About the Release Notes


The release notes contain late-breaking information for the following DB2(R), Version 8 products:

DB2(R) Universal Database Personal Edition
DB2(R) Universal Database(TM) Workgroup Server Edition
DB2 Universal Database(TM) Workgroup Server Unlimited Edition
DB2 Universal Database Enterprise Server Edition
DB2 Personal Developer's Edition
DB2 Universal Developer's Edition
DB2 Warehouse Manager
DB2 Warehouse Manager Sourcing Agent for z/OS(R) 
DB2 Data Links Manager
DB2 Net Search Extender
DB2 Spatial Extender
DB2 Intelligent Miner(TM) Scoring
DB2 Intelligent Miner(TM) Modeling
DB2 Intelligent Miner Visualization
DB2 Connect(TM) Application Server Edition
DB2 Connect(TM) Enterprise Edition
DB2 Connect Personal Edition
DB2 Connect Unlimited Edition
DB2 Query Patroller(TM)

|The |topics in the DB2 Information Center (http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/db2help/) are updated regularly, but not necessarily for every release. The release |notes ship with every release so it is possible that critical |information is communicated in the release notes. However, critical information |is contained in the release notes when:


Your primary source for information should be the DB2 Information Center. |The release notes should be reviewed for late-breaking information that might |apply to the particular release of your DB2 product. The FixPak readme should |also be reviewed for specific considerations involving the installation of |your DB2 product. Further details about the DB2 Information Center are provided |under the Additional resources heading of this |section.

Version information

The most up-to-date documentation is available in the latest version of the DB2 Information Center, which is accessed through a browser. The URL for downloading the latest documentation is provided in the Additional resources section that follows this section.

|Revision marks in the DB2 UDB Release |Notes indicate text that has been added or changed. A vertical bar ( | |) indicates information that was added or changed for the current release.

Directory paths

Windows(R) systems use backslashes (\) to delimit directories in a directory path. Linux(TM) and UNIX(R) systems use forward slashes (/) as delimiters. The Release Notes follow this convention when the information is platform specific. However, when the information is platform independent, you might need to enter the directory path differently than shown. For example, if you have a Windows system, you must enter the directory path using backslashes (\) if the Release Notes show forward slashes (/). Conversely, if you have a Linux or UNIX system, you must enter the directory path using forward slashes (/) if the Release Notes show backslashes (\).

DB2 Information Integrator

For information about currently known outstanding issues with DB2 Information Integrator and its associated technologies, including federated systems, SQL replication, Q replication, event publishing, Web services, and metadata management, see the DB2 Information Integrator Release Notes. The DB2 Information Integrator Release Notes are available on the DB2 Information Integrator support Web page at: http://www.ibm.com/software/data/integration/db2ii/support.html

Additional resources

If you want to view the DB2 documentation in HTML format, you can access the DB2 HTML Information Center online from http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/db2help/. Alternatively, you can install the DB2 HTML Information Center on your system; a DB2 HTML Documentation CD image is available for download from the same Web site. For the latest documentation, access the DB2 HTML Information Center online or download the DB2 HTML Documentation CD image for installation on your system. PDF documentation is updated less frequently than the HTML Information Center.

|The DB2 UDB Support Web site contains technotes and service flashes that |describe changes to the documentation and known limitations and workarounds |discovered after this document was created. The DB2 UDB Support Web site address |is http://www.ibm.com/software/data/db2/udb/support.html.

|Information |about migrating DB2 products is available at |http://www-1.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=71&uid=swg21200005 (DB2 migration portal).

More information on the DB2 Development Center and DB2 for z/OS(R) is available at http://www.ibm.com/software/data/db2/os390/spb/.

The Data Links Manager Administration Guide and Reference was updated in PDF form (book number SC27-1221-01) at the time of FixPak 1 and is available for download at the DB2 support site: http://www.ibm.com/software/data/db2/udb/support.html.

Documentation for the DB2 Life Sciences Data Connect product is available for download from the IBM(R) software site: http://www.ibm.com/software/data/db2/lifesciencesdataconnect/

For the latest information about the DB2 family of products, obtain a free subscription to DB2 Magazine. The online edition of the magazine is available at http://www.db2mag.com; instructions for requesting a subscription are also posted on this site.

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