Release Notes

6Installing Query Patroller at FixPak 3 level or later

6Query Patroller is a query management system used to control the flow of 6queries against your DB2 UDB database. In DB2 UDB Version 68.1.2, DB2 Query Patroller became a stand-alone product. 6It is no longer a component of the DB2 Warehouse Manager.

6If you have DB2 Version 8 FixPak 3 or later installed and you install the 6DB2 Query Patroller base or GA version, you must reapply DB2 UDB FixPak 3 or 6later. Otherwise, the Query Patroller changes are not applied to the 6DB2 UDB FixPak level you are at.

6If you are installing the Query Patroller server, you must also update the 6DB2 instances after reapplying the DB2 UDB FixPak level. The instances 6must be restarted after they are updated.

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