
Yayın Notları Hakkında
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Bu yayındaki yenilikler
Ürün düzeltme geçmişi
Compatibility issues
Backward compatibility
Product compatibility
Kuruluş, yeni düzeye geçiş, yükseltme ve yapılanış bilgileri
Donanım ve yazılım gereksinmeleri
Kuruluş notları
DB2 Kuruluş Sihirbazı için yeni seçenekler (Windows)
DB2 Kuruluş Sihirbazı değişiklikleri (Windows)
Ek güvenlikle ilgili kuruluş kısıtlamaları (Windows)
Dizin yolu boşluk içeremez (Linux ve UNIX)
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 gereksinmesi
DB2 UDB için JDK düzeyleri (IA64 üzerinde Linux ve POWER üzerinde Linux)
Kuruluş görüntülerinin açılması (Linux ve UNIX)
DB2 UDB İngilizce dışı kuruluş yoluna izin vermez (Windows)
Birden çok ürün için düzeltme paketlerinin aşağı yüklenmesi ve açılması (Windows)
DB2 UDB'nin kuruluş görüntülerinden kurulması (Linux ve UNIX)
DB2 UDB'nin kuruluş görüntülerinden kurulması (Windows)
Yanıt kütüğüyle DB2 UDB kuruluşu için gereken disk yeri
db2setup komutunu kullanarak ürün eklenmesiyle ilgili kısıtlamalar (Linux ve UNIX)
DB2 Web Tools
Düzeltme paketleri uygulandıktan sonra Query Patroller paketlerinin bağlanması
FixPak 3 ya da üstü düzeyde Query Patroller kuruluşu
Query Patroller sunucusu kuruluşu
Query Patroller'da yeni bir veritabanı bölümü grubu tanımlanması
Query Patroller istemci araçları kuruluşu
Veritabanlarının Beta sürümlerinin yeniden yaratılması
DB2 UDB'nin ulusal dillerdeki sürümleri için MDAC kütüklerinin kurulması
DB2 Universal Database Workgroup Server Edition için DB2 lisans yöntemi
Ek Uzakdoğu yazıyüzlerinin kurulması (Linux)
Development Center aracının Java Development Kit kullanacak biçimde yapılandırılması (Linux)
United Linux 1.0 ve SuSE Linux dağıtımlarında grup ve kullanıcı kimlikleri yaratılması
db2_install komutuyla kuruluşun ardından yardım sistemi cini başlamaz (UNIX ve Linux)
Ready for Tivoli desteği (UNIX)
Kuruluş görüntüsü büyüklüğünü azaltma aracı - db2iprune (Windows)
DB2 Universal Database Sürüm 8 belgeleri kuruluş kısıtlaması (Windows)
Önceki kuruluşların en son düzeye güncellenmesi (Windows)
DB2 .NET Data Provider için sistem gereksinmeleri (Windows)
DB2 Sürüm 8 istemcilerinin ve DB2 Connect PE'nin denetimci olmayan bir kullanıcı tarafından kurulması (Windows)
Geçiş notları
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db2updv8 teknik notu
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db2updv8 çalıştırıldıktan sonra 8.1 sürümüne geri dönüş desteklenmez
Açıklama çizelgelerinin yeni düzeye geçirilmesi
XML Extender ürününün önceki sürümlerden yeni düzeye geçirilmesi
DataJoiner ya da Replication kullanılırken DB2 Universal Database'in yeni düzeye geçirilmesi
DB2 Universal Database'in yeni düzeye geçirilmesi (Windows)
DB2 Sürüm 8 Windows 32-bit veritabanının Windows 64-bit'e geçirilmesi
MSCS ortamında Sürüm 7'den DB2 UDB Sürüm 8.2.2'ye geçiş
Veritabanının yeni düzeye geçirilmesi (IA64 üzerinde HP-UX)
Kaldırma bilgileri
DB2 UDB'nin sessiz yöntemle kaldırılması (Windows)
Sessiz kaldırma yöntemiyle DB2 Information Center aracını kaldırmak için ürün kodu (Windows)
Known limitations, problems, and workarounds
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db2look - Limitation for automatic storage table space
SNAP_GET_DB table function returns incomplete results
IMPORT REPLACE does not honor the Not Logged Initially clause
Long field and LOB data cannot be reorganized with inplace table reorganization
Locking behavior in blocking cursors can appear inconsistent in client applications
Data export with ODBC to file warehouse program
Data types that are not supported in the Development Center's integrated SQL debugger
Structured types in the Development Center
Development Center limitations for 64-bit operating systems
Development Center (Linux)
Debugging stored procedures with double quotation marks
Path settings needed to enable Java routines to compile in the Development Center
Development Center limitations to run and debug Java stored procedures simultaneously
DB2SystemMonitor.getServerTimeMicros method not supported
IBM XL C/C++ compiler run time must be installed (Linux on iSeries and pSeries systems, 64-bit)
Universal JDBC Driver Type 2 not supported on DB2 UDB Version 8.2.2 (Linux AMD64 )
Cursors in PHP applications
ConnectNode CLI/ODBC configuration keyword limitation
SQLColumns function (CLI) restriction
Bind option limitations for CLI packages
CLI LOAD utility restrictions
Tools catalog database creation not supported (Linux for AMD64)
Tools catalog database creation not supported (AIX, Solaris Operating Environments, and HP-UX)
Memory limitations for DB2 UDB Express and DB2 Workgroup Server Edition V8.2
Scheduling a warehouse process to run at intervals
SNA support limitations in Version 8
Security plug-in problem and restriction for DB2 UDB clients (Windows)
Failures when reporting a successful login during a connection attempt (AIX)
Two-part user ID not supported (Windows ME)
Load and Import Columns page does not support DBCS characters in IXF files
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GUI tools for Linux operating systems on AMD64
Minimum display settings for GUI tools
Improper display of GB18030 characters in the title bar of a window
Do not partition Information Catalog Center tables
Query Patroller limitations when DYN_QUERY_MGMT is disabled
Query Patroller result tables now use DB2QPRT schema
Health indicator restrictions
Known problems and workarounds
Exporting to an IXF file with indexes on columns containing - and + characters
CLI0116E or SQL0428N error when calling the db2ReadLog API
The "db2gcf -k" command fails on DB2 UDB Workgroup Server Edition
SQL1224 error from DRDA wrapper (AIX)
Hotkeys not working in Microsoft Visual Studio .NET Framework 1.1
The simplified Chinese locale (AIX)
The simplified Chinese locale (Red Hat Linux)
Merant Driver Manager incompatibility (UNIX)
NFS APAR IY32512 - Unavailable threads (AIX)
SQLFLAG (STD) precompiler option error
Connection pooling must be enabled when using Sysplex in DB2 Connect
DB2 Connect Custom Advisor
Tools catalog database creation fails (HP-UX)
Displaying Indic characters in the DB2 GUI tools
GUI tools are not supported for zSeries servers (Linux)
Enclose DB2 Information Center search terms within quotation marks if they contain numbers
Information Catalog Center log file not generated when importing tag language files
Binding Query Patroller packages
Unavailability of ports with Query Patroller (Windows)
Secure environments (Windows)
XML Extender sample programs renamed
Decomposing documents in XML Extender that contain non unique attribute and element names
Differences between SNA and TCP/IP when using DB2 Connect
Documentation updates
Administration: Implementation
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Automatic client reroute configuration (DB2_MAX_CLIENT_CONNRETRIES and DB2_CONNRETRIES_INTERVAL)
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DB2TIMEOUT registry variable clarification
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Directories created during table space container creation
Automatic storage
Defining a generated column on an existing table
Aggregate registry variables
Authentication considerations for remote clients
Direct I/O (DIO) and concurrent I/O (CIO) support
Distributor technology and automatic client rerouting
Automatic client reroute considerations for cataloging on a DB2 Connect server
Local system account support (Windows)
Two-part user ID support
Kerberos authentication details
Additional information for Kerberos support
Administration: Performance
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Comparison of the DB2_FORCE_FCM_BP registry variable in 32-bit and 64-bit environments
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RUNSTATS recommended after table creation
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New reason code for SQL1169N
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Optimization strategies for MDC tables
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NEWLOGPATH, MIRRORPATH, and OVERFLOWLOGPATH configuration parameter description clarification
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DB2_COLLECT_TS_REC_INFO default value
The Governor utility
Choosing a table reorganization method
Large page support for FCM memory (AIX 5L 64-bit)
DB2_RESOURCE_POLICY registry variable accepts a new element
New system environment variables (Linux)
New communication registry variable
New performance variable
SQL compiler variables
Configuration parameter updates
SQLDBCONF database configuration parameter file
Change to the DB2_HASH_JOIN default value
DB2NTNOCACHE registry variable is deprecated
Explain tables and organization of explain information
Guidelines for capturing explain information
Additional return codes from db2CfgGet API, collate_info parameter
Automatic setting of default prefetch size and update defaults
Administration: Planning
Range-clustered tables
Catalog table space design
Supported territory codes and code pages
XA function supported by DB2 Universal Database
Updated TPM and tp_mon_name values for xa_open string formats
Activating conversion tables for code pages 923 and 924
Conversion table files for euro-enabled code pages
API Reference
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Log record structure clarification
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db2Backup API oBackupsize parameter
SYNCPOINT option support
New field for SQLEDBDESC structure
Correction to new field in the SQLB-TBSPQRY-DATA structure
Application development: Building and Running Applications
Dynamic reconfiguration samples (AIX)
Linux supported development software
Customizing precompile and bind options for SQL procedures
C/C++ compile option required (Linux on POWER 64-bit)
Compile and link command for Micro Focus COBOL stored procedures (HP-UX)
Minimum supported version of Micro Focus COBOL (HP-UX)
Setting environment variables for Micro Focus COBOL stored procedures (Windows)
Application development: Call Level Interface (CLI)
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Trusted_Connection CLI/ODBC configuration keyword
Diagnostic table update for SQLDescribeParam function (CLI)
Asynchronous execution of Call Level Interface
SQL_ATTR_PING_DB connection attribute
SQLBindParameter function (CLI)
SQLMoreResults function (CLI)
Additional environment attributes
Dynamic scrollable cursors requirement
RetCatalogAsCurrServer CLI/ODBC configuration keyword
ReceiveTimeout CLI/ODBC configuration keyword
SQL_ATTR_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT connection attribute
Reopt CLI/ODBC configuration keyword
SQL_ATTR_REOPT statement and connection attribute
CurrentPackageSet CLI/ODBC configuration keyword
SQL_ATTR_CURRENT_PACKAGE_SET connection attribute
MapBigintCDefault CLI/ODBC configuration keyword
DescribeOutputLevel CLI/ODBC configuration keyword
Application development: Programming Client Applications
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DB2 Universal JDBC Driver Type 4 connectivity to DB2 for VM/VSE is not supported
DB2 Universal JDBC Driver connection concentrator and Sysplex workload balancing
OleDbReportIsLongForLongTypes CLI/ODBC configuration keyword
OleDbSQLColumnsSortByOrdinal CLI/ODBC configuration keyword
DB2 Data Source property group for the IBM DB2 OLE DB Provider
Incorrect URL syntax in the DB2Binder syntax diagram
Rerouting DB2 Universal JDBC driver clients
Customizing the DB2 Universal JDBC driver configuration properties
db2secFreeToken function removed
Deploy custom security plug-ins carefully
Security plug-ins
Security plug-in APIs
Security plug-in naming conventions (Linux and UNIX)
Restrictions on security plug-in libraries
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GSS-API plug-in support for DB2 Universal JDBC Driver
GSS-API security plug-ins do not support multiple-flow authentication
GSS-API security plug-ins do not support message encryption and signing
Implicit ending of transactions in stand-alone applications
Distributed transaction support
Application development: Programming Server Applications
Multiple result set common language runtime (CLR) procedures
Common language runtime (CLR) routine execution control modes (EXECUTION CONTROL clause)
Maximum decimal precision and scale in common language runtime (CLR) routines
Command Reference
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db2licm - License Management Tool Command parameter clarification
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RESTORE DATABASE command TSM example
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db2demigdbd usage examples
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db2ckbkp command usage note correction
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Naming conventions for database objects and for IDs
REORGCHK command
Migrating Databases
db2inidb - Initialize a mirrored database command
Usage note for the db2iupdt command
New parameter for the db2sqljcustomize command
New parameter for the sqlj command
Monitor and troubleshoot command (db2pd) updates
Update to the SET CLIENT command
Update to the PRECOMPILE command
Update to the UPDATE HISTORY FILE command
Updates to the EXPORT and IMPORT commands
Update to the LOAD command
File type modifiers for the load utility
File type modifiers for the import utility
ATTACH command
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db2updv8 - Update database to version 8 current level command
Formatting trap files (Windows)
Data Movement
Bind files used by the export, import and load utilities
Using import with buffered inserts
Index information lost when the import utility is used
Data Recovery and High Availability
Backup overview
Using backup
High availability disaster recovery overview
Cross-platform backup and restore support
Backing up to tape (Linux)
Tivoli Storage Manager
Value restrictions for the HADR local host and local service parameters
Additional system requirements for high availability disaster recovery
Non-replicated operations for high availability disaster recovery
HADR does not support raw logs
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Fault monitor and health monitor comparison
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Turning off fault monitoring
Data Warehouse Center
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Setting up the warehouse client environment on AIX and Solaris operating systems
Updating the database manager configuration before installing warehouse transformers
VW_NETRC environment variable added to the Data Warehouse Center (UNIX)
DB2 Data Warehouse Center requires Unicode format database
Defining DB2 warehouse sources and targets
Updates to the Business Intelligence tutorial
Setting the purge limit for warehouse log files
Data Warehouse Center support for CURSOR load
Unicode warehouse control database migration and limitations
Change in date format for Modified column
Defining statistical transformers in the Data Warehouse Center
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Preparing to install warehouse agents
Prerequisite for the iSeries warehouse agent
DB2 .NET Data Provider
Concurrent active data reader support
DB2Connection.ConnectionString property
DB2 Connect
Change to authentication type negotiation through a gateway
New security scenario
Corrections to diagrams
Development Center
DB2 Development Center Version 8.2 requires level 9.2.9 of the Distributed Debugger
Length restriction in the DB2 Development Center Change Variable Range window
Restrictions to DB2 Universal type 2 and type 4 drivers
GUI Tools
Modifying the statement termination character
Database unavailable status in the database details pane of the Control Center
Default write to table output generation (Create Event Monitor)
Information Catalog Center
Configuration sample scripts
Web server configuration
Installation and Configuration Supplement
DB2 node configuration file - db2nodes.cfg
DB2NOLIOAIO registry variable replaced by DB2LINUXAIO (Linux)
Application server for DB2 UDB
DB2 Embedded Application Server enablement
Deploying DB2 Web Tools
Direct I/O on block devices (Linux)
DB2 Information Center daemon (Linux and UNIX)
Response file keywords and sample files
Response file installation error codes
Required user accounts for installation of DB2 servers (Windows)
Asynchronous I/O support (Linux)
db2ln command modified to create DB2 UDB 64-bit library links (Linux and UNIX)
Query Patroller
Query class behavior update
Definition updates for managed query states
Create Explain tables before running Query Patroller historical data generator
Checking Query Patroller log files for historical analysis
Abnormal shutdown of the historical data generator
Dynamic query class updates
Nested query behavior
Limitations by SQL statement type
Resolution limitation when using the Terminal Services Client
New group support for query submissions
Query Patroller schedule limitations
Authorization required to use RUN IN BACKGROUND QUERY command
Creating an alias for a result table
Fenced user ID requires write access qpdiag.log file and path
Quick Beginnings
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Updating the DB2 Information Center installed on your computer or intranet server
Memory requirements
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Clarification of DB2 UDB client support
Modifying kernel parameters (Linux)
Modifying kernel parameters (Solaris Operating Environment)
DB2 Universal Database Express Edition Version 8.2 Basics manual available for download
Verifying that your databases are ready for migration
Common Criteria certification for DB2 UDB
Spatial Extender
Verifying the Spatial Extender installation
SQL Administrative Routines
Incorrect column name documented in result set for SNAP_GET_DYN_SQL table function
Snapshot monitor table functions have version-specific views
GET_DB_CONFIG procedure requires an 8K minimum page size for a user temporary table space
SQL Reference
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CREATE PROCEDURE (SQL) statement authorizations
EXPLAIN_DIAGNOSTIC: A new Explain table
Schema used by the Explain facility
String representations of datetime values
System monitor
Health indicators summary
Decoupled applications list without connection concentrator enabled
Progress monitoring of the runtime rollback process
XML Extender
Parameter change to dxxGenXML, dxxGenXMLClob, dxxRetrieveXML, and dxxRetrieveXMLClob stored procedures
Decomposing XML documents into DB2 UDB data
Decomposing documents larger than 1 MB
Configuring MQ XML UDFs with XML Extender
XML Extender environment variable DB2DXX_MIN_TMPFILE_SIZE
DB2XML.XMLVarchar UDT redefinition
Ek A. DB2 UDB FixPak CD dizin yapısı
Ek B. IBM ile iletişim kurulması
Ürün bilgileri
Ek C. Özel notlar
Ticari markalar
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