Having problems unmounting your DB2 UDB V5.2 installation media file system (CD-ROM or NFS mounted file system) on UNIX platforms? - If you choose to install DB2 UDB V5.2 product documentation on your UNIX operating system, an HTML search engine called NetQuestion will also be installed (if it is not already present on your system). If NetQuestion is not already present on your system you may find that, after installing your DB2 product documentation, you are not able to unmount the installation file system (typically a CD-ROM, but NFS file systems can also be affected). This problem is caused by NetQuestion daemons that are started during the installation of the documentation. - To unmount your installation file system you must stop all NetQuestion daemons and processes. You can do this easily by using a shell script called db2nqadm. - 1. Download db2nqadm (use binary mode) from IBM's service ftp site to your system. If you are having problems with an NFS mounted file system, do not place this script in that file system. 2. As root, type db2nqadm stop and press . This stops all NetQuestion daemons and processes running on your system. 3. Unmount your file system as usual. 4. When you have finished unmounting your file system, type db2nqadm start and press . This restarts NetQuestion daemons and processes.