Migration notes

In addition the topics presented here, late-breaking information about migrating DB2 products can be found at the DB2 Migration Portal: http://www-1.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=71&uid=swg21200005

Migration of EXPLAIN tables

In order to create the EXPLAIN tables, the db2updv8 command must be run when applying DB2 Universal Database(TM) (UDB) Version 8.2.2 (equivalent to Version 8.1 Fixpak 9) or higher to a DB2 UDB Version 8.2 FixPak 1 (equivalent to Version 8.1 Fixpak 8) or lower.

Running the db2updv8 command creates the EXPLAIN_GET_MSG function, which allows EXPLAIN.DDL to be run again.

If you attempt to create the explain tables using the EXPLAIN.DDL without running the db2updv8 command, you might receive the following error message:

  The command was processed as an SQL statement because it 
  was not a valid Command Line Processor command. 
  During SQL processing it returned:

  SQL0440N  No authorized routine named "EXPLAIN_GET_MSG" of 
  type "FUNCTION" having compatible arguments was found.  

Migrating XML Extender from previous versions

If you are using an earlier version of DB2 XML Extender, you must migrate each database that is enabled for XML Extender before you use an existing XML-enabled database with the updated XML Extender release. Each new fix pack contains all of the previous fix packs' updates.

Before running the migration program, create a backup of the database.

To migrate an XML enabled database and XML enabled columns, complete the following steps.

  1. From the DB2 Command Line, enter:
    db2 connect to database_name
    db2 bind dxxinstall/bnd/@dxxMigv.lst
    db2 bind dxxinstall/bnd/@dxxbind.lst
    where dxxinstall is the directory path in which you installed DB2 Universal Database(TM).
  2. From the DB2 Command Line, enter:
    dxxMigv database_name

Migrating DB2 Universal Database when using DataJoiner or replication

If you want to migrate an instance of DataJoiner(R) or DB2 Universal Database (UDB) for Linux(TM), UNIX(R), and Windows(R) on which you are running the Capture or Apply programs for DB2(R) UDB replication, you must prepare to migrate your replication environment before you migrate the DB2 UDB or DataJoiner instance. Detailed instructions for carrying out the required preparation are included in the migration documentation for DB2 DataPropagator(TM), Version 8. You can find migration documentation for DB2 DataPropagator, Version 8 at http://www.ibm.com/software/data/dpropr/.

Migrating DB2 Universal Database (Windows)

The following steps show the correct order for the migration prerequisites for DB2 Universal Database (UDB) on Windows.


Before migrating:

  1. Review the migration recommendations, restrictions, and space recommendations.
  2. Record configuration settings before DB2 UDB migration.
  3. Change the diagnostic error level.
  4. Verify that databases are ready for DB2 UDB migration.
  5. Back up your databases.
  6. If you are using replication, you must archive all of the DB2 UDB log files.
  7. You must have SYSADM authority.
  8. Take the DB2 server offline for DB2 UDB migration.

As of Version 8.1 the DB2_HASH_JOIN registry variable will be ON by default. See the "Administration: Performance" subsection in the "Documentation updates" section for details.

Migrating a DB2 Version 8 Windows 32-bit database to Windows 64-bit

This topic lists the steps for migrating your 32-bit DB2 Version 8 database on a 32-bit computer to a 64-bit database on a 64-bit Windows operating system.


To migrate to DB2 Version 8 on Windows 64-bit:

  1. Backup your DB2 Version 8 databases on your 32-bit Windows system.
  2. Restore your DB2 Version 8 backup (created in step #1) on your 64-bit Windows system.
In addition to migrating DB2 UDB from 32-bit systems to 64-bit systems, the following migrations are also possible:

Detailed information is available in the following IBM(R) Redbook: Scaling DB2 UDB on Windows Server 2003. This Redbook can be found at the following URL:


Migrating to DB2 UDB Version 8.2.2 from Version 7 in an MSCS environment

This topic describes how to migrate from DB2 Universal Database (UDB) Version 7 to DB2 UDB Version 8.2.2 (equivalent to Version 8.1 FixPak 9) in a Microsoft(R) Cluster Server (MSCS) environment.

Assumptions: A sample configuration will be used to illustrate how to migrate to DB2 UDB Version 8.2.2 (equivalent to Version 8.1 FixPak 9) in an MSCS environment. In this sample configuration, there are two Windows Server 2000 computers with DB2 UDB Enterprise Server Edition Version 7. The initial configuration is a DB2 instance that is comprised of two partitions. In addition, there are two Cluster Groups:


Before beginning the migration, back up the database.


To migrate from DB2 UDB Version 7 to Version 8.2.2 (equivalent to Version 8.1 FixPak 9) in an MSCS environment:

  1. Set automatic failback to off.

    During the installation process you might have to restart your computer. When this happens the cluster service restarts automatically. Therefore the automatic failback must be set to off so none of the groups automatically failback.

    1. In DB2 Group 0, to disable automatic failback:
      1. From the Cluster Administrator window, right-click DB2 Group 0.
      2. Select Properties. The DB2 Group 0 Properties window opens.
      3. On the Failback tab, select the Prevent failback radio button.
      4. Click OK.
    2. In DB2 Group 1, to disable automatic failback:
      1. From the Cluster Administrator window, right-click DB2 Group 1.
      2. Select Properties. The DB2 Group 1 Properties window opens.
      3. On the Failback tab, select the Prevent failback radio button.
      4. Click OK.
  2. Move DB2 Group 1 to computer A.
    1. From the Cluster Administrator GUI, click on DB2 Group 1.
    2. Right-click, select Move Group. The Owner column changes to computer A.
  3. Stop the cluster service on computer B.
    1. From the Component Services window, right-click Cluster Service.
    2. Click Stop.
  4. Download and install DB2 UDB Version 8.2.2 (equivalent to Version 8.1 FixPak 9) on computer B.
    • DB2 UDB is still running and available on computer A.
    • As part of the installation process , you will be prompted to run the db2imigr command to migrate the DB2 instances on this computer. While running db2imigr, you might have to restart your computer.
  5. Take the DB2 resources on computer A offline.
    1. Partition 0, Partition 1, and the DAS are all resources on computer A. These must be taken offline one at a time. To take computer A resources offline:
      1. From the Cluster Administrator window, in the left window panel, select Groups.
      2. Select DB2 Group 0. The resources for the group display in the right window panel.
        • For DB2 Group 0 the DB2 resources include Partition 0 and the DAS.
      3. In the right window panel, right-click one of the resources, select Take Offline.
        • Repeat this step for each of the DB2 resources in DB2 Group 0.
      4. Select DB2 Group 1. The resources for the group display in the right window panel.
        • For DB2 Group 1 the DB2 resources include Partition 1.
      5. In the right window panel, right-click the resource (Partition 1), select Take Offline.
  6. Start the cluster service on computer B.

    If the installation required a restart of your computer, and, if the Restart Type for the cluster service is set to automatic, skip this step because the cluster service is already started.

    To start the cluster service:

    1. From the Component Services window, right-click Cluster Service.
    2. Click Start.
  7. Move DB2 Group 0 and DB2 Group 1 to computer B.
    1. From the Cluster Administrator window, click DB2 Group 0.
    2. Right-click, select Move Group. The Owner column changes to computer B.
    3. Click on DB2 Group 1.
    4. Right-click, select Move Group. The Owner column changes to computer B.
  8. Bring the DB2 resources on computer B online.
    1. Partition 0, Partition 1, and the DAS are now resources on computer B. These must be brought back online one at a time. To bring these resources online:
      1. From the Cluster Administrator window, in the left window panel, select Groups.
      2. Select DB2 Group 0. The resources for the group display in the right window panel.
        • For DB2 Group 0 the DB2 resources include Partition 0 and the DAS.
      3. In the right window panel, right-click one of the resources, select Bring Online.
        • Repeat this step for each of the DB2 resources in DB2 Group 0.
      4. Select DB2 Group 1. The resources for the group display in the right window panel.
        • For DB2 Group 1 the DB2 resources include Partition 1.
      5. In the right window panel, right-click the resource (Partition 1), select Bring Online.
    2. Migrate all DB2 instances and all DB2 databases.
      1. Migrate all DB2 instances using the db2imigr command:
        1. To find all DB2 instances, run the db2ilist command.
        2. To migrate each DB2 instance, run the db2imigr command. This command is located under the sqllib\bin directory and must be run for each DB2 instance.
      2. Migrate all DB2 databases using the migrate database command.
  9. Stop the cluster service on computer A.
    1. From the Component Services window, right-click Cluster Service.
    2. Click Stop.
  10. Download and install DB2 UDB Version 8.2.2 (equivalent to Version 8.1 FixPak 9) on computer A.
    • DB2 is still running and available on computer A.
    • As part of the installation process, you might have to restart your computer.
    • You do not need to run the db2imigr and migrate database commands on computer A because you have already run these commands on computer B.
  11. Start the cluster service on computer A.

    If the installation required a restart of your computer, and, if the Restart Type is set to automatic, skip this step because the cluster service is already started.

    To start the cluster service:

    1. From the Component Services window, right-click Cluster Service.
    2. Click Start.
  12. Move DB2 Group 0 to computer A.
    1. From the Cluster Administrator window, click DB2 Group 0.
    2. Right-click, select Move Group. The Owner column changes to computer A.
    This action brings the MSCS environment back to the initial configuration.
  13. If automatic failback was turned off in Step 1, you must turn it on.
    1. In DB2 Group 0, to enable automatic failback:
      1. From the Cluster Administrator GUI, right-click DB2 Group 0.
      2. Select Properties. The DB2 Group 0 Properties window opens.
      3. On the Failback tab, select the Allow failback radio button.
      4. Click OK.
    2. In DB2 Group 1, to enable automatic failback:
      1. From the Cluster Administrator window, right-click DB2 Group 1.
      2. Select Properties. The DB2 Group 1 Properties window opens.
      3. On the Failback tab, select the Allow failback radio button.
      4. Click OK.

Database migration (HP-UX on IA64)

Database migration is not supported for DB2 Universal Database (UDB) for HP-UX on IA64 throughout the Version 8.x releases.

Restoring a Version 7 DB2 backup image to a Version 8 instance is not supported on DB2 UDB for HP-UX on IA64.

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