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Bind option limitations for CLI packages


Some bind options might not take effect when binding CLI packages with 7any of the following list files: db2cli.lst, ddcsmvs.lst, ddcs400.lst, ddcsvm.lst, or ddcsvse.lst. Because CLI packages are used by CLI, ODBC, JDBC, OLE DB, 7.NET, and ADO applications, any changes made to the CLI packages affect all 7applications of these types. Only a subset of bind options are therefore 7supported by default when binding CLI packages. The supported options are: 7ACTION, COLLECTION, CLIPKG, OWNER, and REPLVER. All other bind options that 7impact CLI packages are ignored.


To create CLI packages with bind options that are not supported by default, 7specify the COLLECTION bind option with a collection ID that is different 7from the default collection ID, NULLID. Any bind options specified are then 7accepted. For example, to create CLI packages with the KEEPDYNAMIC YES bind 7option, which is not supported by default, issue the following command:

db2 bind @db2cli.lst collection newcolid keepdynamic yes

In order for CLI/ODBC applications to access the CLI packages created in 7the new collection, set the CurrentPackageSet CLI/ODBC keyword in the db2cli.ini initialization file to the new collection ID.


To overwrite CLI packages that already exist under a particular collection 7ID, perform either of the following actions:

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