Release Notes

5IBM Developer Kit for Java 1.3.1 required on Linux (x86, 32-bit)

5The IBM Developer Kit for Java 1.3.1 Service Release 4 is 5required for DB2 UDB to use the DB2 Control Center or to create and run Java 5applications, including stored procedures and user-defined functions. 5Only the IBM Developer Kit for Java is supported.

5The IBM Developer Kit for Java is installed whenever a component that 5requires Java is installed. However, if the installer detects that the 5IBM Developer Kit for Java 1.3.1 is already installed, it will 5not install the SDK again. The IBM Developer Kit for Java 51.3.1 is installed in its own directory and will not overwrite 5any previous levels of the IBM Developer Kit for Java.


5The installation of the IBM Developer Kit for Java will be attempted only 5if you use one of the following DB2 UDB installation methods: 5


5To manually install the IBM Developer Kit for Java, run the following 5command from the /cdrom/db2/linux/Java-1.3.1 5directory:

5    rpm -ivh IBMJava2-SDK-1.3.1-4.0.i386.rpm

5This command installs the IBM Developer Kit for Java to the 5/opt/IBMJava2-131 directory.

5To verify that IBM Developer Kit for Java is installed, run the following 5command from the UNIX(R) shell prompt:

5    <path>/jre/bin/java -version

5where <path> represents the path where Java is installed. For 5example, if your installation directory path is /opt/IBMJava2-131/, 5the command is:

5    /opt/IBMJava2-131/jre/bin/java -version

5You should receive output similar to the following:

5java version "1.3.1"
5Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.3.1)
5Classic VM (build 1.3.1, J2RE 1.3.1 IBM build 
5cxia32131-20030329 (JIT enabled: jitc))

5The IBM Developer Kit for Java is also available from the IBM 5developerWorks Web site at

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