Release Notes

Installing the DB2 Information Center for languages that are not options during installation

The DB2 Setup wizard can install the DB2 HTML documentation only for languages that it also installs with the DB2 product. As a result, the DB2 HTML documentation cannot be installed using the DB2 Setup wizard in the following languages:

To install the DB2 Information Center for one of the languages listed previously:

  1. 3Insert the DB2 HTML Documentation CD in your CD drive.
  2. 3Copy the following directory to your computer: 3

It does not matter where you place the folder. You can also view the DB2 HTML documentation directly from the CD. For instructions on how to do so, see the "Viewing technical information online directly from the DB2 HTML Documentation CD" topic in the appendix of any DB2 Version 8 manual.


  1. To view the documentation, you must use Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or later, or Netscape 6.1 browsers or later.

  2. As well, if you launch the documentation from your product, it will go to the documentation installed as part of your product installation, not to the documentation that you copied manually.

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