Release Notes

5Merant Driver Manager incompatibility (UNIX)

5There are incompatibilities with Unicode support when the Merant Driver 5Manager accesses the DB2 ODBC driver on UNIX. These incompatibilities 5cause the Merant Driver Manager to use Unicode even if the application did not 5request Unicode use. This situation can lead to problems with 5components such as the Data Warehouse Center, Information Catalog Manager, and 5MQSI, which require the Merant Driver Manager to support non-IBM data 5sources. You can use an alternate DB2 ODBC driver library without 5Unicode support enabled until a permanent solution is available.

5An alternative DB2 ODBC driver library without Unicode support enabled is 5included with DB2 UDB Version 8.1 for AIX, HP-UX, and Solaris Operating 5Environment. To use this alternative library, you must create a copy of 5it, giving the copy the original DB2 ODBC driver library's name.

The alternative (_36) library contains the Unicode functions required by the 5DB2 JDBC driver. Using this library allows JDBC applications, including 5WebSphere Application Server, to work successfully with DB2 UDB. 5

5To switch to the non-Unicode ODBC library on AIX, HP-UX, or the Solaris 5Operating Environment, see the following instructions. Because this is 5a manual process, you must carry it out every time you update your product, 5including after the application of successive FixPak or modification 5level.




5To create the necessary library on AIX: 5

  1. 5As the instance owner, shut down all database instances using the 5db2stop force command.
  2. 5Using the DB2 administration server (DAS) instance ID, shut down the DAS 5instance using the db2admin stop force command.
  3. 5Back up the original db2.o file in the 5/usr/lpp/db2_81/lib directory.
  4. 5Using root authority, issue the slibclean command.
  5. 5Copy file db2_36.o to backup file db2.o, ensuring that 5ownership and permissions remain consistent. Use the following 5commands:
    5cp db2_36.o db2.o
    5-r--r--r-- bin:bin for db2.o

5To switch back to the original object, follow the same procedure using the 5backup file instead of the db2_36.o file.

5Solaris Operating Environment

5To create the necessary library in a Solaris Operating Environment: 5

  1. 5As the instance owner, shut down all database instances using the 5db2stop force command.
  2. 5Using the DB2 administration server (DAS) instance ID, shut down the DAS 5instance using the db2admin stop force command.
  3. 5Back up the original file in the 5/opt/IBMdb2/V8.1/lib directory.
  4. 5Copy file to backup file, ensuring that ownership and permissions 5remain consistent. Use the following commands:
    5-r-xr-xr-x bin:bin
  5. 5Issue the db2iupdt <instance> command for each database 5instance and the dasupdt <das_instance> command for the DAS 5instance. 5

5To switch back to the original object, follow the same procedure using the 5backup file instead of the file.


5To create the necessary library on HP-UX: 5

  1. 5Shut down all database instances using the db2stop force 5command.
  2. 5Shut down the DB2 administration server (DAS) instance using the 5db2admin stop force command.
  3. 5Back up the original file in the 5/opt/IBMdb2/V8.1/lib directory.
  4. 5Copy file to backup file, ensuring that the ownership and permissions 5remain consistent. Use the following command to ensure the 5consistency:
    5-r-xr-xr-x bin:bin for
  5. 5Issue the db2iupdt <instance> command for each database 5instance and the dasupdt <das_instance> command for the DAS 5instance. 5

5To switch back to the original object, follow the same procedure using the 5backup file instead of the file.

5Other UNIX Operating Systems

5Contact IBM Support if you require assistance with DB2 UDB and the Merant 5Driver Manager on other UNIX operating systems. 5

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