Uninstallation information

Uninstalling DB2 UDB silently (Windows)

To remove DB2(R) products silently using the msiexec command:

   msiexec /x <product_code> /qn

where <product code> represents the code for the product you want to remove.

Here is a list of the DB2 product codes:

DB2 Universal Database(TM) Enterprise Server Edition (ESE)
DB2 Universal Database Workgroup Server Edition (WSE)
DB2 Universal Database Express Edition (EXP)
DB2 Universal Database Personal Edition (PE)
DB2 Warehouse Manager (WM)
DB2 Data Links Manager (DLM)
Relational Connect (RCON)
DB2 Connect(TM) Enterprise Edition (CEE)
DB2 Connect Personal Edition (CPE)
DB2 Administration Client (ADMCL)
DB2 Application Development Client (ADCL)
DB2 Run-Time Client (RTCL)
DB2 Eclipse Documentation (DOCE)
DB2 Query Patroller (QP)
Life Sciences Data Connect (LSDC)
DB2 Cube Views(TM) (CUBE)
DB2 Spatial Extender (SE)

If you want to remove DB2 UDB Enterprise Edition, enter the following command

   msiexec /x {D8F53726-C7AD-11D4-9155-00203586D551} /qn

The following DB2 product codes are no longer supported in DB2 UDB Version 8.2:

Product code for DB2 Information Center removal using a silent uninstall (Windows)

When removing the DB2 Information Center using a silent uninstall on Windows(R), use the following product code:

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