Release Notes

6Dynamic query class updates

6Certain query class operations no longer require Query Patroller to be 6stopped and restarted to take effect.

6In the table that follows, an active query is a query whose status is 6Running or Queued.

6Table 9. Conditions for query class changes to take effect

Nature of change Conditions for change to take effect
Addition, removal, or update of a query class. If there are no active queries, changes take effect immediately.
An update to a query class that involves only a change to the Maximum number of queries. Takes effect immediately, even if there are active queries.
An update to a query class that involves only a change to the Maximum cost of a query. If there are active queries, the update takes effect when either:
  • Query Patroller is stopped and restarted.
  • There are no more active queries.
When there is a change pending against Maximum cost of a query, subsequent query class updates of any kind will not take effect until one of the two previous conditions is met.
Addition or removal of a query class. If there are active queries, the addition or removal takes effect when either:
  • Query Patroller is stopped and restarted.
  • There are no more active queries.

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