Release Notes

2XML Extender sample programs renamed

2Some XML Extender sample programs might have the same name as other 2installed programs. Accidentally invoking another program with the same 2name as an XML Extender sample program can damage your XML files. The 2following list shows the old XML Extender sample program names as well as new 2replacement program names that are less likely to cause conflicts. Make 2sure you use the new sample program names instead of the old ones to prevent 2damaging your XML files.

2Table 7. Replacement sample programs for XML Extender (Windows)

Old Program (Do not use) New Program (Use)
insertx.exe dxxisrt.exe
retrieve.exe dxxretr.exe
retrieve2.exe dxxretr2.exe
retrievec.exe dxxretrc.exe
shred.exe dxxshrd.exe
tests2x.exe dxxgenx.exe
tests2xb.exe dxxgenxb.exe
tests2xc.exe dxxgenxc.exe


2Table 8. Replacement sample programs for XML Extender (UNIX)

Old Program (Do not use) New Program (Use)
insertx dxxisrt
retrieve dxxretr
retrieve2 dxxretr2
retrievec dxxretrc
shred dxxshrd
tests2x dxxgenx
tests2xb dxxgenxb
tests2xc dxxgenxc

2Using the new sample programs with the sample sqx files

2The source code (.sqx files) for the executables listed previously 2are located in the samples\db2xml\c directory of your 2installation. The source files are still labeled with their old 2names. If you make changes to the source code, copy your newly compiled 2executables (with the old names) to the sqllib\bin 2directory. On Windows platforms, you must make an additional copy, 2rename it with its new name above, and copy it to the bin directory. 2Both copies replace the existing files in the bin directory. For 2example, after compiling your new version of shred.exe, you need to 2make two copies and replace the files in the bin directory: one labeled 2shred.exe and the other renamed dxxshrd.exe. On UNIX 2platforms, you need only to replace the file with the old name with your newly 2compiled version. If you create new executable files from these 2samples, you must copy the new files from the 2\SQLLIB\samples\db2xml\c\ directory into the 2\SQLLIB\bin\ directory, and then make an additional copy, renaming 2them according to the previous table.

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