System monitor

Health indicators summary

In the "Health indicators summary" topic in the DB2 Information Center for Version 8.2.2 (equivalent to Version 8.1 FixPak 9), the identifier for the Database automatic storage utilization health indicator is incorrectly documented as db.db_auto_storage_util.

The correct identifier for the Database automatic storage utilization health indicator is db.auto_storage_util.

Decoupled applications list without connection concentrator enabled

It is possible to see decoupled applications when issuing the list applications command even without connection concentrator enabled.

Progress monitoring of the runtime rollback process

Progress monitoring of runtime rollback provides progress information of rollback events using application snapshots. Rollback events are of two types:

Unit of work rollback
Includes explicit (user invoked) and implicit (forced) rollback of the entire transaction.
Savepoint rollback
Includes statement and application level savepoints. Nested savepoints are considered a single unit, using the outermost savepoint.

The information provided is the start time of the rollback event, the total work to be done, and completed work. The work metric is bytes.

Total Work units is the range in the log stream that needs to be rolled back for the transaction or savepoint.

Completed Work units shows the relative position in the log stream that has been rolled back.

Updates to Completed Work are made after every log record is processed. Updates are not performed evenly because log records vary in size.

Sample output from GET SNAPSHOT FOR ALL APPLICATIONS command

            Application Snapshot

Application handle         = 6
Application status         = Rollback Active
      Start Time           = 02/20/2004 12:49:27.713720
      Completed Work       = 1024000 bytes
      Total Work           = 4084000 bytes

            Application Snapshot

Application handle         = 10
Application status         = Rollback to Savepoint
      Start Time           = 02/20/2004 12:49:32.832410
      Completed Work       = 102400 bytes
      Total Work           = 2048000 bytes
If rollback is not active during a snapshot, then rollback elements will not be displayed.
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