IBM DB2 Universal Database Version 8.2 FixPak 3 (equivalent to Version 8.1 FixPak 10) Readme Contents 1.0 Installing IBM DB2 Universal Database Version 8.2 FixPak 3 (Windows) 1.1 Installation delivery 1.2 Pre-installation 1.2.1 Prerequisites 1.2.2 Product fix history 1.2.3 Prior to installing DB2 Version 8.2 FixPak 3 1.3 Installation of DB2 UDB Version 8.2 FixPak 3 1.3.1 Installing a single DB2 UDB product 1.3.2 Installing multiple DB2 UDB products 1.3.3 Installing DB2 UDB using a response file 1.3.4 Installing DB2 UDB in an MSCS environment 1.4 Post-installation 1.4.1 Update the system catalogs 1.4.2 Enabling the DB2 Remote Command Service security feature 1.4.3 Binding bind files 2.0 Migrating database directory files from Version 8.2 back to Version 8.1 3.0 Known problems and workarounds 3.1 Known problems and workarounds (Version 8.2 FixPak 3) 3.1.1 Fixpak level and installation of new products 3.2 Known problems and workarounds (prior to Version 8.2 FixPak 3) 3.2.1 Connecting to host systems from DB2 UDB Workgroup Server Edition and DB2 UDB Express Edition is not permitted 4.0 How to get help 4.1 Where to download the FixPak installation images 5.0 Reference 5.1 PTF information 5.2 Product abbreviations 5.3 Supported languages for DB2 clients available from the FTP site 5.4 Supported products and components by operating system 5.5 Language identifiers 5.6 DB2 Version 8.2 FixPak 3 Command line parameters 5.6.1 Setup command options 6.0 Notices 1.0 Installing IBM DB2 Universal Database Version 8.2 FixPak 3 (Windows) Before installing DB2 Universal Database(TM) (UDB) Version 8.2 FixPak 3, read the appropriate sections of this readme that apply to your installation. Version 8.2 FixPak 3 is equivalent to Version 8.1 FixPak 10. DB2 Version 8.1 FixPak 10 is the tenth ship vehicle for DB2 Version 8. All ship vehicles are cumulative in nature. For example, this FixPak can be applied on top of FixPak 7 without applying FixPak 8 or FixPak 9. If you migrate from DB2 UDB Version 8.1 to DB2 UDB Version 8.2, and then need to move back to DB2 UDB Version 8.1, there are important considerations you need to know. For instructions on how to move back to DB2 UDB Version 8.1, see the "Migrating database directory files from Version 8.2 back to Version 8.1" section. 1.1 Installation delivery Starting with DB2(R) UDB Version 8 for Windows(R) FixPak 3, IBM(R) is providing product-specific FixPaks instead of one general FixPak. This change affects only DB2 Version 8 products on Windows platforms. This new delivery mechanism provides the following advantages: * Less disk space is required on the operating system drive. * The overall amount of disk space required for the installation is reduced. * Easier installation for rollout scenarios at a FixPak or modification level later than Version 8 General Availability (GA) level. If you have only one DB2 Version 8 for Windows product installed, you need to download the corresponding product-specific FixPak. If you have more than one DB2 Version 8 product installed on the same system, you must download and uncompress all of the corresponding product-specific FixPaks before starting the FixPak installation process. For example, if you have DB2 Enterprise Server Edition and DB2 Warehouse Manager installed, you must download and uncompress both DB2 Enterprise Server Edition (ESE) and DB2 Warehouse Manager (WM) FixPaks. You can uncompress the DB2 products into the directory path of your choice, however, you need to consider how you plan to install DB2 Version 8.2 FixPak 3: * If you plan to install DB2 Version 8.2 FixPak 3 using the DB2 Setup wizard GUI, the setup command detects the other installed DB2 products. If all product images are uncompressed into subdirectories under the same parent directory, the setup command automatically starts the installation of all DB2 products without prompting you. If product images are uncompressed into different directories, the setup command detects the other installed DB2 products and prompts you for each directory path. * If you plan to install DB2 Version 8.2 FixPak 3 in silent mode, all the product images must be uncompressed into subdirectories under the same parent directory. See the "Installation of DB2 UDB Version 8.2 FixPak 3" section for details. If you do not already have a DB2 Version 8 for Windows product installed, the installation proceeds but the products go into Try & Buy mode, a complementary copy for a limited time. The delivery mechanism supports all installation scenarios. Note: You must have the product license installed before installing a refresh image of either the DB2 Information Integrator Relational Wrapper product or the DB2 Information Integrator Nonrelational Wrapper product. Otherwise, you receive an error message. If you do not already have either of these products installed, the installation does not go into Try & Buy mode. 1.2 Pre-installation This section details the prerequisite information (including software, hardware, and operating system prerequisites) you need, points to where the product fix history is located, and lists the tasks that must be performed prior to installing DB2 UDB. 1.2.1 Prerequisites Consult the following Web sites for the latest software, hardware, operating system and product fix information: 1. For operating system requirements, see * 2. For a list of all fixed bugs (called APARs) and support news, see * If you have received special fixes from IBM support, you must contact IBM support before you install DB2 UDB Version 8.2 FixPak 3 to check if you need an updated version of the special fixes. This helps to ensure that your system is in a consistent state and that no special fixes are lost. You must have a DB2 product Version 8 installed at a lower VRMF (version, release, modification/maintenance level, and fix) level than DB2 Version 8.2 FixPak 3 before you install Version 8.2 FixPak 3. If you have a DB2 Version 8 product already installed, it must be at a lower service level than DB2 Version 8.2 FixPak 3. There are various methods to determine the version and level of the currently installed DB2 product. You can: * Enter the db2level command from a command prompt. The command displays the informational tokens, for example "DB2" indicates FixPak 5 is installed. * Open the Control panel and select Add/Remove Programs. Look for entries starting with DB2. These are the DB2 products installed on your computer. Click on the support information link to display the version installed. For example, Version 8.1.3 indicates FixPak 3 is installed. * Enter the regedit command from a command prompt and check the following values under the registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM\DB2\<product name>\CurrentVersion\Version HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM\DB2\<product name>\CurrentVersion\Release HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\IBM\DB2\<product name>\CurrentVersion\Modification The following values should display: * Version "8" * Release "1" * Modification "x" where x should be lower than the level of the DB2 Version 8.2 FixPak 3. The values for Version, Release, and Modification correspond to the first three numbers of the VRMF number. The value for Modification in the registry for the currently installed products must be less than the third number of the VRMF number for DB2 Version 8.2 FixPak 3, which is "10". 1.2.2 Product fix history For a list of all product fixes (APARs) and support news, see Web site * 1.2.3 Prior to installing DB2 Version 8.2 FixPak 3 Read the Known problems and workarounds sections before installing DB2 Version 8.2 FixPak 3. Before starting the installation, you must also: * Verify that you have enough space to install the FixPak or the modification level. You need enough space to uncompress the self-extracting zip file. * Ensure that your system has met all of the installation prerequisites including operating system patches. This prevents technical problems that might occur after the installation and configuration of DB2 products. * Before installing DB2 Version 8.2 FixPak 3, you must confirm you have reviewed and accept the license terms and conditions located in the "db2\license" directory of the uncompressed FixPak installation image. If you install DB2 products using a response file, you must change the keyword LIC_AGREEMENT to ACCEPT to indicate your acceptance of the license agreement. * If you have DB2 Version 8 products already installed, ensure all DB2 instances, all DB2 services, and all applications are stopped. To stop all instances and DB2 services, use the services control panel applet (Control Panel ->Administrative Tools -> Services). If you have active database clients, you might have to force these clients off while stopping the instance. To force clients, issue the following command: db2stop force For more information on stopping an instance, see 1.3 Installation of DB2 UDB Version 8.2 FixPak 3 DB2 UDB Version 8.2 FixPak 3 can be installed in the following ways: * installing a single DB2 UDB product * installing multiple DB2 UDB products * using a response file (single product or multiple products) * in an MSCS environment. Select the method appropriate for you. 1.3.1 Installing a single DB2 UDB product DB2 UDB Version 8.2 FixPak 3 images can be downloaded from the DB2 Technical support Web site, directly from the IBM anonymous FTP server, or images are available on the FixPak CD. Procedure To install the DB2 Version 8.2 FixPak 3 on a system with a single DB2 product installed: 1. Ensure that all DB2 processes and services are stopped. 2. Download the FixPak installation image directly from the DB2 Technical Support Web site at: 3. To uncompress the self-extracting image, double click the self-extracting .exe file. For example, if you have the DB2 Enterprise Server Edition product on Windows 32-bit double click on FP10_WR21362_ESE.exe. The WinZip Self Extractor window opens. You can also uncompress the fixpak installation image using an unzip compatible utility. For example, to uncompress the DB2 Enterprise Server Edition product to a directory of your choice, enter: winzip32 FP10_WR21362_ESE.exe -e 4. Select the folder to unzip the files. 5. Click Unzip. All files are unzipped to the specified folder. 6. Change to the folder where the unzipped files are located. The setup command is located under the folder with the product abbreviation. For example, DB2 Enterprise Server Edition would be under ESE. 7. To start the DB2 Setup wizard, double click the setup.exe file. The DB2 Setup wizard GUI Launchpad opens. Online help is available to guide you through the Setup wizard GUI. To invoke the online help, click Help or press F1. 1.3.2 Installing multiple DB2 UDB products DB2 UDB Version 8.2 FixPak 3 images can be downloaded from the DB2 Technical support Web site, directly from the IBM anonymous FTP server, or images are available on the FixPak CD. Procedure To install DB2 Version 8.2 FixPak 3 on a system with multiple DB2 products installed: 1. Ensure that all DB2 processes and services are stopped. 2. Download the FixPak installation images directly from the DB2 Technical Support Web site at: 3. Uncompress the self-extracting images for all DB2 products you have installed. * To uncompress the self-extracting image, double click the self-extracting .exe file. For example, if you have the DB2 Enterprise Server Edition product on Windows 32-bit double click on FP10_WR21362_ESE.exe. The WinZip Self Extractor window opens. You can also uncompress the fixpak installation images using an unzip compatible utility. For example, to uncompress the DB2 Enterprise Server Edition product to a directory of your choice, enter: winzip32 FP10_WR21362_ESE.exe -e * Select the folder to unzip the files. * Click Unzip. All files are unzipped to the specified folder. All images must be uncompressed. 4. Change to the folder where the unzipped files are located. The setup command is located under the folder with the product abbreviation. For example, DB2 Enterprise Server Edition would be under ESE. 5. To start the DB2 Setup wizard, double click the setup.exe file. The DB2 Setup wizard GUI Launchpad opens. The Setup wizard GUI detects the other installed DB2 products. * If all the product images are uncompressed into subdirectories under the same parent directory, the DB2 Setup wizard GUI automatically starts the installation of all DB2 products without prompting you. * If the product images are uncompressed into different directories, the Setup wizard GUI detects the other installed DB2 products and prompts you for the directory path. 1.3.3 Installing DB2 UDB using a response file DB2 UDB Version 8.2 FixPak 3 images can be downloaded from the DB2 Technical support Web site, directly from the IBM anonymous FTP server, or images are available on the FixPak CD. Procedure To install DB2 Version 8.2 FixPak 3 using a response file: 1. Ensure that all DB2 processes and services are stopped. 2. Download the FixPak installation images directly from the DB2 Technical Support Web site at: Download the images for all the products you have installed. 3. Uncompress the self-extracting images for all DB2 products you have installed. * To uncompress the self-extracting image, double click the self-extracting .exe file. For example, if you have the DB2 Enterprise Server Edition product on Windows 32-bit double click on FP10_WR21362_ESE.exe. The WinZip Self Extractor window opens. You can also uncompress the fixpak installation images using an unzip compatible utility. For example, to uncompress the DB2 Enterprise Server Edition product to a directory of your choice, enter: winzip32 FP10_WR21362_ESE.exe -e * Select the folder to unzip the files. * Click Unzip. All files are unzipped to the specified directory. All images must be uncompressed to subdirectories under the same parent directory. 4. Change to the folder where the unzipped files are located. The setup command is located under the folder with the product abbreviation. For example, DB2 Enterprise Server Edition would be under ESE. 5. To install DB2 Version 8.2 FixPak 3 in silent mode, run the installation with a response file. For example, enter: setup -u e:\db2fixpk.rsp -t c:\db2fixpk.trc -l c:\db2fixpk.log If you have more than one DB2 Version 8 product installed, the Setup wizard GUI detects the other installed DB2 products. The installation fails if all uncompressed product images are not in subdirectories under the same parent directory. For a description of the setup command, see the DB2 Version 8.2 FixPak 3 Command line parameters section. Sample response files can be found in the <product-abbreviation>\db2\windows\samples directory. For example, ESE\db2\windows\samples. 1.3.4 Installing DB2 UDB in an MSCS environment This topic describes how to install DB2 UDB Version 8.2 FixPak 3 on top of an existing Version 8 installation in a Microsoft(R) Cluster Server (MSCS) environment. Assumptions: To illustrate how to install DB2 Version 8.2 FixPak 3 in an MSCS environment, a simple example configuration must be understood. In this example, the initial configuration is a DB2 instance that is comprised of two partitions. In addition, there are two Cluster Groups: * DB2 Group 0: contains Partition 0 active on Machine A. The Administration Server (DAS) is also located here. * DB2 Group 1: contains Partition 1 active on Machine B. This is the initial configuration. Procedure To install DB2 UDB Version 8.2 FixPak 3 on top of an existing Version 8 installation in an MSCS environment: 1. Set automatic failback to off. During the installation process you might have to restart your machine. When this happens the cluster service restarts automatically. Therefore the automatic failback must be set off so none of the groups automatically failback. a. In DB2 Group 0, to disable automatic failback: 1) From the Cluster Administrator window, right-click DB2 Group 0. 2) Select Properties. The DB2 Group 0 Properties window displays. 3) On the Failback tab, select the Prevent failback radio button. 4) Click OK. b. In DB2 Group 1, to disable automatic failback: 1) From the Cluster Administrator window, right-click DB2 Group 1. 2) Select Properties. The DB2 Group 1 Properties window displays. 3) On the Failback tab, select the Prevent failback radio button. 4) Click OK. 2. Move DB2 Group 1 to Machine A. a. From the Cluster Administrator GUI, click on DB2 Group 1. b. Right-click, select Move Group. The Owner column changes to Machine A. 3. Stop the cluster service on Machine B. a. From the Component Services window, right-click Cluster Service. b. Click Stop. 4. Download and install DB2 Version 8.2 FixPak 3 on Machine B. Note: * DB2 is still running and available on Machine A. * As part of the installation process, you might have to restart your computer. * The Silent Mode installation process can also be used to install DB2 Version 8.2 FixPak 3. 5. Take the DB2 resources on Machine A offline. a. Partition 0, Partition 1, and the DAS are on Machine A. These must be taken offline one at a time. To take Machine A resources offline: 1) From the Cluster Administrator window, in the left window panel, select Groups. 2) Select DB2 Group 0. The resources for the group display in the right window panel. * For DB2 Group 0 the DB2 resources include Partition 0 and the DAS. 3) In the right window panel, right-click one of the resources, select Take Offline. * Repeat this step for each of the DB2 resources in DB2 Group 0. 4) Select DB2 Group 1. The resources for the group display in the right window panel. * For DB2 Group 1 the DB2 resources include Partition 1. 5) In the right window panel, right-click the resource (Partition 1), select Take Offline. 6. Start the cluster service on Machine B. (If the installation required a restart of your computer, and, if the Restart Type for the cluster service is set to automatic, skip this step because the cluster service is already started.) To start the cluster service: a. From the Component Services window, right-click Cluster Service. b. Click Start. 7. Move DB2 Group 0 and DB2 Group 1 to Machine B. a. From the Cluster Administrator window, click DB2 Group 0. b. Right-click, select Move Group. The Owner column changes to Machine B. c. Click on DB2 Group 1. d. Right-click, select Move Group. The Owner column changes to Machine B. 8. Bring the DB2 resources on Machine B online. a. Partition 0, Partition 1, and the DAS are on Machine B. These must be brought back online one at a time. To bring these resources online: 1) From the Cluster Administrator window, in the left window panel, select Groups. 2) Select DB2 Group 0. The resources for the group display in the right window panel. * For DB2 Group 0 the DB2 resources include Partition 0 and the DAS. 3) In the right window panel, right-click one of the resources, select Bring Online. * Repeat this step for each of the DB2 resources in DB2 Group 0. 4) Select DB2 Group 1. The resources for the group display in the right window panel. * For DB2 Group 1 the DB2 resources include Partition 1. 5) In the right window panel, right-click the resource (Partition 1), select Bring Online. 9. Stop the cluster service on Machine A. a. From the Component Services window, right-click Cluster Service. b. Click Stop. 10. Download and install DB2 Version 8.2 FixPak 3 on Machine A. Note: * DB2 is still running and available on Machine B. * As part of the installation process, you might have to restart your computer. * The Silent Mode installation process can also be used to install DB2 Version 8.2 FixPak 3. 11. Start the cluster service on Machine A. (If the installation required a restart of your computer, and, if the Restart Type is set to automatic, skip this step because the cluster service is already started.) To start the cluster service: a. From the Component Services window, right-click Cluster Service. b. Click Start. 12. Move DB2 Group 0 to Machine A. a. From the Cluster Administrator window, click DB2 Group 0. b. Right-click, select Move Group. The Owner column changes to Machine A. This brings the MSCS environment back to the initial configuration. 13. If automatic failback was turned off in Step 1, you must turn it on. a. In DB2 Group 0, to enable automatic failback: 1) From the Cluster Administrator GUI, right-click DB2 Group 0. 2) Select Properties. The DB2 Group 0 Properties window displays. 3) On the Failback tab, select the Allow failback radio button. 4) Click OK. b. In DB2 Group 1, to enable automatic failback: 1) From the Cluster Administrator window, right-click DB2 Group 1. 2) Select Properties. The DB2 Group 1 Properties window displays. 3) On the Failback tab, select the Allow failback radio button. 4) Click OK. 1.4 Post-installation After installing DB2 Version 8.2 FixPak 3, do the following: * Update the system catalogs * Enable the DB2 Remote Command Service security feature * Bind the bind files After applying a fixpak, it is not mandatory to recompile applications. However, to take advantage of any changes to the files linked to in the application, recompiling applications is recommended. 1.4.1 Update the system catalogs This task is strongly recommended if you want to use capabilities specific to the latest FixPak. If you are not planning to use capabilities specific to the latest FixPak and might possibly decide to return to an earlier FixPak, you should not use db2updv8. After installing DB2 Universal Database (UDB) Version 8.2 FixPak 3, run the db2updv8 command to update the system catalogs to support the current level by enabling several built-in routines. Running the db2updv8 command is not required, but some functionality in DB2 UDB Version 8.2 will not work if this command is not run. For more information on the db2updv8 command, run this command with the -h option. For technical information, search the Information Center for Update Database to Version 8 Current Level Command. 1.4.2 Enabling the DB2 Remote Command Service security feature If you installed a partitioned DB2 server on Windows 2000, Windows Server 2003, or Windows XP, you must enable the DB2 Remote Command Service security feature to protect your data and resources. To be fully secure, you need to enable either the computer, if the service is running under the context of the LocalSystem account, or a user for delegation, if the service is being run under the logon context of a user. To enable the DB2 Remote Command Service security feature: 1. Open the Active Directory Users and Computers window on the domain controller, click Start and select Programs --> Administrative tools --> Active Directory Users and Computers. 2. In the right window panel, right-click on the computer or user to enable, select Properties. 3. Click the General tab and select the Trust computer for delegation check box. For user setting, click the Account tab and select the Account is trusted for delegation check box in the Account option group. Ensure that the Account is sensitive and cannot be delegated box has not been checked. 4. Click OK to enable the computer or user for delegation. Repeat these steps for each computer or user that needs to be enabled. You must restart your computer for the security change to take effect. Disabling the DB2 Remote Command Service security feature You can disable the DB2 Remote Command Service security feature and return the environment to its previous state using the DB2RCMD_LEGACY_MODE registry variable. To disable the DB2 Remote Command Service security feature, enter the following command: db2set DB2RCMD_LEGACY_MODE=ON Note: This registry variable requires Boolean values as arguments, the values YES, 1, TRUE, and ON are all equivalent and the values NO, 0, FALSE, and OFF are also equivalent. You can specify any of the appropriate equivalent values. 1.4.3 Binding bind files You need to bind your DB2 utilities against all your databases after the installation. This step is necessary for the fixes to become effective. The binding procedure, needs to be performed only once per database. Binding to DB2 UDB databases After applying fixes, you must issue one of the following command sequences: db2 terminate db2 CONNECT TO <dbname> db2 BIND $DB2DIR\BND\@db2ubind.lst GRANT PUBLIC ACTION ADD db2 terminate or At the DB2 command line, enter: TERMINATE CONNECT TO <dbname> BIND <path>/@db2ubind.lst BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC ACTION ADD TERMINATE where <dbname> represents the name of a database to which the utilities should be bound and $DB2DIR represents the directory where you have installed DB2. db2ubind.lst and db2cli.lst contain lists of required bind files used by DB2 UDB Version 8. Packages that are already bound will return an SQL0719 error. This is expected. Binding host databases If you are connecting to host databases, you need to bind the new bind files to the host. Use the DB2 Command Line Processor to connect to the host database and bind the utilities as follows: HOST COMMAND ===== =================================================================== MVS BIND $DB2DIR\BND\@ddcsmvs.lst BLOCKING ALL SQLERROR CONTINUE GRANT PUBLIC ACTION ADD VM BIND $DB2DIR\BND\@ddcsvm.lst BLOCKING ALL SQLERROR CONTINUE GRANT PUBLIC ACTION ADD VSE BIND $DB2DIR\BND\@ddcsvse.lst BLOCKING ALL SQLERROR CONTINUE GRANT PUBLIC ACTION ADD OS400 BIND $DB2DIR\BND\@ddcs400.lst BLOCKING ALL SQLERROR CONTINUE GRANT PUBLIC ACTION ADD Binding specific bind files If you want to bind only the specific .bnd files to the database, issue the following commands for each database. db2 terminate db2 CONNECT TO <dbname> db2 BIND $DB2DIR\BND\<bind_file> BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC sqlerror continue db2 terminate where <bind_file> represents the name of the bind file, and <dbname> represents the name of your database. Binding db2schema.bnd to existing databases For installations on the server, an additional bind file needs to be bound to existing databases. This requirement does not apply to clients. Procedure To bind db2schema.bnd on the server, execute one of these commands sequences: At a command prompt: db2 terminate db2 CONNECT TO <dbname> db2 BIND $DB2DIR\BND\db2schema.bnd BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC sqlerror continue db2 terminate or, At the DB2 command line: TERMINATE CONNECT TO <dbname> BIND $DB2DIR\BND\db2schema.bnd BLOCKING ALL GRANT PUBLIC sqlerror continue TERMINATE where <dbname> represents the name of a database to which the utilities should be bound and $DB2DIR represents the directory where you have installed DB2. Binding spatial-enabled databases If you have existing spatial-enabled databases, you must bind the list file db2gse.lst after you install a DB2 FixPak or patch. The db2gse.lst file contains the names of the bind files for the stored procedures that DB2 Spatial Extender provides. Prerequisites To bind the db2gse.lst file, you must have one of the following authorities: * sysadm or dbadm authority * ALTERIN privilege on the schema * BIND privilege on the package Procedure To bind the db2gse.lst file: 1. Change to the instance directory where the bind files are located. Open a DB2 command window and enter the following command: cd %DB2PATH%\bnd 2. Connect to the database and execute the BIND command. For example, enter: db2 connect to dbname db2 bind /home/instance/sqllib/bnd/@db2gse.lst db2 terminate For syntax and options for the BIND command, refer to the DB2 Command Reference. 2.0 Migrating database directory files from Version 8.2 back to Version 8.1 In DB2 UDB Version 8.2. two new fields were added to the database entry structure, therefore the database directory file structure has changed. When migrating from Version 8.1 to Version 8.2 the database directory files will be migrated automatically. However, to demigrate the database directory files from Version 8.2 to Version 8.1, db2demigdbd is required to convert the current database directory files to the Version 8.1 format. You can find documentation for the db2demigdb tool at For more information and how to download the db2demigdb tool, search the Technotes database at using the keywords "db2demigdb tool". 3.0 Known problems and workarounds The following sections detail problems and workarounds you must be aware of prior to installing DB2 UDB Version 8.2 FixPak 3. 3.1 Known problems and workarounds (Version 8.2 FixPak 3) 3.1.1 Fixpak level and installation of new products If you have more than one DB2 product installed on the same computer, you need to update all existing DB2 products to the same fixpak level. For details, see the "Compatibility issues" section of the Version 8.2 FixPak 3 (equivalent to Version 8.1 Fixpak 10) Release Notes. 3.2 Known problems and workarounds (prior to Version 8.2 FixPak 3) 3.2.1 Connecting to host systems from DB2 UDB Workgroup Server Edition and DB2 UDB Express Edition is not permitted Despite the previous ability to connect to host systems from DB2 Universal Database Workgroup Server Edition and DB2 Universal Database Express Edition, beginning with Version 8.2 (Version 8.1 FixPak 7), this connection is no longer permitted. Prior to Version 8.2 (Version 8.1 FixPak 7), when DB2 Workgroup Server Edition or DB2 Express Edition was installed, the JCC Universal Driver file, db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar, was included in \sqllib\java. The JCC Universal Driver did not check user licenses before initiating a host connection. Beginning with Version 8.2 (Version 8.1 FixPak 7), the ability to initiate a host connection is disabled. This change affects the following Version 8.2 products: * DB2 UDB Express Edition * DB2 UDB Express Edition CPU Option * DB2 UDB Workgroup Server Edition * DB2 UDB Workgroup Server Unlimited Edition. 4.0 How to get help To contact DB2 Customer Service by phone: * In Canada and the United States, call 1-800-IBM-SERV (426-7378). * Worldwide, see the Directory of worldwide contacts for information on IBM offices in your country or region, at The main Usenet newsgroup for DB2 product-related questions is For additional information about changes to the product, review the product Release Notes. You can view the latest product Release Notes without installing DB2 Version 8.2 FixPak 3 by going to the DB2 Support Web site: * You can review the Release Notes directly from the DB2 Version 8.2 FixPak 3 CD by going to /doc/%L/db2ir/index.htm, where %L represents the locale name. The DB2 Information Integrator Version 8 Release Notes are located at The DB2 Query Patroller Release Notes are located at 4.1 Where to download the FixPak installation images DB2 Version 8.2 FixPak 3 can be downloaded from: * the DB2 Technical Support Web site directly at: * the IBM anonymous FTP server at * where: * %P represents * db2winIA32v8 for Windows (32-bit) * db2winIA64v8 for Windows (64-bit) Note: All other supported language directories (, where %L represents the appropriate locale, for example, spanish, german) link to the english-us directory. Go to the previously mentioned directories to get the FixPak or modification level images with all the supported languages. * the FixPak CD. A FixPak CD can be ordered separately by contacting DB2 Customer Service. See the How to get help section for details. 5.0 Reference The following reference information is available: * PTF information * Product abbreviations * Supported languages for DB2 clients * Supported products and components by operating system * Language identifier * DB2 Version 8.2 FixPak 3 Command line parameters. 5.1 PTF information The following table details the PTF information: +------------------------------------------+--------------------------+ | Operating system or product | PTF | +------------------------------------------+--------------------------+ | Windows 32-bit | WR21362 | +------------------------------------------+--------------------------+ | Windows 64-bit | WR21363 | +------------------------------------------+--------------------------+ | Windows x86-64 | WR21364 | +------------------------------------------+--------------------------+ 5.2 Product abbreviations The following product abbreviations should be used when searching directories or when identifying files to uncompress: ADMCL DB2 Administration Client ADCL DB2 Application Development Client CONEE DB2 Connect(TM) Enterprise Edition, DB2 Connect Unlimited Edition, or DB2 Connect Application Server Edition CONPE DB2 Connect Personal Edition CUBE DB2 Cube Views DLM DB2 Data Links Manager ESE DB2 UDB Enterprise Server Edition EXP DB2 UDB Express Edition, or DB2 UDB Express Edition processor option IINW DB2 Information Integrator Nonrelational Wrappers IIRW DB2 Information Integrator Relational Wrappers PE DB2 UDB Personal Edition QP DB2 Query Patroller RTCL DB2 Run-Time Client GSE DB2 Spatial Extender WM DB2 Warehouse Manager WSE DB2 UDB Workgroup Server Edition or DB2 UDB Workgroup Server Unlimited Edition 5.3 Supported languages for DB2 clients available from the FTP site The following table details the supported languages for DB2 clients that are available from the FTP site: +--------------+-------------------+---------------------+------------+ | Operating | DB2 | DB2 Application | DB2 | | System | Administration | Development Client | Run-Time | | | Client | | Client | +--------------+-------------------+---------------------+------------+ | AIX(R) 4.3.3 | * SBCS1 | * SBCS1 (English, | All | | (32-bit) | (English, French, | French, German, and | supported | | | German, and | Italian) | languages | | | Italian) | * SBCS2 (English, | are in one | | | * SBCS2 | Brazilian | tarred | | | (English, | Portuguese, and | file | | | Brazilian | Spanish) | | | | Portuguese, and | * NORDIC (English, | | | | Spanish) | Danish, Finnish, | | | | * NORDIC | Norwegian, and | | | | (English, Danish, | Swedish) | | | | Finnish, | * DBCS (English, | | | | Norwegian, and | Japanese, Korean, | | | | Swedish) | Simplified Chinese, | | | | * DBCS (English, | and Traditional | | | | Japanese, Korean, | Chinese) | | | | Simplified | | | | | Chinese, and | | | | | Traditional | | | | | Chinese) | | | +--------------+-------------------+---------------------+------------+ | AIX 5L(TM) | * SBCS (English, | * SBCS (English, | All | | (32-bit and | Brazilian | Brazilian | supported | | 64-bit) | Portuguese, | Portuguese, Danish, | languages | | | Danish, Finnish, | Finnish, French, | are in one | | | French, German, | German, Italian, | tarred | | | Italian, | Norwegian, Spanish, | file | | | Norwegian, | and Swedish) | | | | Spanish, and | * DBCS (English, | | | | Swedish) | Japanese, Korean, | | | | * DBCS (English, | Simplified Chinese, | | | | Japanese, Korean, | and Traditional | | | | Simplified | Chinese) | | | | Chinese, and | | | | | Traditional | | | | | Chinese) | | | +--------------+-------------------+---------------------+------------+ | HP-UX 11i | All supported | All supported | All | | (PA-RISC) | languages are in | languages are in | supported | | and HP-UX | one tarred file | one tarred file | languages | | 11i v2 | | | are in one | | (IA64) | | | tarred | | (32-bit and | | | file | | 64-bit) | | | | +--------------+-------------------+---------------------+------------+ | Linux(TM) | All supported | All supported | All | | | languages are in | languages are in | supported | | | one tarred file | one tarred file | languages | | | | | are in one | | | | | tarred | | | | | file | +--------------+-------------------+---------------------+------------+ | Solaris | All supported | All supported | All | | Operating | languages are in | languages are in | supported | | Environments | one tarred file | one tarred file | languages | | | | | are in one | | | | | tarred | | | | | file | +--------------+-------------------+---------------------+------------+ | Windows | All supported | All supported | All | | | languages are in | languages are in | supported | | | one | one self-extracting | languages | | | self-extracting | zip file | are in one | | | zip file | | self-extra | | | | | cting zip | | | | | file | +--------------+-------------------+---------------------+------------+ 5.4 Supported products and components by operating system DB2 products continue to be supported on Windows 98, Windows ME and Windows NT(R) until DB2 Version 8.1 goes out of service. For existing installations and new installations of DB2 products, upgrading to a more current operating system version of Windows (such as Windows 2003) is recommended. The following lists show the supported products and components for each Windows operating system: Windows XP 32-bit * DB2 Administration Client, Version 8 * DB2 Application Development Client, Version 8 * DB2 Connect Personal Edition, Version 8 * DB2 Cube Views, Version 8 * DB2 Information Center, Version 8 * DB2 PDF Documentation, Version 8 * DB2 Query Patroller, Version 8 * DB2 Run-Time Client, Version 8 * DB2 Run-Time Client Lite, Version 8 * DB2 Spatial Extender, Version 8 * DB2 UDB Express, Version 8 * DB2 UDB Personal Edition, Version 8 * DB2 UDB Workgroup Server Edition, Version 8 * DB2 UDB Workgroup Server Unlimited Edition, Version 8 * DB2 Warehouse Manager, Version 8 Windows XP 64-bit * DB2 Administration Client, Version 8 * DB2 Application Development Client, Version 8 * DB2 Connect Personal Edition, Version 8 * DB2 Information Center, Version 8 * DB2 PDF Documentation, Version 8 * DB2 Query Patroller, Version 8 * DB2 Run-Time Client, Version 8 * DB2 Spatial Extender, Version 8 * DB2 UDB Express Edition, Version 8 * DB2 UDB Personal Edition, Version 8 * DB2 UDB Workgroup Server Edition, Version 8 * DB2 UDB Workgroup Server Unlimited Edition, Version 8 Windows 2000 * DB2 Administration Client, Version 8 * DB2 Application Development Client, Version 8 * DB2 Connect Application Server Edition, Version 8 * DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition, Version 8 * DB2 Connect Personal Edition, Version 8 * DB2 Connect Unlimited Edition, Version 8 * DB2 Connect for iSeries, Version 8 * DB2 Cube Views, Version 8 * DB2 Data Links Manager, Version 8 * DB2 Information Center, Version 8 * DB2 PDF Documentation, Version 8 * DB2 Query Patroller, Version 8 * DB2 Run-Time Client, Version 8 * DB2 Run-Time Client Lite, Version 8 * DB2 Spatial Extender, Version 8 * DB2 UDB Enterprise Server Edition, Version 8 * DB2 UDB Express, Version 8 * DB2 UDB Personal Edition, Version 8 * DB2 UDB Workgroup Server Edition, Version 8 * DB2 UDB Workgroup Server Unlimited Edition, Version 8 * DB2 Warehouse Manager, Version 8 Windows Server 2003 32-bit * DB2 Administration Client, Version 8 * DB2 Application Development Client, Version 8 * DB2 Connect Application Server Edition, Version 8 * DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition, Version 8 * DB2 Connect Personal Edition, Version 8 * DB2 Connect Unlimited Edition, Version 8 * DB2 Connect for iSeries, Version 8 * DB2 Cube Views, Version 8 * DB2 Information Center, Version 8 * DB2 PDF Documentation, Version 8 * DB2 Query Patroller, Version 8 * DB2 Run-Time Client, Version 8 * DB2 Run-Time Client Lite, Version 8 * DB2 Spatial Extender, Version 8 * DB2 UDB Enterprise Server Edition, Version 8 * DB2 UDB Express, Version 8 * DB2 UDB Personal Edition, Version 8 * DB2 UDB Workgroup Server Edition, Version 8 * DB2 UDB Workgroup Server Unlimited Edition, Version 8 * DB2 Warehouse Manager, Version 8 Windows Server 2003 64-bit * DB2 Administration Client, Version 8 * DB2 Application Development Client, Version 8 * DB2 Connect Application Server Edition, Version 8 * DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition, Version 8 * DB2 Connect Personal Edition, Version 8 * DB2 Connect Unlimited Edition, Version 8 * DB2 Connect for iSeries, Version 8 * DB2 Information Center, Version 8 * DB2 Query Patroller, Version 8 * DB2 PDF Documentation, Version 8 * DB2 Run-Time Client, Version 8 * DB2 Spatial Extender, Version 8 * DB2 UDB Enterprise Server Edition, Version 8 * DB2 UDB Express Edition, Version 8 * DB2 UDB Personal Edition, Version 8 * DB2 UDB Workgroup Server Edition, Version 8 * DB2 UDB Workgroup Server Unlimited Edition, Version 8 5.5 Language identifiers If you want to run a DB2 command in a language other than the default language on your computer, specify a language identifier. The language must be available on the platform on which you are running the installation. Table 1. Language identifiers +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | Language | Language identifier | +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | Arabic | ar | +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | Brazilian Portuguese | br | +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | Bulgarian | bg | +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | Chinese, Simplified | cn | +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | Chinese, Traditional | tw | +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | Croatian | hr | +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | Czech | cz | +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | Danish | dk | +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | Dutch | nl | +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | English | en | +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | Finnish | fi | +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | French | fr | +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | German | de | +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | Greek | el | +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | Hebrew | iw | +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | Hungarian | hu | +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | Italian | it | +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | Japanese | jp | +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | Korean | kr | +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | Norwegian | no | +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | Polish | pl | +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | Portuguese | pt | +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | Romanian | ro | +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | Russian | ru | +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | Slovak | sk | +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | Slovenian | sl | +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | Spanish | es | +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | Swedish | se | +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ | Turkish | tr | +----------------------------------+----------------------------------+ 5.6 DB2 Version 8.2 FixPak 3 Command line parameters 5.6.1 Setup command options The setup command is run after the FixPak installation image is uncompressed. The options are: -c This parameter ensures that the setup.exe exits immediately after starting the installation. By selecting this option, the return code of the installation is not available when monitoring the exit code of setup.exe. -f This parameter forces any DB2 process to stop before installation begins. -i language Represents the two-letter language code of the language in which to perform the installation. For a list of languages, see the Language identifiers section. -l log_file This parameter shows the log file for the installation. The default is My Documents\DB2LOG\db2wi.log -m This parameter is used with -u option to show the progress dialog during the installation. It will not prompt for any input. -p install_directory This parameter changes the installation path of the product. Specifying this option overrides the installation path that is specified in the response file. -t trace_file Shows the location of the trace file used when capturing detailed diagnostic information. -u response_file Gives the location of the path and file name of the response file to use. -?, -h This parameter generates usage information. 6.0 Notices IBM may not offer the products, services, or features discussed in this document in all countries. Consult your local IBM representative for information on the products and services currently available in your area. Any reference to an IBM product, program, or service is not intended to state or imply that only that IBM product, program, or service may be used. Any functionally equivalent product, program, or service that does not infringe any IBM intellectual property right may be used instead. However, it is the user's responsibility to evaluate and verify the operation of any non-IBM product, program, or service. IBM may have patents or pending patent applications covering subject matter described in this document. The furnishing of this document does not give you any license to these patents. You can send license inquiries, in writing, to: IBM Director of Licensing IBM Corporation North Castle Drive Armonk, NY 10504-1785 U.S.A. For license inquiries regarding double-byte (DBCS) information, contact the IBM Intellectual Property Department in your country/region or send inquiries, in writing, to: IBM World Trade Asia Corporation Licensing 2-31 Roppongi 3-chome, Minato-ku Tokyo 106, Japan The following paragraph does not apply to the United Kingdom or any other country/region where such provisions are inconsistent with local law: INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MACHINES CORPORATION PROVIDES THIS PUBLICATION "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY, OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Some states do not allow disclaimer of express or implied warranties in certain transactions; therefore, this statement may not apply to you. This information could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication. IBM may make improvements and/or changes in the product(s) and/or the program(s) described in this publication at any time without notice. Any references in this information to non-IBM Web sites are provided for convenience only and do not in any manner serve as an endorsement of those Web sites. The materials at those Web sites are not part of the materials for this IBM product, and use of those Web sites is at your own risk. IBM may use or distribute any of the information you supply in any way it believes appropriate without incurring any obligation to you. Licensees of this program who wish to have information about it for the purpose of enabling: (i) the exchange of information between independently created programs and other programs (including this one) and (ii) the mutual use of the information that has been exchanged, should contact: IBM Canada Limited Office of the Lab Director 8200 Warden Avenue Markham, Ontario L6G 1C7 CANADA Such information may be available, subject to appropriate terms and conditions, including in some cases payment of a fee. The licensed program described in this document and all licensed material available for it are provided by IBM under terms of the IBM Customer Agreement, IBM International Program License Agreement, or any equivalent agreement between us. Any performance data contained herein was determined in a controlled environment. Therefore, the results obtained in other operating environments may vary significantly. Some measurements may have been made on development-level systems, and there is no guarantee that these measurements will be the same on generally available systems. Furthermore, some measurements may have been estimated through extrapolation. Actual results may vary. Users of this document should verify the applicable data for their specific environment. Information concerning non-IBM products was obtained from the suppliers of those products, their published announcements, or other publicly available sources. IBM has not tested those products and cannot confirm the accuracy of performance, compatibility, or any other claims related to non-IBM products. Questions on the capabilities of non-IBM products should be addressed to the suppliers of those products. All statements regarding IBM's future direction or intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice, and represent goals and objectives only. This information may contain examples of data and reports used in daily business operations. To illustrate them as completely as possible, the examples include the names of individuals, companies, brands, and products. All of these names are fictitious, and any similarity to the names and addresses used by an actual business enterprise is entirely coincidental. COPYRIGHT LICENSE: This information may contain sample application programs, in source language, which illustrate programming techniques on various operating platforms. You may copy, modify, and distribute these sample programs in any form without payment to IBM for the purposes of developing, using, marketing, or distributing application programs conforming to the application programming interface for the operating platform for which the sample programs are written. These examples have not been thoroughly tested under all conditions. IBM, therefore, cannot guarantee or imply reliability, serviceability, or function of these programs. Each copy or any portion of these sample programs or any derivative work must include a copyright notice as follows: (C) (your company name) (year). Portions of this code are derived from IBM Corp. Sample Programs. (C) Copyright IBM Corp. _enter the year or years_. All rights reserved. IBM, DB2, Universal Database, and S/390 are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States, other countries, or both. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries. 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