Release Notes

5DB2 UDB Path for SQL Routine Compile Command (Windows)

5The DB2_SQLROUTINE_COMPILE_COMMAND does not normally need to be set. 5However, when it is set on Windows, there can be a problem caused by the 5%DB2PATH% variable containing a space between "Program" and "Files" in the 5default path "C:\Program Files\IBM\SQLLIB". This problem can 5occur even though the entire command value is in quotation marks.

5The workaround uses the short form for the %DB2PATH% value. In the 5default case, this is "C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\SQLLIB". You can either 5set %DB2PATH% to the short form of the path where DB2 UDB is installed:

5   set db2path=C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\SQLLIB

5and run the DB2_SQLROUTINE_COMPILE_COMMAND with the default value:

5   db2set DB2_SQLROUTINE_COMPILE_COMMAND="cl -Ox -W2 -TC -D_X86_=1 -MD
5     -I%DB2PATH%\include SQLROUTINE_FILENAME.c /link -dll
5     %DB2PATH%\lib\db2api.lib"

5Or you can change the value of the command itself by substituting the 5short form of the path value for %DB2PATH%:

5   db2set DB2_SQLROUTINE_COMPILE_COMMAND="cl -Ox -W2 -TC -D_X86_=1 -MD
5     -IC:\PROGRA~1\IBM\SQLLIB\include SQLROUTINE_FILENAME.c /link -dll
5     C:\PROGRA~1\IBM\SQLLIB\lib\db2api.lib"

5The actual path used must be where DB2 UDB is installed. For 5example, if DB2 UDB is installed in the same path on the D: drive, the 5setting would be "D:\PROGRA~1\IBM\SQLLIB".

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