SQL Reference

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CONNECT statement


When connecting to Windows Server explicitly, the TO authorization-name or the USER host-variable can be specified using the Microsoft Windows NT Security Account Manager (SAM)-compatible 7name. The qualifier must be a NetBIOS style name, which has a maximum length 7of 15 characters. For example, 'Domain\User'.

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Schema used by the Explain facility


The Explain facility uses the following IDs as the schema to use in qualifying 7the explain tables to populate:


The schema can be associated with a set of explain tables, or aliases 7that point to a set of explain tables under a different schema.


If no explain tables are found under the schema, the Explain facility checks 7for explain tables under the SYSTOOLS schema and attempts to use them.

String representations of datetime values

Time strings

A string representation of a time is a string that starts with a digit and has a length of at least 4 characters. Trailing blanks may be included; a leading zero may be omitted from the hour part of the time, and seconds may be omitted entirely. If seconds are omitted, an implicit specification of 0 seconds is assumed. Thus, 13:30 is equivalent to 13:30:00.

Valid string formats for times are listed in the following table. Each format is identified by name and associated abbreviation.

Table 30. Formats for String Representations of Times
Format Name Abbreviation Time Format Example
International Standards Organization ISO hh.mm.ss 13.30.05
IBM USA standard USA hh:mm AM or PM 1:30 PM
IBM European standard EUR hh.mm.ss 13.30.05
Japanese Industrial Standard Christian Era JIS hh:mm:ss 13:30:05
Site-defined LOC Depends on the territory code of the application -

7Starting with Version 8.2, "AM" and "PM" can 7be represented in lowercase or uppercase.

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