Quick Beginnings

9 9 9

Clarification of DB2 UDB client support


The "DB2 clients" topic in the 8.1 version of the DB2 Quick Beginnings for Clients guide states the following:

DB2 9clients can connect to DB2 servers two releases later or one release earlier 9than the client's release level, as well as to servers at the same release 9level.

An amendment to that statement is as follows:

While connections from 9Version N clients to Version N + 2 servers is possible in some environments, 9this is a supported configuration as long as Version N is in service. Once 9Version N is withdrawn from service, this configuration is no longer supported. 9

DB2 Version 6 clients connecting to a DB2 Version 8 server is no longer supported 9because DB2 Version 6 has been withdrawn from service.

9 9 9

Modifying kernel parameters (Linux)


Before installing DB2 UDB, you should consider updating your Linux kernel 9parameters. DB2 Universal Database (UDB) automatically raises the IPC limits 9where necessary. You might want to raise these limits higher depending on 9your particular needs.

9Prerequisites 9

You must have root authority to modify kernel parameters.

9Procedure 9

To update kernel parameters:

Red Hat and SuSE
Systems using a 2.4.x series kernel have a default value for the message 9queue parameter (msgmni), which allows only a few simultaneous connections 9to DB2 UDB. Semaphore array parameters also have to be changed for DB2 UDB 9to run successfully. To check shared memory segment, semaphore array, and 9message queue limits, issue the ipcs -l command. 9

The following output is from the ipcs -l command.

   # ipcs -l
9------ Shared Memory Limits --------
9max number of segments = 4096              // SHMMNI
9max seg size (kbytes) = 262144             // SHMMAX
9max total shared memory (kbytes) = 8388608 // SHMALL
9min seg size (bytes) = 1
9------ Semaphore Limits --------
9max number of arrays = 1024                // SEMMNI
9max semaphores per array = 250
9max semaphores system wide = 256000
9max ops per semop call = 32
9semaphore max value = 32767
9------ Messages: Limits --------
9max queues system wide = 1024              // MSGMNI
9max size of message (bytes) = 65535        // MSGMAX
9default max size of queue (bytes) = 16384  // MSGMNB


  max semaphores system wide = 
9  max number of arrays x max semaphores/array

For 32-bit 9Linux kernels, modify the kernel parameters by adding the following entries 9to the default system control configuration file, /etc/sysctl.conf:

9  kernel.msgmni = 1024
9  kernel.sem = "250 256000  32 1024"
9  kernel.shmmax=2684354569

For 64-bit Linux kernels, modify 9the kernel parameters by adding the following entries to the default system 9control configuration file, /etc/sysctl.conf:

9  kernel.msgmni = 1024
9  kernel.sem = "250 256000  32 1024"
9  kernel.shmmax=10737418249

Run sysctl with the -p parameter to load in sysctl 9settings from the default file /etc/sysctl.conf: 9

   sysctl -p

The entries from the sysctl.conf file are read during startup by the network initialization script.


On some distributions you might be required to add sysctl -p in 9one of the system initialization files, such as rc.local, so that kernel parameters are set after each restart.

9 9 9

Modifying kernel parameters (Solaris Operating Environment)


The following information is an amendment to the "Modifying kernel 9parameters (Solaris Operating Environment)" topic in the Quick Beginnings for DB2 Servers guide:


For DB2 Universal Database (UDB) to operate properly, it is recommended 9that you update your system's kernel configuration parameters. You can use 9the db2osconf utility to suggest recommended kernel 9parameters.


To use the db2osconf command, you must first 9install DB2 UDB. The db2osconf utility can only 9be run from $DB2DIR/bin.


You must restart your system after modifying kernel parameters.

9 9 9

DB2 Universal Database Express Edition Version 8.2 Basics manual available 9for download


IBM DB2 Universal Database Express (DB2 UDB Express) is the newest member 9of the DB2 Universal Database Version 8 product family. It combines the power, 9function, and reliability of the IBM award-winning DB2 UDB relational database 9with simplicity in packaging, installation, and deployment at a minimal investment 9cost to meet the data management needs of small and medium businesses.


DB2 UDB Express is designed for customers with minimal in-house database 9skills who need an easy-to-install database integrated into their application 9software solutions. It is a multi-user version of DB2 UDB that supports local 9and remote applications in stand-alone and local area network (LAN) environments.


For further information on DB2 UDB Express, download Quick Beginnings for DB2 Express Edition and DB2 Universal Database Express Edition Version 8.2 Basics from the DB2 9UDB product manuals Web page at http://www.ibm.com/software/data/db2/udb/support/manualsv8.html

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Verifying that your databases are ready for migration


The following prerequisites section is documented in the 8.2 version of 7the topic that explains how to verify that your databases are ready for migration:

Ensure that the migration.log file, found in the instance owner's home 7directory, contains the following text: Version of DB2CKMIG being run: VERSION 78. 7

This prerequisite is in fact a post-migration step performed at the end 7of the procedure.

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Common Criteria certification for DB2 UDB


The authoritative information for DB2 UDB configurations that have been certified 7for Common Criteria can be found at http://niap.nist.gov/cc-scheme

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