Release Notes

6Support for additional collating sequences when a new Unicode database is created

6DB2 UDB Version 8 FixPak 6 supports several new collating sequences when a 6new Unicode database is created: 6

6This collator implements the Unicode Collation Algorithm (UCA), which is 6based on the Unicode Standard version 4.00 with normalization 6implicitly set to ON.

6This collator also implements the UCA version 4.00, and is tailored 6to sort the Slovakian characters.

6This collator also implements the UCA version 4.00, but it sorts 6all Thai characters according to the Royal Thai Dictionary order. 6

6Details of the UCA can be found in the Unicode Technical Standard #10, 6available at the Unicode Consortium Web site:

6When using the CREATE DATABASE command to create a new Unicode database, 6you can now specify UCA400_NO, UCA400_LSK, or UCA400_LTH for the COLLATE USING 6parameter.

6When using the sqlecrea C API to create a new Unicode database, 6you can now specify SQL_CS_UCA400_NO, SQL_CS_UCA400_LSK, or SQL_CS_UCA400_LTH 6for the SQLDBCSS field of the SQLEDBDESC data structure.

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