Data Warehouse Center

8 8 8

Defining DB2 warehouse sources and targets


The following update affects two Data Warehouse Center topics:

8 8

By default, when you define a warehouse source or a warehouse target, the 8number of tables that are returned is 250. However, you can use the new environment 8variable VWS_MAX_TABLELIST to set the number of tables that are returned. 8The maximum number of tables that can be returned is 40 000. This number might 8be less depending on the size of the table names in the list. It is recommended 8that you specify a number much smaller than 40 000.

6 6 6

Updates to the Business Intelligence tutorial

6Verifying that the DWCTBC and TBC_MD databases are registered 6with ODBC 6

In Version 8, the control database, TBC_MD that is used in the tutorial, 6does not need to be a system ODBC data source. However, the target database 6or database source DWCTBC must be a system ODBC data source.

6Opening the Define Warehouse Source notebook 6

The procedure for opening the Define Warehouse Source notebook for the 6Tutorial Relational Source has changed.

6Procedure 6

To open the Define Warehouse Source notebook for the Tutorial Relational 6Source:

  1. From the Data Warehouse Center window, right-click the Warehouse Sources folder.
  2. 6
  3. Click Define --> ODBC --> DB2 --> DB2 Family.

The Define Warehouse Source notebook opens.

6Opening the Define Warehouse Target notebook 6

The procedure for opening the Define Warehouse Target notebook has changed.

6Procedure 6

To open the Define Warehouse Target notebook:

  1. From the Data Warehouse Center window, right-click the Warehouse Targets folder.
  2. 6
  3. Click Define --> ODBC --> DB2 --> DB2 Family.

The Define Warehouse Target notebook opens.

6 6 6

Setting the purge limit for warehouse log files


The log file holds records until a designated count limit is reached. The 6default count limit is 1000 records. Typically, each job that you run creates 612 to 15 log records. Set the purge limit to a number that meets your needs 6by updating the Purge log when total records equal field on the Server tab of the Warehouse Properties page.

4 4 4

Data Warehouse Center support for CURSOR load


The DB2 Universal Database Load step now allows a view or a 4table to be used as the source to the step, resulting in a LOAD FROM CURSOR.


In order to map columns in the wizard for CURSOR load, the Map columns based on column positions found in the input file radio button 4must be selected.

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Unicode warehouse control database migration and limitations


Starting with Version 8.2 of the Data Warehouse Center, the warehouse control 7database must be a Unicode database. If you have a Unicode warehouse control 7database from a version of the Data Warehouse Center that is before Version 78.2, you still must create a new Unicode control database by using the Warehouse 7Control Database Management tool.


When you migrate a warehouse control database from a version of the Data 7Warehouse Center that is before Version 8.2, the Data Warehouse Center Control 7Database Management tool runs the db2move command 7to move the data to a new Unicode control database. During this process, 7windows appear that show the progress of the db2move command. This migration path only occurs once.


The Data Warehouse Center does not support Unicode on Sybase servers.

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Change in date format for Modified column


In the details view of the main Data Warehouse Center window, the format 7of the date in the Modified column has been 7updated. The date in the Modified column is 7displayed in the format for your locale and includes the time. This change 7in the date format ensures that sorting objects on the Modified column functions properly. This update applies to most lists 7of Data Warehouse Center objects that are shown in the Navigator and Details 7views, such as:

77 7 7

Defining statistical transformers in the Data Warehouse Center


To perform a statistical transformation of your data, define the statistical 7transformer that you want to use.

7Procedure 7

To define statistical transformers:

  1. Open the Process Model window.
  2. 7
  3. Click the transformer icon and select a transformer from the list of available 7transformers.
  4. 7
  5. Link the transformer that you selected to a warehouse source and warehouse 7target as required by the rules for that transformer.

Each transformer has specific rules for how it must be linked to a warehouse 7source and warehouse target. See the documentation for each transformer for 7more information.

7 7 7

Prerequisite for the iSeries warehouse agent


To use an iSeries warehouse agent for DB2 Warehouse Manager on V5R2 and V5R3 systems, 7the following PTF is required:

PTF SI13558

This database PTF enables 7the CLI on iSeries to handle Unicode data.

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