Release Notes

6Binding Query Patroller packages

6If the Query Patroller packages are not bound after applying a fixpak, a 6user without DBADM authority or proper Query Patroller privileges can 6encounter the following error when using the Query Patroller Center or Query 6Patroller command line:

6SQL0001N - Binding or precompilation did not complete successfully.

6If you are using the Query Patroller Center, the SQL0001N error is logged 6in qpdiag.log file. If you are using the Query Patroller command 6line, the SQL0001N is returned to the console

6Auto-bind code exists to initiate automatic binding. However, the 6automatic binding fails when the connecting user does not have the necessary 6privileges to execute all statements in the Query Patroller packages. A 6symptom of this problem is missing folders in the Query Patroller 6Center.

6To avoid this problem, the qpserver.lst packages should be bound 6manually by a user with DBADM authority or necessary privileges after applying 6a fixpak.

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