Installation and Configuration Supplement

DB2 node configuration file - db2nodes.cfg

The resourcesetname parameter is only supported on AIX, HP-UX, Solaris Operating Environment and Linux.

On Linux operating systems, the resourcesetname column defines a number that corresponds to a Non-Uniform Memory Access (NUMA) node on the system. The numactl system utility must be available in addition to a 2.6 kernel with NUMA policy support. Refer to the man page for numact1 for more information about NUMA support on Linux operating systems.

Example using resourcesetname on Linux operating systems

This example shows how to set up a four node NUMA computer with each logical node associated with a NUMA node.


  1. Ensure that NUMA capabilities exist on your system.
  2. Issue the following command:
    $ numactl --hardware
    Output similar to the following displays:
    available: 4 nodes (0-3)
    node 0 size: 1901 MB
    node 0 free: 1457 MB
    node 1 size: 1910 MB
    node 1 free: 1841 MB
    node 2 size: 1910 MB
    node 2 free: 1851 MB
    node 3 size: 1905 MB
    node 3 free: 1796 MB
  3. In this example, there are four NUMA nodes on the system. Edit the db2nodes.cfg file as follows to associate each Multiple Logical Node (MLN) with a NUMA node on the system:
    0 hostname 0 hostname 0
    1 hostname 1 hostname 1
    2 hostname 2 hostname 2
    3 hostname 3 hostname 3

DB2NOLIOAIO registry variable replaced by DB2LINUXAIO (Linux)

The DB2 Universal Database (UDB) registry variable DB2NOLIOAIO is deprecated as of Version 8.2.2 (equivalent to Version 8.1 FixPak 9). For Linux users, the DB2NOLIOAIO registry variable has been replaced with DB2LINUXAIO.

Application server for DB2 UDB

The application server for DB2 Universal Database(TM) (UDB) no longer supports remote administration or stored procedures.

The updated topics are as follows:

Enabling the application server for DB2 UDB

Enabling the database does the following:


On Linux(TM), after installing the application server and before enabling the application server, you must set up the Linux Java(TM) environment. Refer to your Application Development Guide: Building and Running Applications book for details on setting up the Linux Java environment.


To enable the application server for DB2 UDB, perform the following:

  1. Log on to the DB2 server as root on Linux or UNIX(R) operating systems, or as a user with Administrator privileges on Windows(R) operating systems.
  2. For Linux- and UNIX-based operating systems run the following command:
       . /db2instance_path/sqllib/db2profile 
    where db2instance_path is where the DB2 UDB instance was created.
  3. Run one the following commands:
    • For Linux and UNIX operating systems:
               -db db_alias 
               -user db_user 
               -password db_password 
               -db2path path_to_sqllib 
               -instance instance_name
               -easpath path_to_eas
               -fencedid fenced_userid
    • For Windows operating systems:
               -db db_alias 
               -user db_user 
               -password db_password 
               -db2path path_to_sqllib 
               -instance instance_name
               -easpath path_to_eas
    • db_alias is the alias of the database to be enabled.
    • db_user is the user id to use when connecting to the database.
    • db_password is the password to use with the user id connecting to the database.
    • path_to_sqllib is the path to the DB2 UDB instance SQLLIB directory. This path is used to update DB2EAS with the required JAR files.
    • instance_name is the name of a DB2 UDB instance.
    • path_to_eas is the path to the embedded application server.
    • fenced_userid is the user id for the fenced user.

Once the application server for DB2 UDB is enabled, the application server is started automatically.

Starting the application server for DB2 UDB locally

The application server should be started using the fenced user ID for systems creating web services in a .NET environment or running XML Metadata Registry (XMR) only.

Starting the application server for DB2 UDB remotely

This section is removed. The application server for DB2 UDB no longer supports remote administration.

Stopping the application server for DB2 UDB locally

The application server should be stopped using the fenced user ID for systems creating web services in a .NET environment or running XML Metadata Registry (XMR) only.

Stopping the application server for DB2 UDB remotely

This section is removed. The application server for DB2 UDB no longer supports remote administration.

Uninstalling the application server for DB2 UDB

This section is removed. The application server for DB2 UDB no longer supports remote administration.

DB2 Embedded Application Server enablement

The enabled database of a DB2 Embedded Application Server must be located in a 32-bit instance Any databases accessed from the DB2 Embedded Application Server can be located in 32-bit or 64-bit instances.

Deploying DB2 Web Tools

Application servers using JDK 1.4 no longer require customization of the CLASSPATH variable during DB2 Web Tools deployment. All dependencies, including those for XML parser and transformer, are now deployed with the web module and are expected to be loaded from the WEB-INF\lib directory according to the J2EE specification. This change affects two information topics:

The updated topics are as follows:

Deploying DB2 Web Tools on WebLogic application servers

This task describes how to deploy and configure DB2 Web Tools (including the Web Command Center and the Web Health Center) on BEA WebLogic 7.0. These tools run as Web applications on a Web server to provide access to DB2 servers through Web browsers.


Before you install DB2 Web Tools on WebSphere(R), ensure that you have:


The following restrictions apply to the DB2 Web Tools deployment:


To install DB2 Web Tools on WebLogic application servers:

  1. Deploy the DB2 Web Tools through the WebLogic administrative console by completing the following:
    1. Start the WebLogic administrative console.
    2. Click domain -> deployments -> Web Applications in the left pane of the window.
    3. Click the Configure a new Web Application link to install DB2 Web Tools Web application.
    4. Browse the listing of the file system to locate Sqllib\tools\web\db2wa.war.
    5. Click on select beside the db2wa.war file name.
    6. Choose a server from the list of available servers to house DB2 Web Tools, select the server and click the arrow to move the server to target servers.
      Preserving the original name db2wa is mandatory, as DB2 Web Tools has it hardcoded.
    7. Click Configure and Deploy.
    8. Wait until the application server refreshes the deployment status of the Web application on the selected server. If successful, it should show Deployed=true
  2. Invoke the DB2 Web Tools Web application, which is located at:
    For example, http://server_name:7001/db2wa.

Deploying DB2 Web Tools on other application servers

This task describes how to deploy and configure DB2 Web Tools (including the Web Command Center and the Web Health Center) on other application servers such as Tomcat 4.0 and Macromedia JRun 4.0. These tools run as Web applications on a Web server to provide access to DB2 servers through Web browsers.


Before you install DB2 Web Tools, ensure that you have:


The following restrictions apply to the DB2 Web Tools deployment:


The following are the procedures for installing DB2 Web Tools using application servers such as Tomcat 4.0 or Macromedia JRun 4.0:

Tomcat 4.0
  1. Prepare the Tomcat 4.0 configuration file (CLASSPATH) by completing the following:
    1. Create a new environment/system variable CATALINA_HOME to contain the path (root directory) to Tomcat 4.0. For example, D:\jakarta-tomcat-4.0.3.
    2. Confirm that the Tomcat Servlet/JSP Container is functional:
      1. Start Tomcat by running startup.bat from Tomcat's bin directory.
      2. Access the main Web page http://localhost:8080/ through a Web browser.
  2. Deploy the DB2 Web Tools into the Tomcat Servlet/JSP Container by locating the DB2 Web Tools installation path (i.e. Sqllib\tools\web\db2wa.war) and copying db2wa.war into Tomcat's deployment directory (i.e. Tomcat's webapps directory).
  3. Invoke DB2 Web Tools on Tomcat Servlet/JSP Container by completing the following:
    1. Open a DB2 Command Window and change the directory to Tomcat's bin directory.
    2. Start Tomcat using startup.bat and confirm that a new directory (db2wa) has been added into the webapps directory.
      Running startup.bat from a command prompt window would not set DB2PATH. In order to enable DB2PATH being set, the CLASSPATH line needs to be changed to explicitly reference the DB2 UDB installation path rather than the %DB2PATH% environment variable.
    3. The DB2 Web Tools enterprise application is located at http://localhost:8080/db2wa and can be accessed with an HTML 4.0 compliant Web browser.
  1. Prepare a new application server for DB2 Web Tools by completing the following tasks:

    Creating a new application server is recommended, but not mandatory. For testing purposes, the default server can be used, and only the configuration of the JVM classpath and the deployment is required.

    1. Start the JRun Management Console and login as the administrator of the application server.
    2. Create a new application server using Create New Server located at the top right of the main page. Do not change the host name selection from localhost.
    3. Enter the new server name (DB2WebToolsServer) and click the JRun Server Directory. The value is automatically filled in.
    4. Click the Create Server button.
    5. Record the generated values or enter new values for:
      • JNDI Provider URL
      • Web Server Port Number. This would be the value to be used in the URL for the DB2 Web Tools (i.e. http://localhost:web_server_port_numer/db2wa)
      • Web Connector Proxy Port Number
    6. Click update port numbers if necessary and close the window.
  2. Deploy DB2 Web Tools on the JRun application server by completing the following tasks:
    1. Start the application server selected to host DB2 Web Tools Web application (DB2WebToolsServer, default or any other except admin).
    2. Click Web Applications and then click Add.
    3. Browse the Deployment File section to select the Sqllib\tools\web\db2wa.war file in the DB2 UDB installation path.
    4. Click Deploy and confirm that the context path is /db2wa.
    5. Select the application server and confirm that the DB2 Web Tools application appears in the Web Applications section. Do not click Apply on this page.
    6. Select the Home link from the upper left panel of the main page.
    7. Restart the application server from the Home view that contains the DB2 Web Tools (DB2WebToolsServer).
The DB2 Web Tools enterprise application is located at http://localhost:your_web_server_port_numer/db2wa and can be accessed with an HTML 4.0 compliant Web browser.

Direct I/O on block devices (Linux)

Direct I/O is now supported on both file systems and block devices for distributions of Linux with a 2.6 kernel. Direct I/O on block devices is an alternative way to specify device containers for direct disk access or for raw I/O. The performance of Direct I/O is equivalent to the raw character device method. DB2 Universal Database (UDB) enables Direct I/O while opening the table space when the CREATE TABLESPACE statement specifies a block device name for the container path. Previously, the same performance was achieved using the raw I/O method, which required binding the block device to a character device using the raw utility.

Table 37. Comparison of direct I/O and raw I/O
Raw I/O using block device with Direct I/O (new method) Raw I/O using character device driver and raw utility (old method)
USING (DEVICE '/dev/sda5' 11170736)
USING (DEVICE '/dev/raw/raw1' 11170736)

Although DB2 UDB still supports the method of using the raw utility for raw I/O, recent distributions have deprecated this feature and may remove it in the future. The preferred method is to use the new method by specifying the devices directly.


If you want to exploit direct disk access, create your DMS device containers using Direct I/O to avoid future migration issues.

Direct I/O is not supported by DB2 UDB on Linux/390.

DB2 Information Center daemon (Linux and UNIX)

The DB2 Information Center daemon is responsible for the control of the DB2 documentation server. The daemon, which is part of the DB2 Information Center installation, is composed of two files:

These files are installed in the following locations:





Solaris Operating Environment




Starting or stopping the Information Center daemon (AIX, Solaris Operating Environment, HP, Linux)

The only time you should need to start or stop the daemon manually is when you want to change the configuration variables for the daemon. Normally, the daemon is started at system startup, according to the run levels created during the installation of the DB2 Information Center.


To stop and start the Information Center daemon:

  1. Halt the daemon if it is already running. At a command line, enter:
    INIT_DIR/db2icd stop
    where INIT_DIR is the installation directory of the db2icd file listed previously.
  2. Change any of the variables for the daemon by editing the db2ic.conf file. Currently, you can modify the TCP port number where the documentation is available, and the location of the temporary workspace used by the daemon while it is running.
  3. Start the daemon. At a command line, enter:
    INIT_DIR/db2icd start
    where INIT_DIR is the installation directory of the db2icd file listed previously.

When the daemon starts, it uses the new environment variables.

There is also an option to shut down and restart the daemon immediately. At a command line, enter:

INIT_DIR/db2icd restart

where INIT_DIR is the installation directory of the db2icd file listed previously.

You can check the status of the daemon at any time. At a command line, enter:

INIT_DIR/db2icd status

where INIT_DIR is the installation directory of the db2icd file listed previously. The daemon returns the current status, and displays the ID of the daemon process or processes if it is active.

Response file keywords and sample files

To install the DB2 Information Center Version 8.2 using a response file, use the following information:

Response file keyword (PROD)
Response file name

Response file installation error codes

The following error code is for Windows only and is not applicable to Linux and UNIX operating systems.

The installation is successful, however a system restart is required to complete the installation.

Required user accounts for installation of DB2 servers (Windows)

Increase quotas
The Increase quotas user right has been changed to Adjust memory quotas for a process on the Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 operating systems.
User rights granted by the DB2 installer - Debug Programs
The DB2 installation program does not grant the Debug Programs user right. The DB2 installer grants the following user rights:

Asynchronous I/O support (Linux)

Asynchronous I/O (AIO) support is now available on Linux (2.6 and some 2.4 kernels) for raw devices and O_DIRECT file systems. AIO improves page cleaner performance. You can enable or disable AIO on Linux by issuing the db2set command.

To use AIO, users must install libaio-0.3.98 or later and have a kernel that supports AIO. Users must also run the db2set DB2LINUXAIO=true command and restart DB2 Universal Database.

db2ln command modified to create DB2 UDB 64-bit library links (Linux and UNIX)

In previous levels of DB2 Universal Database (UDB) Version 8, the db2ln command created certain DB2 links under /usr/lib and /usr/include. On platforms where both 32-bit and 64-bit DB2 UDB instances are supported, these links point to library files or include files under DB2DIR/lib64 or DB2DIR/include64 by default, where DB2DIR is the directory where DB2 UDB Version 8 is installed. If the default is not desired, you can specify the bit width by running the db2ln command with the -w flag:

db2ln -w 32|64

This prevents DB2 UDB 32-bit instances from coexisting with 64-bit instances on some platforms.

Starting with DB2 UDB Version 8.2, the db2ln command creates DB2 64-bit library links on those platforms in appropriate directories. In this case, the -w flag is only used for populating /usr/include. When the db2ln command creates the links for DB2 UDB library files, both 32-bit and 64-bit links are created on supported platforms. This allows both 32-bit instances and 64-bit instances to exist and run at the same time.

On some Linux distributions, the libc development rpm comes with the /usr/lib/ or /usr/lib64/ library. This library is used for Sleepycat Software's Berkeley DB implementation and is not associated with IBM's DB2 UDB. However, this file prevents the db2ln command and the db2rmln command from functioning. The db2ln command does not overwrite the file and the db2rmln command does not remove the file. In this case, to compile applications using DB2 UDB, compiling and linking processes need to provide a full path to DB2 UDB's headers and libraries, respectively. This is the recommended method because it allows compiling and linking against multiple releases of DB2 UDB on the same computer.

See the DB2 UDB Version 8.2 Installation and Configuration manual for details about restrictions using the db2ln command.

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