and greater performance requirements necessitate sharp, up-to-the-minute skills from today's DB2 professionals. There is no better way to reach that skill level than by attending the International DB2 Users Group (IDUG) conferences. IDUG is an independent, not-for-profit organization run by users who work with DB2 every day and experience the same challenges that you do. This year, IDUG introduces DB2 family presentations from all segments of the computing industry: DB2/2, DB2/6000 and DB2. * Sixth Annual North American Conference May 8 to 12, 1994 San Diego, California, USA * Third Annual European Conference October 10 to 14, 1994 Nice, France For more information on attending or exhibiting, contact IDUG at: IDUG Headquarters 401 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago, Illinois USA 60611-4267 Phone (312) 644-6610 Fax (312) 321-6869 DB2 FAMILY NOW AVAILABLE ON COMPUSERVE You can now get DB2 family information on a new CompuServe forum called IBMDB2. It offers a 'question and answer' forum as well as various fixes and technical documents. How do you access this wealth of information? After connecting to CompuServe, enter: GO IBMDB2 The DB2 Family forum currently supports DB2/2, DB2/6000 and DB2/VSE and VM (SQL/DS). We look forward to seeing you on CompuServe! WHAT'S NEW IN PRINT? The following DB2-related publications are on the market: 1. OS/2 Developer Magazine Vol. 6 No. 1, January / February 1994 IBM Order No. G362-0001-21 Publisher: Miller Freeman, Inc. Theme: Developing Database Applications Corporate Study: OS/2 Client/Server Judicial Information System Programming Insider: Dynamic Link Libraries DB2/2 Application Development Prototyping Database Applications with VX-REXX Whatever Happened to OS/2's Database Manager? SOMObjects Developer Toolkit Building a Notebook with IBM C Set++ Objects A List Box Replacement Extending REXX with External Functions Buyers Guide: OS/2 Database Development Tools Product Watch: New OS/2 Tools and Utilities Supplement: Desktop DB2 2. Client/Server Programming with OS/2 2.1 Robert Orfali and Dan Harkey ISBN 0-442-01833-9 IBM Order No. G325-0650-02 Publisher: Van Nostrand Reinhold New Features on OS/2 2.1 OS/2 2.X future directions: Workplace OS and Tlignet OO frameworks New OS/2 client/server products Client/Server platform comparisons New products: LAN Server 3.0, NetWare 4.0, DB2/2, CM/2, NTS/2 & DDCS/2 Comparison of NetWare 4.0 with LAN Server 3.0 Programs ported to OS/2 2.1, DB2/2, LAN Server 3.0, CM/2 and NTS/2 3. AIXtra, IBM's Magazine For AIX Professionals Vol. 4 No. 1, January / February 1994 IBM Order No. G319-6195 Publisher: IBM Computers "See" Tumors to Help Treat Patients IBM, Argonne National Laboratory, Partner in Supercomputing An Overview of IBM's Microkernel Technology DB2/6000: IBM's Client/Server RDBMS Enters UNIX World Performance Tuning: A Continuing Series - The iostat Tool IBM DATABASE LEADERSHIP FOR ALL TO SEE The IBM DB2 Family of database systems is taking on the world, offering client/server solutions to all our customers and prospects. A new billboard message has cropped up alongside the Bayshore Freeway (Hwy 101), just south of San Francisco's airport: "Trust...not hype. DB2. The database leader. IBM" What does this mean? This message will be seen by people in many of Silicon Valley's high-technology industries, including those interested in database technology. The Bayshore Freeway passes close to the world headquarters of other database suppliers such as Informix** and Oracle**. "Billboards don't close sales," said Steve Mills, general manager, IBM Software Solutions Division, "but they can let thousands know the aggressive spirit of the IBM team of DB2 researchers, developers, and sales and service people." IBM has been a leading supplier of database products for three decades. From our Toronto Lab in 1993, the DB2 Family has added DB2/2 for PC LAN systems, DB2/6000 for the RISC System/6000, and has announced DB2/HP for use with systems from Hewlett Packard**. CLIENT/SERVER DATABASE CONFERENCE June 13 - 17 Sheraton New Orleans Hotel New Orleans, Louisiana Cost: $1,490 You dream of harmony among your information systems, but the reality you face is chaos from multiple client/server system, suppliers and products. Learn how to unify those diverse elements at the 1994 Client/Server Conference. The 1994 Client/Server Database Conference features: * IBM, independent consultants and other major database providers such as Oracle and Sybase; * Seven keynote addresses; * More than 75 mini-classes; * Expanded focus on LAN and network management/automation and data management/automation tools and techniques; * Case study sessions with practical client/server scenarios; * Updates on the DB2 family, included DB2 V3, DB2/2,* DB2/6000,* DB2/VSE & VM (SQL/DS),* and OS/400*; and * An extensive product exhibition of the latest database technology and application architecture. The register, U.S. customers may call 1-800-IBM-TEACH ext. 170 (1-800-426-8322); course code E5421. Non-U.S. customers may contact their local IBM office for information. U.S. IBM employees may enroll via MSE under course code CE54210C. Non U.S. IBM employees may enroll with your education coordinator: * AP, LA: Helen Symonds at RHQVM15(SYMONDS) * EMEA: Carol Dixon at WSTCPOL(EDCAROL) * Canada & Caribbean: Debbie Garneau at TORVM3(GETSMART) Special Add-On Class: Sunday, June 12, 1994 Data & IW Planning for you Enterprise Information Highway This one-day course teaches you strategy and process activities for planning "Information Database" as an enterprise plan. Learn about the IBM IW framework, strategy, key software, high-level management process models, data accessing possibilities across multiple platforms, and the definition of end-user decision support requirements. Register via 1-800-IBM-TEACH (course code E5440). USING TECHNOLOGY INTELLIGENTLY WITH INTELLISYSTEM When the USA Level 1 and 2 software service mission was transferred to the IBM development labs on April 6, 1992, juggling priorities between service and development soon proved to be a difficult task. "Our 'people paradigm' was inadequate to meet this challenge," said Greg McHale, Customer Advocate of Support Services, IBM Software Solutions Laboratory, Toronto. "Since we are at the forefront of technological improvements, moving to a 'technology paradigm' was more appropriate." Michael Ha, Manager of Services, at the Toronto Laboratory adds: "More workstation-based software products are being introduced to the marketplace, resulting in hundreds of thousands of new licenses each year. As a result, our ability to respond to customer service needs were being taxed to the limit." In seeking to automate as much of the software service process as possible, two focus areas stand out: handling repetitive and administrative customer calls, and locating answers to questions. To address the service Level 1 task, the Toronto Lab is piloting the Intellisystems* product -- a knowledge-based system tool, which guides customers through a diagnostic session via digitized voice and touch-tone phone keypad responses, or through terminal connection and interfaces to PC-based fax servers. "Using knowledge-based systems lets us capture valuable expertise and experience to reduce service costs," says Ha. "This activity should help IBM generate new revenue. We live in a knowledge-based society, and customers place considerable value on having expert knowledge bases resident on their premises." To access IntelliSystem, dial 1-800-992-4777 and ask for DB2 Support. DB2/2 DEPARTMENT SPOTLIGHT ON SERVICE for DB2/2 and DDCS/2 To receive assistance on IBM DATABASE 2 OS/2 (DB2/2) Version 1.0, Distributed Database Connection Services (DDCS/2) Version 2.0 and DDCS/2 Version 1.0, or for information regarding free service options and chargeable service options available, you can call 1-800-992-4777. Assistance is also available using the electronic options, OS2BBS and CompuServe Customer Support, as outlined below. CORRECTIVE SERVICE AND CUSTOMER SUPPORT DB2/2 and DDCS/2 customers can use two convenient problem-solving methods: Corrective Service and Customer Support. Corrective Service - Service and Select Paks Corrective Service is provided in two forms - Service Paks and Select Paks. What are Service and Select Paks? A Service Pak is a corrective service package of all fixes that have accumulated since the original product became generally available (similar to the old terminology of 'Corrective Service Diskettes' or 'CSD'). Approximately every six to eight months, a new Service Pak may be available and can be obtained either electronically as multiple diskette images or as physical diskettes ordered from IBM. For information on ordering these diskettes, please call 1-800-992-4777. A Select Pak is a small group of fixes that have accumulated between Service Paks (or in this case, since the product first became generally available). It is an interim set of regression- tested fixes that is only available electronically. These fixes are usually less than 1.44 MB so they are easier/faster to download and can fit (in ZIP format) onto a diskette for storage. The fixes are packaged by component: one Select Pak for the DB2/2 Engine, one for Query Manager, one for DDCS/2, and so on. The Select Pak is available approximately every three months. IBM makes the final decision to produce a Select or Service Pak after evaluating the APAR data based on the number, severity, and visibility of fixes. Select and Service Paks can be accessed electronically, as described below. Customer Support - OS2BBS and CompuServe Customer support provided by the DB2/2 Service Team is via a question and answer forum. The forum is accessible through CompuServe, IBMLink, and TALKLink. Instructions for Accessing Corrective Service and Customer Support o CompuServe: call 1-800-524-3388 in Canada and U.S. for membership information - Execute GO IBMDB2 o U.S. (IBMLink) TALKLINK OS/2 BBS: call 1-800-547-1283 for membership information - Go to OS2BBS in TALKLINK - Choose Service Package section (Corrective Service only) - Access DB2OS2 CFORUM (Questions & Answers and Technical Support). o Canadian IBMLink OS/2 BBS: call 416-474-6666 or 1-800-268-3100 for membership information - Go to IBMLink from the IIN Menu - Type ICONF on the IBMLink Desktop - Select View from the Conference File Selection List - Select Option 5 Select Files and type WR* * (NOTE: these two asterisks are wildcards) (Corrective Service only) - Select DB2OS2 CFORUM (Questions & Answers and Technical Support). The following methods are applicable to Corrective Service only. o Internet - FTP to anonymous server ( - Enter userid of anonymous and password as your complete e-mail address - Go to pubs/db2/os2 directory. o Canadian IBM PS BBS - to dial into the BBS call - 416-316-4255 Toronto, - 416-494-1823 Toronto, - 514-938-3022 Montreal, - 604-664-6464 Vancouver, or - 204-934-2798 Winnipeg (modem settings are 8 databits, no parity 1, stop bit) - Area 34 OS/2 Database and Host. o US IBM PCC BBS - to dial into the BBS call 919-517-0001 Raleigh, North Carolina (modem settings are 8 databits, no parity 1, stop bit) - Directory 4 (The CSD Directory) So if you need corrective service and customer support, tap into one of the convenient methods available from IBM! CompuServe is a trademark of CompuServe Inc. DB2/2, IBM, OS/2, IBMLink and IIN are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. DB2/2 V1 AND DDCS/2 V2 SERVICE PAKS Service Paks are now available for the following list of package names and PTF Retain numbers: Country DB2/2 Service Pak DDCS/2 Service Pak Package Name PTF Number Package Name PTF No. US English WR07015 07015 WR07016 07016 UK English WRU7015 20308 WRU7016 20317 France WRF7015 20311 WRF7016 20320 Germany WRG7015 20309 WRG7016 20318 Italy WRI7015 20312 WRI7016 20321 Norway WRN7015 20313 WRN7016 20322 Portugal WRP7015 20316 WRP7016 20325 Spain WRS7015 20310 WRS7016 20319 Sweden WRW7015 20314 WRW7016 20323 Japan WRJ7015 20315 WRJ7016 20324 The fixes contained in these Service Paks are those made since the initial availability of the product, including the WRx7012 Select Pak for DDCS/2 and the WRx7011 and WRx7012 Select Paks for DB2/2. They can be installed on either the initial product install or on the 7010, 7011 and 7012 Select Paks. The following is a list of APARs that have been fixed in the DB2/2 Service Pak: o Database Administration Tools: JR07468 o Database Engine: JR06426, JR06827*, JR06867*, JR06918*, JR06964, JR06975*, JR06984, JR07076, JR07102*, JR07196*, JR07197*, JR07198*, JR07282, JR07300*, JR07310*, JR07324*, JR07368, JR07373, JR07387, JR07388, JR07408, JR07418, JR07430, JR07438, JR07439, JR07453, JR07659 o Query Manager: JR06270*, JR06371*, JR06499, JR06684*, JR06851*, JR06882*, JR06913*, JR06969*, JR06986*, JR07179*, JR07253, JR07278, JR07400 o PC DOS/Windows Client: JR05949 The following is a list of APARs that have been fixed in the DDCS/2 Service Pak: o JR07104* Note that the APARs with a '*' next to them were in the previous WRx7010, WRx7011, WRx7012 Select Paks. In order to run with the new DDCS/2 fixes in WRx7016, you must install both the DB2/2 WRx7015 Service Pak and the DDCS/2 WRx7016 Service Pak. If you have obtained the PKZIP version of these diskettes (from a local BBS or tools disk) then unzip each .ZIP file onto one diskette to create the Service Pak installation diskettes. All diskettes are 3.5" 2.0 MB except for the separate PC DOS/Windows Client diskette(s) shipped with the DB2/2 package which is 3.5" 1.0 MB. For installation instructions, please refer to the README on the first diskette of the Service Pak. NEW IBM VISUAL DOCUMENT LIBRARY STREAMLINES ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT Workgroup computing is changing the way businesses operate. Today, with the right tools, people can communicate and work together more effectively -- no matter where they are located. The ability to access the right information at the right time across diverse workgroups is a key business challenge. To address this need, IBM has introduced Visual Document Library, a new electronic document management library and retrieval system for LAN networks. Built on a client/server architecture, Visual Document Library is a powerful, affordable document management library and retrieval system that can store, organize and locate your vital business information. It can handle virtually any kind of electronic data files -- text, business graphics, and multimedia presentations. The Visual Document Library provides extensive search capabilities including parametric, keyword and contextual (full text) searches. Parametric searches use words and "wild card" characters to search document attributes. Keyword searches are a special form of parametric searches which looks through a list of keywords stored with the document. The product is easy to use, taking full advantage of the OS/2 Workplace Shell and the object-oriented user interface design of the OS/2 System Object Model (SOM). Training is easy, since virtually anyone who knows how to use OS/2 and the Workplace Shell can begin using the library right away. Administrative as well as end-user functions operate via the system's intuitive graphical user interface. As a result, system administration can be handled easily and efficiently by both skilled users and experienced LAN managers. The system's full-text search engine, based on IBM SearchManager/2, lets users locate information quickly. Pop-up windows, prompts and fill-in-the-blank menus help simplify query creation. Queries can be made with or without pre-defined attributes; users can simply search for any significant word or phrase in a document. Knowledge of a document's location is not necessary; users only need to know the names of libraries or folders to be searched. The result is a folder of documents which satisfies all query conditions. Visual Document Library provides complete word, phrase and linguistic support for contextual searches, locating not only specified search words but also grammatical variations and synonyms, even searching in several languages and/or folders at the same time! The system then highlights the words within a document that match the search criteria so they can easily be located. With hypermedia support, a user can even point-and-click to display a separate non-text object such as an image, graphic or audio/video clip identified within a text document. Library objects can be secured from unauthorized access. The product provides safeguards against deliberate or accidental data destruction. Data can be protected during update through check-out and check-in facilities. User verification quickly determines an individual's access to a library document. The Visual Document Library client and server both operate under Operating System/2 (OS/2) Version 2.1 in either an IBM LAN Server 3.0 or Novell NetWare 4.0** environment. IBM Visual Document Library includes major elements of IBM's core database technology, Database 2 for OS/2 (DB2/2). In addition, IBM announced that it intends to provide a DOS Windows client in IBM Visual Document Library that will offer similar functional capabilities as the OS/2 client. The first customer shipment of IBM Visual Document Library will be by June 30, 1994, to selected customers. These customers will participate in a program that is designed to validate that IBM has achieved the quality objectives for the product in a variety of production environments. When these customers confirm that IBM has achieved its quality objectives, IBM will announce general availability. QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Q: I'm migrating from ES 1.0 to DB2/2 and received the message: "SQL5122N: Access to the database was invalid because of a machine- dependent check." What is the cause? A: The database and database configuration file cannot be accessed because of copy protection. To correct this error, contact your IBM representative and ask for the UNPROT utility. This utility is available on the internal IBM OS2TOOLS disk. Q: Can Query Manager be installed on a DOS/WINDOWS** client? A: Query Manager is a Presentation Manager-based program and will run only in an OS/2 environment. It cannot run on a DOS machine. Q: I received "SQL0818N" on accessing a database remotely from a DBM CLP and REXX program. A: Bind files did not appear to be properly bound against the database. Execute x:\SQLLIB\SQLBIND @SQLUBIND.LST (where x is install DB2/2 drive). Q: I have an application working on ES1.0. When moving to DB2/2 and running, it causes a TRAP/failure in SQLR.DLL. Access is from thread. A: This is caused by not allocating a large enough stack for the spawned thread. Increase stack to 16K for the DOSCREATETHREAD OS/2 API. Q: The COBOL sample program from the DB2/2 programming guide UPDATE.SQB traps using MicroFocus COBOL v3.1. A: COBLIB is not being linked. Check the link option as follows: link /ST:64000/PM:VIO update.obj,,,sqldyn 16 + coblib + doscalls (Note: coblib must be linked before doscalls or there will be a trap.) Q: I get a Sys3175 in SQLAPI.DLL. CS:EIP = 005B:11E3331BDE. What should I do? A: Use 32-bit application (CSET/2), but link it with SQLDYN16.LIB. Link 32-bit applications with SQLDYN.LIB library supplied with DB2/2. Q: I get an "SQL0101" -- SQL statement is too long (or too complicated). A: This is caused by insufficient statement heap size in the database configuration. Increase statement heap size from 64 to 255 (maximum). Default is 64 in DB2/2 (for server) and it was 64 in ES 1.0 too. A query that runs in ES 1.0 may not work in DB2/2 even if the statement heap size is the same. DB2/2 requires some extra overhead. SQL0101 may also be caused by other things such as referential constraint limitations in cases of UPDATE. Q: What is the default userid and default password? A: Default userid is "USERID" and default password is "PASSWORD" for UPM SYSADM. Q: When do negative return codes appear and how are errors handled? A: Negative SQL codes will be returned if any SQL function call fails. This return code will be assigned to SQLCA.SQLCODE. Q: I get an SYS1041 when attempting to build sample database, running SQLSAMPL. A: You have installed DB2/2 as a client only with no database support. This means that no databases may reside on that machine. Type DBINST and select REINSTALL, then specify Client with Local Database support. Load the diskettes as requested and reboot when the reinstallation procedure is completed. Q: Which packages of DB2/2 can store databases on a machine? A: Both DB2/2 multi- and single-user versions can do that. For the single-user version, configure as a client with local databases. For the multi-user version, configure as a server. DB2/6000 DEPARTMENT A LOOK AT DB2/6000 PREREQUISITES Have you been on the lookout for a defined list of DB2/6000* hardware and software prerequisites? Then read on.... DB2/6000 SERVER *Hardware A RISC System/6000* with a drive capable of reading either a 1/4" tape, 8mm tape or CD ROM. *Software o IBM DB2/6000 Version 1 o IBM AIX Version 3.2 modification level 4 or with U403173, U412397, and U412815 PTFs applied o If clients will be attached: CS/6000 Version 1 o If any clients are to be connected via APPC: - CS/6000* - SNA Feature - IBM Systems Network Architecture Services/6000 Version 1.2 (SNA/6000) o For development of applications on the server, one of the following compilers: - IBM AIX XL C/6000 (XLC) - IBM AIX XL FORTRAN/6000 (XLF) Version 2.3 - Micro Focus COBOL Compiler DDCS/6000 SERVER *Hardware A RISC System/6000 with a drive capable of reading either a 1/4" tape, 8mm tape or CD ROM. *Software o IBM DDCS/6000 Version 1 o IBM AIX Version 3.2 modification level 4 or with U403173, U412397, and U412815 PTFs applied o CS/6000 Version 1 with SNA Feature o IBM Systems Network Architecture Services/6000 Version 1.2 (SNA/6000) o For development of applications on the server, one of the following compilers: - IBM AIX XL C/6000 (XLC) - IBM AIX XL FORTRAN/6000 (XLF) Version 2.3 - Micro Focus COBOL Compiler DOS ClIENT *Hardware An IBM-compatible PC with a drive capable of reading 3.5" dual-density (1.44Mb) diskettes and supported by IBM PC-DOS Version 3.3 or later. *Software o IBM PC-DOS Version 3.3 or later o IBM TCP/IP for DOS Version 2.1 o To run applications on the client: IBM DB2 CE/DOS Version 1 o To develop and run applications on the client, IBM DB2 SDK/DOS Version 1 and one of the following compilers: - Microsoft** C Compiler 7.0 - WATCOM** Fortran 77 32 Compiler Version 9.5 - Micro Focus** COBOL Compiler DOS/WINDOWS CLIENT *Hardware An IBM-compatible PC with a drive capable of reading 3.5" dual-density (1.44Mb) diskettes and supported by IBM PC-DOS Version 3.3 or later. *Software o IBM PC-DOS Version 3.3 or later o Microsoft Windows 3.1 o IBM TCP/IP for DOS Version 2.1 o To run applications on the client: IBM DB2 CE/DOS Version 1 o To develop and run applications on the client, IBM DB2 SDK/DOS Version 1 and one of the following compilers: - Microsoft C Compiler 7.0 - WATCOM Fortran 77 32 Compiler Version 9.5 - Micro Focus COBOL Compiler OS/2 CLIENT *Hardware An IBM-compatible PC with a drive capable of reading 3.5" dual-density (1.44Mb) diskettes and supported by IBM OS/2 Version 2.0 or later. *Software o IBM OS/2 Version 2.0 with ServicePak Level XR06055 or later o For TCP/IP connection: IBM TCP/IP Version 1.2.1 for OS/2 o For APPC connection: IBM Communications Manager/2 1.0 or IBM OS/2 Extended Services 1.0 o To run applications on the client: IBM DB2 CE/2 Version 1 o To develop and run applications on the client, IBM DB2 SDK/2 Version 1 and one of the following compilers or interpreters: - IBM C Set/2 Compiler Version 1.0 - WATCOM Fortran 77 32 Compiler Version 9.5 - Micro Focus COBOL Compiler - REXX AIX CLIENT *Hardware A RISC System/6000 with a drive capable of reading either a 1/4" tape, 8mm tape or CD ROM. *Software o IBM AIX Version 3.2 modification level 4 or with U403173, U412397, and U412815 PTFs applied o For TCP/IP connection: TCP/IP component of AIX o For APPC connection: IBM Systems Network Architecture Services/6000 Version 1.2 (SNA/6000) o To run applications on the client: IBM DB2 CE/6000 Version 1 o To develop and run applications on the client, IBM DB2 SDK/6000 Version 1 and one of the following compilers: - IBM AIX XL C/6000 (XLC) - IBM AIX XL FORTRAN/6000 (XLF) Version 2.3 - Micro Focus COBOL Compiler NATIONAL LANGUAGE SUPPORT The IBM DATABASE 2 AIX/6000 Version 1 provides National Language Support by isolating the end-user interactions (menus and messages) into separate files that can be translated. The SQL language itself is not translated into national languages. However, provisions are supported for identifiers in SQL (such as table names, view names, and field names) defined in national languages. In addition, special consideration is given to functions that require unique adaptation in different countries such as date/time formats, collating sequences, and monocasing rules. DB2/6000 supports Double-Byte Character Set including the support of a mixed single and double-byte internal coded character set. It also supports clients running applications using a different code page (codeset) than DB2/6000 code page. This unequal code page support function allows OS/2, DOS, DOS Windows and AIX client applications to run in a wide range of code pages, and still be able to access a DB2/6000 database. For example, OS/2 clients can be running on the IBM-defined code page 850 and accessing a DB2/6000 database encoded on the ISO 8859-1 Latin-1 codeset. DB2/6000 - HINTS & TIPS *** When porting mainframe applications (or linking DB2/2 applications) to DB2/6000, be aware of the different code pages and collating sequences which are available for DB2/6000, and match this to where you are porting the application from. Some users have been porting applications and have seen that the code page 850 collating sequence does not match with either the DB2/2 or DB2/main frame collating sequence. To overcome this, use collating sequence = IDENTITY on DB2/6000. *** When installing the GA level of code over an FCS level, you need to ensure all FCS processing has been stopped before installing and starting the GA code level. In some cases, a back-end process was started under the FCS level, and then GA was installed. At that point, the FCS back-end process could not communicate to the engine correctly and caused errors. VSE DEPARTMENT WHAT'S NEW WITH DB2/VSE & VM? A SUMMARY OF CHANGES FOR VERSION 3 RELEASE 4 This is a summary of the technical changes to the DB2/VSE & VM (SQL/DS) Version 3 Release 4 database management system. All manuals are affected by some (or all) of the changes discussed here. Changes affecting specifically VM or VSE are indicated in the topic headings. The VM version is intended to run in VM/SP Release 6 (with or without VM/SP HPO), VM/XA SP Release 2 or VM/ESA Release 1 or later. The VSE version is intended to run in VSE/SP Version 3 Release 2 or Version 4 Release 1, VSE/AF Version 2 Release 1 Modification 7 or later, and all versions of VSE/ESA. Some of the following enhancements require that specific versions be used. [This summary does not list incompatibilities between releases of the DB2/VSE & VM (SQL/DS) product; see either the SQL Reference or the System Administration manual for a discussion of incompatibilities.] 1. ENHANCEMENTS, NEW FUNCTIONS, AND NEW CAPABILITIES *VIRTUAL STORAGE CONSTRAINT RELIEF (VSE ONLY) You can use 31-bit addressing to increase the size of addressable memory from 16 megabytes to 2 gigabytes. This makes it possible for your SQL/DS database manager to have more concurrent users, more page buffers, or more directory buffers. Because CICS Version 2 Release 2 also supports 31-bit addressing, you can increase the size of a CICS partition from 16 megabytes to 2 gigabytes. The SQL/DS database manager accommodates this increased CICS partition size by accepting requests from a transaction regardless of whether it is running above or below 16 megabytes. You must run VSE/ESA Version 1.3 or later with supervisor mode ESA or VMESA to use 31-bit addressing. *MULTIPLE APPLICATION SERVER SUPPORT (VSE ONLY) In Version 3 Release 4, up to 36 SQL/DS application servers can be active at the same time in your VSE system. Previous releases of the SQL/DS database manager permitted an application program to access just one database. An application program running in a batch partition can now access multiple SQL/DS application servers. Each application server is identified with a unique dbname. Batch application programs can use a dbname in a CONNECT statement to access an application server. The CURRENT SERVER special register returns the dbname of the current application server. Each application server must be accessed in a separate logical unit of work. Access to multiple databases is not available for CICS transactions. However, transactions running in different CICS partitions can access different application servers. * APPLICATION SERVER SUPPORT FOR REMOTE APPLICATIONS (VSE ONLY) Your VSE SQL/DS database manager can now participate in DRDA remote unit of work as an application server for an application requester running under the following IBM database managers: DATABASE 2 (DB2), DATABASE 2 OS/2 (DB2/2), DATABASE 2 AIX/6000 (DB2/6000), OS/400, SQL/DS on VM, or any other relational database manager that implements the DRDA remote unit of work feature. With this facility, you can position your VSE SQL/DS database manager as a data server for intelligent workstations. An enhanced SHOW SYSTEM operator command provides additional information about the application server. A new SHOW CONNECT operator command shows the status of all connected remote users. The DRDA remote unit of work facility can be optionally installed. If installed, it may require 31-bit addressing and therefore, VSE/ESA Version 1.3 with ESA or VMESA supervisor mode. * SUPPORT FOR THE IBM DATABASE 2 AIX/6000 DATABASE MANAGER (VM ONLY) The DATABASE 2 AIX/6000 (DB2/6000) database manager implements the DRDA remote unit of work feature. Your VM SQL/DS database manager can function as an application server for your DB2/6000 database managers. * CCSID SUPPORT (VSE ONLY) This support provides automatic Coded Character Set Identifier (CCSID) conversion for data and statements whose source and target have different code pages and/or character sets and/or encoding schemes. CCSID support adheres to the IBM Character Data Representation Architecture (CDRA). This architecture defines services, supporting resources, and conventions to achieve a consistent representation of double-byte and single-byte character set data. The following changes have been made as a result of CCSID support: o New preprocessing options have been added o A CCSID integer parameter has been added to the CREATE TABLE and ALTER TABLE statements o The DESCRIBE statement has been enhanced to return information in the SQLDA regarding the CCSID of a column o Additional rows have been added to the SYSTEM.SYSOPTIONS, SYSTEM.SYSCHARSETS, SYSTEM.SYSCCSIDS and SYSTEM.SYSSTRINGS catalog tables. * REDUCED CICS LOGGING (VSE ONLY) A logical unit of work that is accessing SQL/DS data may also be accessing data from one or more other sources such as a DL/1 database or a VSAM data set. CICS transactions normally use two-phase commit protocols to ensure the integrity of all such recoverable resources. With two-phase commit protocols, when an application program requests synchpoint processing, CICS polls all resource managers accessed in the logical unit of work. If all resource managers agree to commit, CICS commits all data. If any resource manager does not agree, all data changed in that logical unit of work is backed out. An application might access only one source or it might read several sources but only modify one. When just one resource, such as SQL/DS data, is being modified in a logical unit of work, two-phase commit may not be needed to ensure the integrity of the data. Your SQL/DS database manager can take advantage of the CICS single-phase commit protocol in such situations. This is faster than two-phase commit because it involves less processing and less CICS logging. To take advantage of the CICS single-phase commit protocol, VSE/ESA and CICS/VSE Version 2.2 or later are required. * IMPROVED PACKAGE MANAGEMENT (VSE ONLY) The previous restriction of 10 active packages in a logical unit of work has been removed. Using new startup parameters, the system administrator can now define the maximum number of active packages in a logical unit of work and the percentage of package cache entries that will remain loaded in storage at the end of a logical unit of work. * ENHANCED DBA PRIVILEGES (VSE ONLY) A DBA can now grant privileges on tables, views and packages owned by someone else. The DBA can also preprocess a package for another user now. The DBA cannot, however, revoke privileges which were granted by other users. * C NUL-TERMINATED STRING (VSE ONLY) All C input strings with a length greater than one are now handled as varying-length strings and must be terminated with a NUL (X'00') byte. * SIMPLIFIED CHINESE (VSE ONLY) Simplified Chinese has again been added to the list of languages supported; messages and HELP text can now be loaded and displayed in Simplified Chinese. * CASCADE DELETE ENHANCEMENT FOR REFERENTIAL INTEGRITY Referential integrity ensures that references in one table to data in another table are always valid. In previous releases, you could specify cascade delete constraints to ensure that if a value was deleted from a parent table, the corresponding row of a dependent table would also be deleted. Version 3 Release 4 expands the capabilities of the cascade delete constraint. When a row is deleted from a dependent table because of a cascade delete, the delete rule that exists between the dependent table and any tables that are its dependents will be processed. For example, suppose a cascade delete constraint exists for Table_A that results in a row being deleted from Table_B. Table_B, in turn, might have a delete rule that then causes a value in Table_C to be set to NULL. This enhancement can ensure integrity across several tables and reduce the programming effort needed to develop an application. * IMPROVED EXPLAIN CAPABILITIES The EXPLAIN statement is used to analyze data manipulation statements to provide information about the structure, execution, and approximate cost of the SQL statement being analyzed. In Version 3 Release 4, the EXPLAIN function has been enhanced as follows: o Several new columns have been added to the existing EXPLAIN tables. o The EXPLAIN function can now be used as a preprocessing option for all static SQL statements embedded in an application program. o A DBS utility job file is shipped with the SQL/DS product to generate EXPLAIN tables, indexes, and views. The enhanced EXPLAIN facility is more compatible with the DB2 EXPLAIN facility. * HOST STRUCTURE VARIABLES Several of the host languages that are supported by the SQL/DS database manager let you define variables in structured formats. For example, a COBOL program might specify the following structure for a three line address. 04 ADDRESS 05 LINE-1 05 LINE-2 05 LINE-3 A programmer can specify ADDRESS to refer to all three lines. The SQL/DS database manager has been enhanced to provide this kind of support for two levels of structured variables. If you code a host structure in an SQL declaration, you can use the name of that host structure in any SQL statement where you would otherwise code a list of host variables. This facility is available for SQL code embedded in application programs written in C, COBOL and PL/I. For VM, it is also available for RPG. If you code a structure with more than two levels, all of the lowest two level substructures can be used as host structures by the SQL/DS database manager. * REMOVAL OF 512 HOST VARIABLE RESTRICTION The previous maximum number of host variables allowed in a program module was 512. This restriction has been removed. The number of host variables is now restricted only by the size of storage. * CREATE PACKAGE EXTENSION (VSE ONLY) The syntax of the extended dynamic CREATE PACKAGE statement has been extended to support the new preprocessing options introduced in this release. * ENHANCED SHOW STORAGE COMMAND A new SHOW STORAGE operator command is provided to let you determine the system load and avoid problems caused by insufficient storage, This command displays information about system storage currently being used and the maximum total storage usage. The SHOW STORAGE command can be used together with the RESET HIGHSTOR command. By resetting the HIGHSTOR value, performing a function and then invoking the SHOW STORAGE command, you can determine the maximum storage needed to perform the function. 2. STANDARDS COMPLIANCE *ADDITIONAL DOUBLE BYTE CHARACTER SET SUPPORT (VSE ONLY) In Version 3 Release 4, the SQL/DS database manager provides additional DBCS support. This support includes revised JIS SQL (ANSI/ISO SQL2) national character string support. The character N can now be used as a synonym for G to indicate a graphic string constant. It also includes variable declaration support for COBOL 85 DBCS. 3. USABILITY ENHANCEMENTS * CONCAT KEYWORD SUPPORT (VSE ONLY) CONCAT is now a reserved word. To allow greater portability of packages among application servers with different system default CCSIDs, it is recommended that you use the CONCAT keyword. * MESSAGE TEXT CHANGES (VSE ONLY) Messages sent to the operator console can contain more than one line of text. Previously, each line of text was sent separately. In Version 3 Release 4, all text from a message is sent as a single output message. There is no change for a human operator. An automated operator, however, will receive just one output message instead of one for each line of a multi-line message. * PACKAGE DBSPACE FULL CONDITION HANDLING Previously, when a package was dynamically repreprocessed and a package dbspace full condition occurred, the repreprocess would fail with an SQLCODE of -946 and the user would then need to explicitly recreate the package. If this condition occurs with Version 3 Release 4, the database manager will automatically search for a non-full package dbspace that can accommodate the repreprocessed package. Manual intervention will only be required if all package dbspaces are full (if they already contain 255 packages or do not have enough free space to hold the additional package). * USING ALTERNATE TAPE DRIVES WHEN ARCHIVING (VSE ONLY) Previously, facilities for database and log archiving were allocated dynamically; that is the operator would be prompted for a CUU volume to dynamically assign to a tape drive. With Version 3 Release 4, you have the option of statically assigning multiple tape drives for a database or log archive. This new option can save you time when an archive operation requires multiple tapes since you need not wait while a tape is being rewound and unloaded. * THE CONNECTABLE AND UNCONNECTED STATE (VM ONLY) When a severe error occurs, the logical unit of work is rolled back and the communication link is severed. This causes the application to enter a "connectable and unconnected" state. Previously, if the next SQL statement was not a CONNECT statement, SQL/DS caused the application to abend. However, if this condition occurs in Version 3 Release 4, SQL/DS does not cause the application to abend, but issues a severe error code instead; SQLCODE of -900 and SQLSTATE of 51018. * DUAL LOGGING ENHANCEMENT (VM ONLY) If you are using dual logs and one is damaged, it can be replaced with a new minidisk. SQL/DS will then copy the good log to the new one without the necessity of doing a COLDLOG. 4. RELIABILITY, AVAILABILITY, AND SERVICEABILITY IMPROVEMENTS * PROCESSING A DROP TABLE STATEMENT When a DROP TABLE statement is executed, the rows of the specified table are not dropped immediately; instead, the table is marked for deletion by adding a row to the SYSDROP system catalog table. After the current logical unit of work (LUW) is committed, a new LUW is started and the table is dropped. For each page that contains data for the table being dropped, an equal number of shadow pages must be retained until the delete operation is completed, and the LUW can be committed. If the table occupies a large number of pages, it is possible to run out of physical pages, or to encounter a storage pool full condition. With this enhancement, checkpoints are possible as rows are deleted, freeing shadow pages more quickly. As well, the database manager will no longer abend if a storage pool full condition occurs during a DROP TABLE operation. * ENHANCEMENT TO COLDLOG PROCESSING Previously, running a COLDLOG operation could destroy log data needed for recovery if any logical units of work were unresolved when the database was last shut down. In Version 3 Release 4, the operator will get a warning message if this condition exists and will be able to cancel the COLDLOG operation before any data is lost. For VSE, if you have already redefined your log data set, however, this enhancement will not be as useful, since the log data is already erased. * FIRST FAILURE DATA CAPTURE (VSE ONLY) First Failure Data Capture is automatically invoked when an internal problem is detected. This support reduces the need to recreate an error since vital control block information is captured at the point the error is detected. * TRACE IN MEMORY (VSE ONLY) Performance of the trace facility has been improved with the trace in memory option. This option allows you to store trace records in a wrap-around trace buffer in memory. The trace buffer size is defined by specifying the TRACEBUF parameter when the TRACE is started. Trace records stored in the trace buffer may be then written to the output file on a disk or tape when trace is turned off by an operator command or if the SQL/DS database system is shut down normally or abnormally. The output file must then be formatted in the same way as if it were created without the trace in memory option. * IMPROVED STORAGE TRACE The storage trace facilities have been enhanced to provide relevant trace point information about the SQL/DS application server. The new facility provides consolidated trace information for system and working storage. It can be invoked either during database startup with a new STARTUP command parameter or after the database is started with the TRACE operator command. 5. LIBRARY ENHANCEMENTS * SQL/DS PERFORMANCE TUNING HANDBOOK A new manual provides information to enable you to tune your SQL/DS system more effectively. * USING VSE VDISK (VSE Only) The SQL/DS Performance Tuning Handbook contains a description of the use of VDISKS for SQL/DS internal dbspaces. * REVISED MANUALS The Database Administration and System Administration manuals have been revised to provide you with better information. Chapter 6 of the Database Administration manual and Chapter 8 of the System Administration manual have been removed; this information has been included in the SQL/DS Performance Tuning Handbook. CALLING ALL ISV DEVELOPERS! IBM is committed to providing users with the broadest range of solutions to meet their needs. Our DB2 client/server Developer Assistance Program (DB2 C/S DAP) ensures availability of DB2 client/server solutions. This program supports Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) who are developing products to support the DB2 client/server family of products. In fact, one of the program's key design points is its availability to any ISV who is willing to make a DB2 client/server enablement (developing and testing) investment. DB2 C/S DAP members can receive DB2 client/server code and free technical support when enabling their applications and tools to the DB2 client/server family of products. Other support services include a program that allows ISVs to remotely test their applications with the various IBM relational database management systems (such as DB2 MVS, DB2 VM & VSE, SQL/400, DB2/6000) and access to porting/DB enablement rooms. The DB2 Client/Server Solutions Directory lets you know which DB2 client/server-enabled products are available in the marketplace. This directory is updated on a quarterly basis and is broadly distributed (at conferences, shows, and within IBM). If you have products that are already DB2 client/server-enabled but are not listed in the Solutions Directory, please complete the "DB2 Client/Server Solutions Directory Product Information Sheet" at the on page 24 and return it to the specified address. If you are an ISV in the U.S. or Canada, please call 1-800-627-8363 to enrol in the DB2 C/S DAP or to obtain more information. If you are an ISV outside North America, please call 1-817-961-8797 or fax 1-817-961-8410. We look forward to hearing from you and to having you as a valued member of our DB2 C/S DAP. SERVICES SPOTLIGHT DEPARTMENT An Inside Look at DB2/2 and DB2/6000 SupportPacs DB2/2 SupportPac In December 1993, the DB2/2 SupportPacs became generally available in the U.S. The revised workshops available are: 1. Application design for DB2 client/server 2. Application development for DB2 client/server 3. Installing and configuring DB2/2 and DDCS/2 4. DB2/2 operations strategy 5. DB2/2 performance monitoring and tuning 6. DB2/2 capacity planning More workshops are being developed. They will be developed in a joint field specialists/product developer 'camp.' Details should be available in the next issue of DB2 Family News. The list of workshops under consideration include: o Systems management for DB2 client/server o Planning CID for DB2/2 o Security planning for DB2 client/server o DB2/2 security Using UPM o Communications for DB2 client/server o DB2/2 communications using IPX/SPX o Distributed computing using DB2 client/server IBM marketing representatives can obtain more information by requesting the DB22SERV package on MKTTOOLS, or by contacting TOROLAB6(DB2SPE). Customers can obtain more information by contacting their IBM marketing representatives! In addition to the U.S., we are very pleased to announce that SupportPacs will soon be available in several key European countries: Switzerland, Eastern Europe, France and the United Kingdom. Availability will be announced shortly in these countries and we hope to add additional world-wide country support during the next few months. Country IBM marketing representatives can obtain more information by contacting TOROLAB6(DB2SPE) and customers can get details from their IBM marketing representative. DB2/6000 SupportPac The customer validation period for the DB2/6000 SupportPacs ended in January, 1994 and the materials are now generally available in the U.S. The revised workshops are: 1. Application design for DB2 client/server 2. Application development for DB2 client/server 3. Installing and configuring DB2/6000 and DDCS/6000 4. DB2/6000 operations strategy 5. DB2/6000 performance monitoring and tuning 6. DB2/6000 and CICS/6000 interface considerations DB2/6000 Workshop Descriptions 1. APPLICATION DESIGN FOR DB2 CLIENT/SERVER This workshop outlines the concept behind client/server application design using products from the DB2 family. It covers the issues and concerns in application design, and provides some typical design examples for discussion. The application design considerations discussed include performance, availability, security, and backup and recovery. A number of forms are also provided at the end of the workshop to help customers plan for their application design. 2. APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT FOR DB2 CLIENT/SERVER This workshop helps you assess important considerations for the set-up of a DB2 client/server environment, and heightens your awareness of the programming issues inherent in different platforms. It also addresses the LAN-based development environment and the integration of DRDA into such configuration. This workshop explains the programming differences in various platforms, such as DB2/2 versus DB2/6000. Discussions are based on eight principles which are provided as a guideline for development. In summary, customers will be able to set up the environment much more efficiently, and their productivity during the development stage should be greatly improved. 3. INSTALLING & CONFIGURING DB2/6000 & DDCS/6000 This workshop is a complete installation and configuration procedure for DB2/6000 and DDCS/6000. It contains a step-by-step approach for connecting the customer's DB2/6000 to host DB2 using DRDA. This workshop explains the installation steps for DB2/6000 and DDCS/6000, and discusses the configuration parameters that best suit your customer's environment. It will also help you devise a full list of values for the APPC setup for connecting to host DB2. With the assistance of the IBM specialist, customers will be able to develop a DB2/6000 and DDCS/6000 setup procedure, fully customized for their applications. 4. DB2/6000 OPERATIONS STRATEGY Aimed at system and database administrators, this workshop provides a guideline for operations in a DB2/6000 environment. Backup and recovery, security considerations, and utilities for housekeeping are all covered. This workshop explains the different operating functions and utilities, and identifies the procedures suitable for the customer's application, such as reorganization frequency, recovery steps, and so on. Administration tasks required for the maintenance of the environment will also be discussed. Attendees will understand the operating procedure and housekeeping utilities offered in DB2/6000, and will acquire a recommended operations strategy. This workshop also serves as a complementary document for their Operations Manual. 5. DB2/6000 PERFORMANCE MONITORING & TUNING Offered at this workshop is a comprehensive set of material ranging from 'factors affecting application design' to 'values for the performance parameters'. It walks through the concepts of performance monitoring and tuning for DB2/6000, then develops a set of values optimized for your environment. The development team and system administrators can also take this opportunity to discuss and share their application considerations. Customers will learn the functions of each performance parameter. The technical skills acquired from the workshop will enable them to monitor the database performance more easily. The workshop materials also serve as documentation for system administrators. 6. DB2/6000 AND CICS/6000* INTERFACE CONSIDERATIONS This workshop provides comprehensive information about the connection of DB2/6000 and CICS/6000 via the XA interface. It starts by discussing the services provided by DCE*, ENCINA* and CICS/6000, moves to the installation and set-up procedure of the XA interface, then discusses any issues associated with the implementation. A number of sample files and screens are also provided to help the customer better understand the process involved. At the end of the workshop, customers will have an understanding of the various aspect of the XA interface, and using with considerations discussed, will be ready to start implementing their own XA interface. SPOTLIGHT ON SOFTWARE DEPARTMENT THE SPEEDWARE ADVANTAGE FOR THE IBM RISC SYSTEM/6000 Speedware** is a high performance fourth-generation technology targeted at the development of transaction oriented business applications. This cost-effective software uses the most advanced technology within an open environment while adhering to industry standards and addressing a wide range of hardware platforms and databases. Application developers use it in a variety of industries worldwide to create applications quickly and efficiently. The way Speedware enhances the developer's productivity is by automating many tedious and repetitive programming tasks. Essentially, the user designs and tests applications using intuitive, high-level dialogue procedures, and Speedware then automatically generates optimized code to run them. As they are created, all application specifications are stored in platform-independent form, so they can be automatically compiled to run in many environments, and can also be readily re-compiled when ported to new environments. Speedware surrounds and embraces all the elements of application development, maintenance, and enhancement within a single, integrated development environment. Without exiting to any other program or system, the Speedware user has access to everything required to create or modify an application -- database and file definitions, menus, programs, transaction screens, logical views, reports, security systems and documentation systems -- plus the development resources of a specialized, fourth generation language, file structures and transaction routines. Within this comprehensive framework, no rigid working methodology is imposed; the Speedware environment leaves the developer in full control, able to perform a wide variety of different tasks in different ways. Ideal Technology for Today's Developer As technology and business environments rapidly change, business applications need to be revised to deliver time-saving solutions to end users. Application developers are constantly faced with a need to address advances in hardware and database improvements while maintaining access to legacy file systems. Managers want to protect their current and past investments as well as having to take advantage of new technology. Speedware applications are platform and database independent, giving you true portability, interoperability, and most of all, application development -- productivity which translates into cost savings for you! Speedware Integrated Development Environment (IDE), allows the developer to follow a logical process that begins with basic concepts and definitions, and then proceeds through a continuous series of intuitive steps. Application design is treated as a natural, human process -- including the all-too-human tendency to change one's mind now and then. Automated programming using fourth-generation technology is a fundamental feature of Speedware. This includes highly-automated procedures for designing databases and transaction routines, developing application prototypes, and testing them in real-world environments. The Speedware IDS fully accommodates the inherently reiterative nature of the AD process. Object-Oriented Power Speedware/Designer is the development 'workbench' of the Speedware family. It puts the power of SpeedWare/4GL (the 'engine' of the system) at the developer's disposal in a working environment fully equipped for application development purposes. Object-oriented technology is the key to Speedware/Designer's productive power. The essential feature of 'objects' is their independence, which allows them to be manipulated freely to construct or re-construct applications in a very efficient manner. The heart of Speedware/Designer is a central repository which automatically stores objects of this kind as they are created by the user. Speedware/Designer's central repository includes everything the user creates or specifies -- data definitions, logical views, programs, applications, documents, and user and team definitions. The repository effectively breaks applications and programs into separately-stored components, making them much easier to revise, arrange, rearrange and re-use. Speedware/Designer's built-in multi-user capability allows teams of developers to work together on the same application in a real-time environment. Security controls can be applied to limit any team member's access to specific parts of the application desired. Speedware Remote-Windows Speedware Remote-Windows delivers a practical client/server solution that is integrated into an existing Microsoft Windows environment. Remote-Windows on the PC provides the presentation services, while the business logic and data manipulation services are performed on the host by Speedware/4GL. Through Remote-Windows, Speedware applications effectively use both PC and host resources. Remote-Windows provides graphical presentation services to the Speedware application executing on the host. The Windows presentation replaces the character mode presentation seen by terminal-based users. Remote-Windows provides this capability without application code changes. Remote-Windows allows application developers to integrate popular Windows-based software into their application. Using Microsoft Windows Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE), PC applications may be invoked and executed from within a Speedware application. With DDE, Speedware applications can integrate with common MS Windows packages such as Excel**, Word**, Lotus 1-2-3** and WinFax**, where data can be transferred automatically between the two Windows applications. The Ultimate End User Reporting Tool EasyReporter is a very powerful, yet easy-to-use end user reporting tool for generating reports from enterprise computer databases. EasyReporter gives you the ability to view this information in different ways, supplying a competitive edge to your decision making while allowing full end-user access to data -- all without adversely affecting total system performance. Automated Documentation Facility SYSDOC is Designer module which allows developers to interrogate the Designer repository to retrieve information with text files to generate system documentation. USERDOC is a designer module which captures snapshots of a running Speedware application. These snapshots then form the backbone of the application documentation for users. Training and Customer Support Speedware offers courses ranging from basic introduction to more advanced classes at our offices and those of our distributors around the world. (Many of our customers report that they were developing applications after only one week of our basic training.) Speedware's award-wining, well-written and easy to use documentation and online help is available to get you started and keep you developing your applications. If you run into any problems while developing in Speedware, call our Speedware's Customer Support Service 800 number and our trained support specialists will take over from there. Most customer problems are resolved within 24 hours. Speedware: A Total Solution With such a complete development toolset it should come as no surprise that numerous applications exist that are written in Speedware. Examples include financial, manufacturing, order processing, maintenance management, human resource management and payroll software. Speedware Corporation works with many software development companies and individuals who provide a wealth of application solutions and consulting services. Ask your Speedware representative for more information. Speedware has teamed up with IBM, leader in RISC technology, to bring powerful, productive and flexible development tools to IBM RISC SYSTEM/6000 and IBM DB2/6000 application developers. With its substantial experience and links to a number of popular database systems, Speedware enhances DB2/6000 interoperability with other database products. This is part of the Speedware advantage in database connectivity with carries through to delivery of open systems value -- portability, interoperability and productivity. For more information, contact Speedware Corporation, Inc. 150 John Street, 10th Floor Toronto, Ontario Canada M5V 3E3 Phone: 416-408-2880 FAX: 416-408-2872 USA: 800-800-8657 or in California 800-447-0744 Europe: +44 (0)71-828-1897 FAX +44 (0)71-828-5904 Europe(French): +33 1 40 74 01 10 FAX +33 1 45 62 85 16 Asia/Pacific: +61 (0)2-956-7699 FAX +61 (0)2-929-8703 TRINZIC: BRINGING DATA TO YOUR DESKTOP Trinzic Corporation is a major provider of application development tools and services that assist companies in developing client/server data access and business process automation (BPA) applications to achieve greater productivity, higher quality and increased competitiveness. They are able to do that by offering two tools that work with most databases and gateways including IBM's DB2/2, AS/400, DB2, SQL/DS and DDCS/2: * Forest & Trees, a unique data access and reporting tool * InfoPump, a simple environment for moving data to and from databases in client/server systems. FOREST & TREES Forest & Trees brings data to your desktop and allows you to see the big picture and the little details by providing the ability to "drill down" to the appropriate level of detail. It is a desktop decision support tool that lets you access data from a variety of sources. Forest and Trees ably solves the problem of collecting data throughout your organization and transforming that raw data into productive information by automatically collecting and integrating data, tracking the status of vital signs, and building reports and graphs. What You Can Achieve Using Forest & Trees * Build Queries: With the Query Assist feature, you will find it easy to develop database queries without writing SQL. Simply point and click at the data elements that are required to answer a specific business question, and let Forest & Trees create the SQL statements to retrieve the data. * Add an Alarm: Place alarms on your resulting data using the simple alarm dialog. You can easily highlight data based on user-defined conditions. For example, when expenses exceed budgets, you can make the expense figure appear in red. In addition, alarm triggers can take action on your alarms allowing you to send email or print a report when your conditions are met. Overall, alarms are very useful for monitoring your vital business data. * Schedule Queries: Each Forest & Trees action can be scheduled to occur at regular intervals. So go ahead and run large queries at night or have your favorite report printed every Monday morning. This simple interface makes it easy for you to customize your individual schedules and ensures that you are always working with up-to-date information. * Create Meaningful Graphs: Forest & Trees supports 16 different graph types including 3D graphs and overlays. It enhances the power of the graphical view by allowing users to click on the different parts of a graph, then drill down to more detail. And it is also very easy to flip between the graphical view and the view of the underlying data. * Produce Reports: The sophisticated report writer creates meaningful default layouts that can be easily modified to fit each user's specific needs. You can add pictures and graphs to your reports to improve impact and presentation. Also, with report alarms, you can color or shade data that meets or exceeds user defined conditions (similar to alarms described above). * Analyze Data with Crosstabs: Forest & Trees allows you to do multidimensional analysis of your data using crosstabs -- you control the vertical and horizontal axes and Forest & Trees calculates the resulting view. Crosstabs allow you to slice and dice your data with the click of a mouse. For example, view sales data by customer and month, customer and region, or any combination of parameters that your data allow. * Develop Decision Support and EIS Applications: Forest & Trees lets you create end-user applications that are graphical and easy to navigate. The approach for developing these applications is based on easy to use dialogs rather than a programming language, so you are able to create productive applications quickly. For example, display a map of the world and allow the user to click on a region to get more detail. Then display a map of that region with sales figures. By using bitmaps, buttons, list boxes, radio buttons, check boxes, crosstabs, graphs and reports, your Forest & Trees application will provide the analytical capabilities required by your users. INFOPUMP InfoPump moves data to and from databases in client/server systems. Integrate and make available the data that resides in various databases in your organization. DB2 family database interfaces that are available for InfoPump include DB2/2, IBM DB2 through DDCS/2, and DB2/6000. InfoPump also supports other popular databases, including Gupta SQLBase, Sybase/Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, AS/400, Lotus Notes, and mainframe databases via gateway products. Your DB2 family databases can be easily integrated with other databases in your organization. InfoPump puts the data in the location and the format that best suits end-user requirements. It is specifically designed for organizations attempting to build decision support or enterprise- wide information systems where the source data is dispersed, inaccessible, highly normalized, unconsolidated, or inadequately defined. Save Time - No Database API Programming Needed InfoPump's database interfaces allow you to move data on a scheduled, triggered, or ad-hoc basis between database formats without coding for database-specific API's. The data can be cleaned and manipulated as it is moved. With InfoPump's scripting language, you can develop data routing, data replication, and workflow automation applications in a fraction of the time it would take to develop the application by writing database interface programs. Applications One example of InfoPump use is when moving customer data from a mainframe to 10 servers on local area networks. The data is summarized, filtered, and tailored for decision support at each location. The information systems manager who installed this system estimates that InfoPump saved two man years of programming time. In another application, InfoPump moves information for customer invoices from a relational database into Lotus Notes. A Notes application routes copies of invoices to sales representatives and customers via e-mail and fax. InfoPump Components InfoPump is a server-based software product. It runs on an OS/2 Server (Version 1.3 or higher), and continuously monitors status of all data transfer and routing jobs. Since InfoPump exploits OS/2's preemptive multitasking, it can process multiple data routing jobs simultaneously. Each of the components in the InfoPump system is described below: * InfoPump Manager: The InfoPump Manager, which runs on any Microsoft Windows client connected to the InfoPump Server, is used to specify the data transfer, routing, filtering, and synchronization that you want InfoPump to perform. You define data sources and destinations and include log-in, password, and server information in the manager. All log-in information is encrypted to maintain system security. The InfoPump Manager includes debugging and development tools that are used during script development. * Internal Database: The internal database stores the log-in, password, and server information entered in the InfoPump Manager. It also stores scripts developed in the manger, and transaction and error logs are stored in the internal database by the InfoPump Server. * InfoPump Server: The InfoPump Server continuously checks the internal database for data transfer requests scripts that are ready to execute. Requests and scripts are executed as scheduled, moving data from source databases to destination databases. Database Interfaces: InfoPump's database interfaces translate data requests from requests and scripts into database-specific instructions. Since the database interfaces handle all database-specific instructions, you do not have to write any database-specific code to route, filter, and synchronize data with InfoPump. Trinzic's InfoHub** In addition to Forest & Trees and InfoPump, Trinzic also develops and markets InfoHub which provides and ODBC interface to allow PC applications to access and update host-based legacy databases such as DB2, IMS, IDMS, ADABAS, VSAM, and sequential files. For more information, contact: Trinzic Corporation One Harbour Place Suite 500 Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-427-0444 Trinzic International Limited Royalty House 10 King Street Warford Herts WD1 8BP United Kingdom +44 923 202 050 VISUALAGE: A POWERFUL NEW VISION OF PROGRAMMING We know you're interested in IBM's Application Builder Technology. VisualAge is a working technology that ushers in a new age of application programming -- the visual age. VisualAge is IBM's application-building power tool for professional developers. It will revolutionize how you create line-of-business applications. Using VisualAge, you can: * create advanced line-of-business applications for client/server environments in a fraction of the time normally required; * design intuitive and consistent graphical user interfaces; * mine you enormous investment in legacy code; * learn object-oriented technology at your own pace; and * move large-scale team development into an object-oriented environment. Increase Productivity VisualAge is not just a GUI builder or prototyping tool. It is a power tool for building industrial- strength applications -- such as sophisticated on-line transaction processing (OLTP) and decision support applications. Novice VisualAge users at IBM have built applications in two weeks that normally would take months using C or COBOL. Applications that might take weeks are now done in hours. Programming with VisualAge is intuitive and enjoyable. And, it can be a morale-booster as application backlogs disappear and end users start applauding the powerful results. Create Intuitive Business Applications VisualAge provides everything you need to build the client portion of client/server applications in a pure object-oriented development environment: * Multiple platforms will be supported * Full set of interactive development tools * Extensive, expandable library of prefabricated parts * Array of powerful components for client/server computing * Stand-alone and integrated team programming versions * Customized parts generator * Advanced test facilities, performance-tuning application packaging tools, and runtime performance analysis tools Visual Programming Tool: Picture This Many applications require no code to be written at all. You simply select parts from the library and make the appropriate connections on the screen. When new parts need to be written, they can be written in Smalltalk, which is accessible from VisualAge. As an alternative, new parts can be built using C or COBOL and VisualAge will automatically make the parts behave like objects. Prefabricated parts in the library include generic parts for: * database queries; * CICS transaction program; * remote and local functions; * graphical user interface support of Common User Access (CUA); and * multimedia. Flexibility and Support The team programming version includes a LAN central library of classes, parts and subsystems which programmers can access and update concurrently. And since the VisualAge environment was created using its own language and tools, you can modify VisualAge itself -- you'll never be limited or vendor-dependent for upgrades and new features. VisualAge provides client/server and communication support over multiple protocols: APPC, TCP/IP, NetBIOS, EHLLAPI, and CICS OS/2 External Call Interface. It supports both local and remote databases: * DB2/2, DBM, DB2/6000 in base products * DB2, SQL/DS, AS/400SQL via DDCS/2 * Sybase and Oracle as add-on feature * Interactive Query Builder * Visual support for invoking stored procedures And VisualAge's DLL and networking interfaces allow access to code written in any programming language. VisualAge provides support for local C and COBOL DLLs with a facility that automates the definitions needed to interface to a local C or COBOL DLL by building the necessary objects and methods for you. It is a boon for object-oriented programmers. Because it is written and Smalltalk and VisualAge itself, VisualAge can be adopted without in-depth object-oriented skills and eases the transition to object-oriented programming. Look for It VisualAge is the beginning of a new age in application development: the visual age. Look for upcoming announcements about general availability and ordering VisualAge. Call 1-800-IBM-TEAC for education offerings. Please fax other requests: In USA 919-469-7423 In Canada 800-267-5185 or append CompuServe forum under IBM Software Solutions. Outside North America, please contact your local IBM representative. PERFORMANCE MONITORING WITH POWERVISION PowerVision offers effective on-line displays coupled with state-of-the-art graphics to analyze DB2 use, growth, and performance needs. Graphically track what's happening throughout your DB2 system and analyze performance problems instantly through a simple point-and-click interface. In addition to the standard displays and graphs provided, it gives you the ability to selectively graph over 200 different performance indicators to meet your environment's particular needs. Finally, PowerVision provides an integrated suite of tools and utilities to complement its performance monitoring capabilities. Technical Features * Graphical Interface An advanced graphical interface allows you to view activity in your system through several different chart formats and to develop customized displays to meet your system's monitoring requirements. * Integrated Screen Architecture Easily navigate from a summary screen or graph to one of several detail screens to enhance performance monitoring and problem solving capabilities. * Comprehensive Online Information Provides comprehensive information at the instance, database and application levels including buffer pool activity, lock analysis, logging statistics, sorting information, UOW and connection information, and SQL statistics. * Historical Analysis Flexible collection options lets you access complete historical information. Data is collected and stored in a central repository through the Data Archive Facility (DAF) which houses a wide range of performance data and provides historical analysis capabilities. With it, you can determine if a performance problem is merely a spike in activity or a trend that may require more serious attention. * Integrated Tool Set The integrated set of tools goes hand in hand with DB2 performance analysis including a DB2 catalog query tool, an EXPLAIN tool, a configuration tool that lets you manage DB2 tuning parameters, as well as several other utilities that assist you in the day to day operation of your DB2 system. System Requirements o IBM Risc System/6000 o AIX/6000 Version 3.2 o AIX Windows Environment/6000 Version 1.2.4 o DB2/6000 Version 1 o Mouse support Ordering Information PowerVision for DB2 is generally available on April 1, 1994. Introductory pricing is in effect until May 17, 1994. For additional information, contact: Steven Smith Relational Development, Inc. 681 Lee Road 613 Smiths, AL United States 36877 Phone: 205-480-9130 Fax: 205-480-9121 LOOK FOR DB2 AT THESE UPCOMING EVENTS! PSP OS/2 Technical Interchange April 25 to 29, 1994 San Francisco, California IDUG - 6th Annual North American Conference May 8 to 12, 1994 San Diego, California DB Expo May 23 to 27, 1994 San Francisco, California Client/Server Database Conference June 13 to 17, 1994 New Orlean, Louisiana G.U.I.D.E. June 7 to 10, 1994 Brighton, England Database and Client/Server World June 29 to 30, 1994 Boston, Massachusetts DO YOU HAVE DB2 PRODUCT ENHANCEMENT IDEAS? There are two ways to let us know! * Discuss your requirements with your IBM representative, and have him or her submit your requirements to the Database Technology group at TOROLAB2(DBMREQ). * Or, send your detailed requirements to IBM using the Reader's Reply form INTERESTED IN RECEIVING BACK ISSUES OR A SUBSCRIPTION TO THE NEWSLETTER? * Indicate your interest on the Reader's Reply form and mail or fax it back to us * If you are an IBM employee, you can obtain a copy by requested the DB2-NEWS PACKAGE on the MDTTOOLS disk.