Release Notes

2NUM_LOG_SPAN configuration parameter on a partitioned database

2The NUM_LOG_SPAN configuration parameter specifies the maximum number of 2log files that a transaction can span. If, at any time, a transaction 2violates the NUM_LOG_SPAN setting, the transaction is rolled back, and forces 2the application that caused the transaction off the database.

2However, in a partitioned system, the db2loggr process can force an 2application off only if the coordinating database partition for the 2application is the same as the partition of the db2loggr process that detects 2the error. For example, you have a system with three database 2partitions (0,1, and 2) and have set the NUM_LOG_SPAN parameter to 2 on all 2database partitions. An application connects to database partition 2 of 2the database and begins a long-running transaction, which spans more than two 2log files. If the db2loggr process on database partition 1 is the first 2to detect this error, nothing will happen. However, if the violation 2also occurs on database partition 2, then the db2loggr process will notice the 2error, the transaction will be rolled back, and the application will be forced 2off the database.

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