Release Notes

5SQL message additions


5SQL20271W The name at ordinal position "<number>" in the statement, with 5name "<column-or-parm-name>", was truncated.


5At least one name in the described statement was truncated. The 5first name that was truncated is identified by ordinal position "<number>" 5and name "<column-or-parm-name>".

5If you are performing a describe output of a prepared query, the ordinal 5position is relative to the select list column of the query.

5If you are performing a describe output of a CALL statement, the ordinal 5position is relative to the OUT or INOUT parameters of the procedure to which 5the CALL resolved.

5If you are performing a describe input of a CALL statement, the ordinal 5position is relative to the IN or INOUT parameters of the procedure to which 5the CALL resolved.

5The column name or parameter name was either too long, or became too long 5after code page conversion.

5User Response:
5For a column name, if the exact name of the column is significant, change 5the table, view, or nickname so the column has a shorter name, or use a client 5whose code page does not cause expansion of the column name beyond the 5supported maximum length. For a parameter name, if the exact name of 5the parameter is significant, change the procedure so the parameter has a 5shorter name, or use a client whose code page does not cause expansion of the 5parameter name beyond the supported maximum length.

5sqlcode: +20271

5sqlstate: 01665 The column name or parameter name was 5truncated. 5

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