Release Notes

6Development Center limitations to run and debug Java stored procedures simultaneously

6The DB2 Universal Database Development Center does not support running and 6debugging Java stored procedures simultaneously. In the Development 6Center, you can either run multiple Java stored procedures at the same time or 6debug a single Java stored procedure; you cannot run a Java stored 6procedure while debugging another Java stored procedure. By default, 6the KEEPFENCED database manager configuration keyword is set to KEEPFENCED=YES 6as required for debugging SQL stored procedures. When the keyword 6KEEPFENCED has the default value YES, the routine process is kept active and 6JVM port conflicts will occur. Java stored procedures will cause a JVM 6exception and will fail in any of the following circumstances when the default 6KEEPFENCED=YES database manager configuration setting is used: 6

6To work around this limitation, ensure that the KEEPFENCED database manager 6configuration keyword is set to KEEPFENCED=NO by running the following 6commands:

6   db2 update dbm cfg using KEEPFENCED NO
6   db2stop
6   db2start

6When KEEPFENCED is set to NO, the db2fmp process will shut down when a Java 6stored procedure call is finished, and DB2 UDB will start a new db2fmp process 6to handle the next routine call. This ensures that there will be no 6existing JVM in debug mode when you start to debug a Java stored 6procedure.

6The KEEPFENCED=YES setting is required to build SQL stored procedures for 6debugging and to debug SQL stored procedures. When KEEPFENCED=NO, you 6can still build and execute SQL stored procedures but you cannot debug 6them.

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